
Reeta is a September angel and 46 years young. :0 She is a teacher by profession, and has many years of high school and upper level teaching behind her. She is intelligent, sensitive, caring, supportive, and so understanding. She likes to write and has published a book of poetry for the public. I am so proud of her along with God given writing talent. Her favorite author is Diana Gabaldon. She wrote a poem about our friendship, This Friendship, which I have shared here on this web site. Reeta is an avid golfer, movie watcher, piano player, reader, and collector of Dreamsicle figurines. She loves angels, and I love teddy bears. I really do think they both fit us to a tee and go great together. My life changed forever when Loreeta entered my life, hence, the reason for my website, Forever Friends.

Friendship Poetry
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