Webpages, Photos, + Writings by Members Copyright © 1996-2004, by TCF Troy MI All rights reserved.
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heartsRoxanne Flanagan, original Webmistress of TCF Troy MI
{ over 2 dozen awards here, please be patient while they load ... thanks ! }


My Mom Is A Survivor Alumni Award In May of 1999, My Mom is a Survivor is celebrating it's 2 year anniversary. The original alumni members (TCF Troy's Pages are one) received an award from Sonya.

If you hasn't visited My Mom is a Survivor's site recently, please do! The site has grown so much, and has so many nice resources for bereaved parents!

On behalf of TCF Troy MI, I say
"Thanks Sonya -
and thanks for being here
on the Internet!"


On October 30, '98, TCF Troy received an email that said:

I am so thrilled to tell you that your site has been selected by the Heart of Gold Committee to receive the Heart of Gold Award. We think you have a beautiful site and you have given something very special to our Heartland Community. We would like to thank you by giving you this award.
Heartland Heart of Gold Committee

On behalf of TCF Troy MI, I say, sincerely, thank you! Roxanne Unfortunately, the Heart of Gold pages seem to be gone, they were at http://www.heartofgoldaward.com/

Award - Heartland Heart of Gold


Awd from Mourning Light webring In June '98, the Mourning Light Webring gave all of it's members a lovely graphic to add to their pages.

While it's not exactly an award, it is a gift given to the members and I wanted to put it up somewhere. Isn't it sweet?

On behalf of TCF Troy MI
I say thank you!
- Roxanne

I was pleased when I received the email from NGI on April 14th, 1998, informing me that TCF Troy's pages were submitted to NGI to review, to be considered for their awards.
They presented us with two!

"I enjoyed surfing your site,
and I am sure everybody else will too.
You have won the Bronze Award!"

Award NGI Bronze
Awd NGI Cool Site We also offer the "NGI Cool Site Award",
and your site is very cool.

On behalf of TCF Troy MI
I say very sincerely, THANK YOU.
- Roxanne


We were surprised on Jan 6, 1998
by receiving an email that says,
"I have found your site while just surfing.
You have a wonderful site and I have enjoyed my visit here.
You have obviously put alot of time and effort
into your page and it shows.
Keep up the good work. Carolmana"
On behalf of TCF Troy MI, I say a surprised, THANK YOU! - Roxanne

Wolf Song Award


Award Gestures of Love The new year,
January 2nd, 1998 to be exact,
brought a heartfelt award.
Mike, from Bereaved Families of Ontario, writes:
"We would be very honoured
if you would accept the
"Gestures of Love and Understanding"
for your site in recognition
of the work you do for others."
On behalf of TCF Troy MI,
I say very, VERY sincerely, THANK YOU!
- Roxanne


In December 1997, these pages of TCF Troy joined the Messages With Meaning Webring.
There are some very thoughtful people that follow the pages on that ring,
and we are very happy to add some awards given only to
Messages With Meaning Webring Members.

Outreach Award Community Service Award
Reason Given: For expressing care and loving concern for your fellow man
Presented by: Ted [tedo[at]preferred.com]

Dignity Of Life Award
Reason Given:
This is a wonderful group of people,
and I think everyone needs
to be applauded for their efforts. God Bless
Presented By:
Sarah Picklesimer Wilson

Dignity of Life Award
Angel Love Award Angel Wild X's Love Award
Reason Given:
I offer my award out of friendship
and love...
Angel Hugs,
Presented by: Peggy
Guardian Angel Award
Reason Given:

A special award given to the special members of Messages with Meaning

Presented by:
Award Guardian Angel
Award for Messages With Meaning Chandra's Angelic Award of Excellence
Reason Given:

I would like to donate this award
to the members of MWM.
They are well-deserved and well-earned
by all members.

Presented by: Faye - Linda
Courage and Strength Award
Reason Given:

for Courage and Strength ...
because not only do you provide it
for many in need ...
you carry so much with you in your heart ...
Thank you very much!!!

Presnted by: Renee Yeager
Award Courage & Strength
Award Survive Survivors Award
Reason Given:

A special award
given to the special members
of Messages With Meaning

Presented by Morgan
Angels Helper Award
Reason Given:

For all of their efforts in spreading
a shared meaning ...
for the good and well being of our world.

Presented by Claudette Letendre
Award Angels Helper
Benevolent Spirit Award Benevolent Spirit Award
Reason Given:

This is a wonderful group of people,
and I think everyone needs to be
applauded for their efforts.
God Bless

Presented by:
Sarah Picklesimer Wilson


August 7th, 1997, was a great day!
I discovered Heart's site,
(note on Angel Links page),
AND we received this beautiful
and meaningful award!

On behalf of TCF Troy MI,
- Roxanne
Award Heart of Courage


Ray of Light Award March 14th, 1997, also brought
the good fortune
of receiving the coveted
"Ray of Light Award"!!
For it's beauty itself,
and what it stands for,
(site was at: http://www.tidalweb.com/award/)
- Roxanne


This site was
anonomously nominated for the
"Phantasm Award" and I was notified on
March 14th, 1997, that we had won!
These surprises are the nicest thing about
being involved in the Internet Community.
A delighted THANK YOU. - Roxanne
Phantasm Award


TCF Troy's Featured Page We were so VERY proud
to be chosen
the first week of
February 1997
as a GeoCities/Heartland
Featured Page!

The Feature Page program
was discontinued by Geocities in '98.


This site was selected for inclusion by
Growth House, Inc.
We are proud, to now have available, a remote,
full, Growth House Bereavement Internet Search utility on one of our pages !!
Growth House Award


Sacred Feminine Award On January 30th, 1997, we were surprised,
and honored to have been presented
the "Sacred Feminine Award" from Mo.
This award represents peace, healing, and
love for the Earth and Humanity.
On behalf of TCF Troy,
a humble THANK YOU. - Roxanne
Unfortunately, the site is gone now, it was at http://www.w-link.net/~montserrat/


On Jan. 24th, 1997, a very special award arrived, because the giver is a very special person to me.
It's the "Favorite Neighbor Award" from Lady Anita - you have GOT to go visit her house and ride the elevator! You don't even have to be at Geocities to be her favorite neighbor.
And darn you - now I have that song humming in my head!
On behalf of TCF Troy MI,
a very special THANK YOU. - Roxanne
Favorite Neighbor Award


Angel Award for Excellence on the WWW Another surprise arrived
on Jan. 24th, 1997 from Jeri -
I was inquiring about her angels and putting a link to her collection on our Angel Links page, she came to visit and gave us this "Angel Award for Excellence on the WWW".
It's not "only for the angels" I have here, but "for people who do a really great job and you did exactly that!" With pleasure, on behalf of TCF Troy MI,
I say THANK YOU. - Roxanne
Unfortunately, Jeri's Angel pages seem to be gone, they were at http://www.gator.net/~jstowers/


We were delightfully surprised to receive the
"Enlightenment Award of Elegance"
on Jan. 25th, 1997 from Sonya Marvel.
Presented because she felt the topic
of our pages is so worth while and needed.
The Marvel's have a varied collection,
including a Personal Page with a dedication to her son,
John Dion Ridenour who died at age
20 1/2 in an accidential shooting.
On behalf of TCF Troy MI,
I say a very, heartfelt, THANK YOU. - Roxanne
Enlightenment Award of Elegance


Mighty Grapholina's Award On behalf of both TCF Troy MI, and myself,
I am so very honored to have received
"Mighty Grapholina's Design Award", on December 15, 1996.
Anyone who creates a web page knows the time
and effort it takes.
And then ... wanting it to be beautiful as well .....
it's so nice someone else thinks so, too!
THANK YOU, Mighty Grapholina, for agreeing with my
vision of beautiful! - Roxanne Flanagan, Webmistress,
Chapter Co-Leader, and Newsletter Editor of TCF Troy MI

*sigh* The site has moved and I don't know where she's gone. Mighty Grapholina WAS at http://www.oocities.org/~grapholina/

Large heart, top of page, from Ann S. Thesia
Floral Bar from Lady DJ's Graphic Site a wonderful place! Unfortunately she has disappeared. She was at:
http://www.ida.net/users/browndj/main.htm and http://members.xoom.com/browndj/main.htm.
If you know where her site is now, please let us know, thanks!

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The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.