For International Information


In 1994, on October 17, a group of men that disagreed with the ideals and goals of their national fraternity formed a new fraternity that they called Alpha Chi Epsilon, otherwise known as AXE.  AXE was created in the hopes to have a group of men that strived  for the same goals and ideas.  On April 1, 1998 the International Fraternity Theta Delta Chi accepted AXE as their newest colony.  Over the next year and a half the new colony focused on becoming the newest charge of TDX.  Their dreams were made a reality on December 1, 1999 when the Merrimack Colony was voted to be the newest Theta Delta Chi Charge.  On the day of Feburary 19, 2000, Chi Triton was initiated into one of the oldest International Fraternities in the country.

Name Pledge Name Class
Tony Belisle
Dave DeGrandpre
Derrick Saffron
Rich Mathews
Chris Pesce
Kyle Wescott
Jacob Ross
Anthony Bruno
Jonathan Decarlo
Eamon Murphy
Frank Auriemma
Jon Wolowicz
Sugar Ray
Alpha - TDX Colony
Beta - TDX Colony
Beta - TDX Colony
Gamma - TDX Colony
Gamma -  TDX Colony
Alpha -  Chi Triton
Beta - Chi Triton
Gamma - Chi Triton
Gamma - Chi Triton
Gamma - Chi Triton
Delta - Chi Triton
Epsilon - Chi Triton


For some pictures of the Brothers of Chi Triton at their Initiation
Click here

Visit Merrimack College's website for info on the school