Teachers to Teachers Write to englishlesson@mail.com << free lessons by e-mail Mr. Elcome and Mr. McCray (and others) << CONTACT US www.teacherstoteachers.com is the address of this web site. Welcome. This is a gateway that connects you to interesting and useful web sites. FCAT HELP <<Click here Click here to go to the FULL INDEX NOMINATE A GOOD MENTOR (good teacher) Math Is Everywhere FREE Web Page (I'll show you how) Visit a list of web sites for teachers to see >> NEW TEACHER ACADEMY FLHS Fort Lauderdale High School |
Click HERE for helpful info for Substitute Teachers "Math for Artists" (and other creative people) Artists and others with Lysdexia! SAT PREPARATION Learn about GOOD TEACHERS Saul Cooperman wrote a good book about good teaching |
A monthly column called Math Is Everywhere Learn how to make free web pages (get your web site online FREE) PRACTICE Makes Permanent: FRACTIONS Math For Artists |
Parents and Students: Are you worried about the FCAT or SAT? Prepare with these Challenging Problems from the higher "Math Standards" FREE SAT TUTORIAL www.number2.com CLICK HERE for A FREE LESSON |
More Math Start here with FCAT SAMPLE QUESTIONS |
FREE SAT TUTORIAL at www.number2.com |
Challenging Problems PRINT THIS BRIEF PAGE and GET STARTED: Most people give a web page less than 15 seconds to catch their attention... If you don’t have time to read the full document that follows, please read these three statements: ? Math is more than formulas and memorizing multiplication. ? Math problems can be interesting. ? Group activities can help many students who don’t learn much from a lecture. Here is the list of "challenging problems" described in the "Message to Parents" (go to the message). Go to www.nctm.org and download in the challenging problems. Click on the grade level (elementary, middle or high school). Click on PAST PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. http://nctm.org/elementary/archive.asp http://nctm.org/middle/archive.asp http://nctm.org/high/archive.asp Clever Activities http://www.cs.uidaho.edu/~casey931/ conway/games.html Interesting software (you need to be connected to the web to use these activities -- or you can order a CD from the university) www.matti.usu.edu Group Activities by eeps Media United We Solve by Tim Erickson, Grades 5-10 Order it from: www.eeps.com Get It Together by Tim Erickson Order it at: http://equals.lhs.berkeley.edu/ equals/ Answers: http://www.eeps.com/products/ uws_stuff/answerbook/AnswerIndex.html Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study http://nces.ed.gov/timss www.math-success.com (Message to Parents) The goal of this paper is to motivate you to visit web sites (start now with www.nctm.org), print interesting problems, and work with your child (student). If you have questions, write to me. Steve McCrea mistermath@comcast.net Why do parents need to know about NCTM? Click HERE |
Main Index of Teachers to Teachers RE: "Math is Everywhere" column I help prepare students to take the FCAT and SAT tests. Many of my students believe that math is “something I need to learn” but not something interesting, useful or relevant. CLICK HERE to see more columns about Math Math sites for practice... http://www.frco.k12.va.us/ged/gedscience.htm This site gives... GED sample questions… ==================== practice FCAT MEGA MATH (lots of practice): http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/menu.html All About FCAT A graduate student at Nova University in Davie, FL created this site http://www.nova.edu/~bsonja/ FCAT SAMPLE QUESTIONS http://www.firn.edu/doe/sas/fcat/fcatsmpl.htm Dr. Math Lots of math questions with explanations. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/dr-math.html FCAT Fitness Course Florida Virtual School created this practice test for FCAT. http://www.flvs.net/_students/fcat.htm Federal Resources for Excellence in Education- FREE Resources from the Federal government are now available at :.. http://www.ed.gov/free/, FL DOE Parents and Students Resources Links for parents and students about the State Education System in Florida http://www.firn.edu/doe/menu/parstu.htm Homework Help.com Free lessons in middle and high school subjects. http://www.homeworkhelp.com High School Hub www.highschoolhub.org Internet Learning Network (ILN) helps learning and self-improvement. http://getsmarter.org/iln/index.html Math.com Algebra, Fractions, Geometry, Calculus, and other topics. www.math.com FREE WEB SITES Make a web site for your classroom or for parents and students to visit. www.freeservers.com YourHomework.com Schoolnotes.com scholastic.com teacher.scholastic.com/ homepagebuilder/index.html Geocities.com (you need to start with a YAHOO account -- 30 Meg free) www.angelfire.com (useful in some Mac environments or where it is difficult to download oocities.com) www.tripod.com www.inspiringteachers.com/community/ webpages.html INEXPENSIVE web domain names... around $9 per year with free forwarding... www.godaddy.com Please report broken links to Mr. McCrea at MisterMath@comcast.net Go ahead, see the LONG VERSION of this page Go to www.MathforArtists.com |
SAT 2 easy ways improve your SAT score! (TIPS FOR YOU!) www.sosmath.com FREE TUTORIAL for FCAT/SAT www.webmath.com << good page! http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/webmath/ |
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Highlights The "What if?" machine -- Know when and how to use a calculator How do Japanese and German teachers conduct their math classes? p. 245 and p. 343 Homework is Individual Practice (not performance) More homework than 2 hours per night results in no improvement in achievement. (total homework, covering all subjects) After School Job: Up to 10 hours per week has a positive impact on grades, but when work east up more tan 10 hours, grades tend to fall. (Perhaps students who work a frew hours a week learn to manage their time bettter...but students who work 20 hors or more simply can not find enoug time to give to homework.) |
Click here for the LONGER version of this site |
Tim Erickson wrote two of the most important books available to shape your child's mind. |