Webpages, Photos, + Writings by Members Copyright © 1996-2004, by TCF Troy MI All rights reserved.
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Inspirational Writings and Poetry on Grief
Written by Others

Some of the writings that has appeared in our newsletter are on these pages.

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You CAN "Take The Tour" and go from page to page of these inspirational writings. Near the bottom of each page is an arrow like this, and a link nearby that says,
        || Next Page ~ Inspirational Writings ||
                [ the link here, starts you on the tour ]
heart "Goodbye 'Best Friend' " by Dave S. Ziv, TCF Southampton PA
heart "Wishes For Bereaved Parents For The Coming Year"
by Joe Rousseau, Former National TCF President
heart "Together We'll Walk The Stepping Stones"
by Barb Williams TCF, Ft. Wayne, IN
heart "The Brightly Shining Light" by Cyndy Estep
for the 1996 world-wide candlelight ceremony
heart "Stillborn" by Leonard Clark
published in "When Hello Means Goodbye"
heart "There Is No Word" by Ken Falk, TCF Northwestern CT
heart "Men Do Cry" by Ken Falk, TCF Northwestern CT
heart "The Three Legged Table" by Scott (Skipper) Smeiska 1996
Reprinted here with special permission
heart "I’m Beginning To Know Your Children"
by Jack Bahm - TCF Louisville KY
heart "To All Parents" by Edgar Guest
heart "Black Smoke" by Lynnette Siler
heart "Have You Decorated Your Tree?" by Lynnette Siler
heart "The Elephant in the Room" by Terry Kettering
heart "A Lesson From the Geese"
by Joseph Farrugia, webmaster of TCF Malta's Page
heart "The Dash" by Linda Ellis © 1998
Reprinted here with special permission


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Email: Contact TCF Troy MI chapter
http://www.oocities.org/tcf-troy/ :: http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Plains/2882/
graphics or backgrounds as noted or by Roxanne

The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.