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Written / Submitted By Our Members of Troy MI TCF beating heart

Tom H.


Tom H., 38

November 13, '52 -
November 2, '91


Tom H.
Photo Here Arrow/Link

From his Mom, Shirley H.

long lashes,
loved to sing,
play piano,
true friend,
and loved by all

Dearest Family & Friends - by (Mom) Shirley H.

This is an open letter to you because you care about me - I need to tell you about my son and the changes that have taken place in my life since my son died. This is difficult for me to write, as you know, because Tom was such a 'special' part of my life. Here is my letter to you -

Tom was born November 13, 1952 - what a joy for me - I fell hopelessly in love with this small child, my first of three, the minute I saw him. Tom was the perfect child to raise. He never disappointed me. He was also great fun, his humor and wit was unlike anything else - I loved him for it. He had his serious side as well and would come home after an evening out with friends and spend time with me discussing all his future hopes and dreams. We had great times, my son and I.

He was kind and compassionate to all who knew him and he had hundreds of friends. Tom especially liked Christmas and would spend hours shopping and wrapping right up to the last minute. I can close my eyes and see him now with that beautiful smile and so very happy -

Tom was married and fathered two little boys during his marriage. He adored them - then he became ill at 35 years old. Cancer was and still is a hurtful word - Tom, my son, was so brave even when he was so sick. It devastated me to watch him die so slowly and painfully. I loved him so - the light of my life - dead at 38 years. I wished, and still do, that I was the one who had gotten so sick. I would have gladly given my life to Tom. I see Tom's sons twice a month and was fortunate to have them for a while month this past summer. I have so much to share with them about their father. Me. I am doing all right I guess. I try to keep busy. Some days, the pain is intolerable and I hide away and cry. The nights especially are long and I ache to hear Tom's voice and see his beautiful face again. November and December are very difficult. I have been running away at Christmas and taking my family with me. This year we are home. Debbie, Linda, Bill and my three grandsons are supportive and we are here for one another. I will never be the same - I miss him so - my beautiful Tommy - With Love, Shirley H.


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Beating Heart from Graphic Station wings found at Lady DJs (site now gone), background + arrows by Roxanne

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The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.