Teachers to Teachers
FREE LESSONS for Students of English

Write to

Cary and Steve (and others)

is the address of this web site.   Why not write to us?  >>> talkinternational@yahoo.com 
Our students of English tell us, "You teach English in a special way.  Can you come to Brazil and teach our teachers?"

Yes!  Our "special way" is based on a British method and our "special way" also includes our hearts, our minds, our energies, and our souls.  We are a pair of teachers (Cary and Steve) and we want to share our ideas with other teachers.  Then we want other teachers to teach us their methods.  Together we can make our classes more interesteing.

Cary and Steve are looking for dynamic teachers (like us) who go the extra 1.6 kilometers for our students.  We want to go the whole 8.3 meters** for our students, to help them become comfortable in English.

We put our best lessons on the CD ROM "1" and we included over 20 worksheets.  We offer this CD ROM FREE  to any teacher with an address in South America, Europe, Africa or Asia.  If you want our material on video cassettes, you will need to send us $50 to cover the postage and $90 if your machine used SECAM or PAL.  We prefer it if you use our materials on a CD-ROM.

If you are in North America or Europe, the CD-Rom costs $45, which includes $5 to cover postage and handling.

Yes, North America and Europe are subsidizing this project. We in the North should get used to transferring technical knowledge to the South.  Funds received in exchange for this CD will finance workshops that we plan to hold annually somewhere in South America, Africa or Asia.  At the workshop, a second and third CD ROM ("2" and "3") will be distributed.

** go the extra mile
** the whole nine yards
LINKS to ....

Nova ESL Newspaper

English Links page (maintained by Steve
In Florida, this cat listens to 91.3 FM every Saturday from noon to 1 p.m.  The show is called "Savvy Traveler" and the transcript of the show is found at www.savtrav.com.  excellent dictation practice!
What do students say about CD-1?
Your CD reflects the spirit of your school and each time I look at it I am longing to be there and I remember the great time I had in FL with the whole staff and the other students.  “TALK opens your mind”.
-- Hildegard, Germany
Do you want to order CD-ROM "1"?
$45 (includes shipping) for residents of North America and Europe. It's free to residents of South America, Asia and Africa (if they agree to give a second copy -- which will be shipped to you -- to a local language school)....and we want an invitation to a local tea room for coffee or tea when we visit your city.  If you can help arrange a workshop for teachers of English, we would be most grateful.
English for a Successful Life in the USA
Our students have memories like elephants!
Cary and Steve love cats... so hard to teach, so independent... like our students!
Every day is a special day!
A lesson plan for almost every day of the year....
Click here to see the order form for CD-"1"
Click HERE
for Transcripts
(word-by-word for all of the videos on the CDs)
ANSWER:  SMILES, because there is a MILE between the two "s"s.
Visit the home page of a Professor of Liberal Arts and read some FREE lectures.  Good for building a stronger and more flexible vocabulary and you can get a college education, too.

Interesting books for teachers and students plus hidden history! 

How many countries has Gustavo visited?  See the "Every Country Tour" at www.alohatraveler.com

Funny Poem for Pronunciation
Thanks to MTB in Brazil
Click here and visit my Fort Lauderdale Book and describe the pictures
Go to Wild Peru Adventures!
For interesting art, visit www.africanandtribalarts.com



Jack Rich, Educational Counselor







A Photobook of Fort Lauderdale (11" x 14" or 275mm x 357mm) with Captions on the Web




When is the next launch of the Space Shuttle?  www.oocities.org/talkstudents/shuttle.html


Get a university education by reading lectures by Prof. Steven E. Alford at Nova University www.nova.edu/~alford

Click here to visit the ESL book


Barefoot Cafe at Gateway Theater, Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale.  www.oocities.org/browardtourbook/barefoot.html Home of the Barefoot Mailman Site of Appreciation

www.africanandtribalarts.com in Fort Lauderdale
On-going Education for Teachers

How to Choose a Language School
Message to Cary and Tony

Supergrammar's plans
This is the web site for SFEAA Books
Teachers to Teachers is an imprint of SFEAA BOOKS.

Current Topics include:
A Free Web Page in 30 Minutes (short version $10)

You Can Have A Free Web Site In Less Than An Hour (The Full Version $25)
Books and ISBN
Find an E-mail Partner
Learn about Culture Shock (Singapore
Find an E-mail Partner
Learn about Culture Shock (Singapore
Lessons for Learning to Make Web pages

HOW TO make a web page
using www.oocities.org

photoorder--  a lesson for students to develop fluency in language use.

SAT 5 easy ways to save money and improve your SAT score!

Click here for Free Lessons
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Free EASY  Lessons for students of English

Free Lesson from Steve
You can receive a free lesson each month from me if you write to my email at
talkinternational@yahoo.com -- ask "Can you please add me to your list of students?"
...However, I will not send a letter often because YAHOO (my provider) makes me work so hard to send letters.  I can send only 50 letters in a bulk piece per hour.  I have over 300 letters to send!
Building International Bridges?

Here are some short lessons for you to learn.

www.esl.about.com and do the EASY or BEGINNER exercises.

More EASY lessons

Pronunciation exercise
...each day, say:

cat  hat   sat   fat  mat 

pen  Ben   send   sent   bend bent

fish  it  bit  sit  fit

hot pot top 

sun  what  (wut) son  Monday  money  fun  one won

these are all similar sounds (on each line)

Try to find other words that have the same vowel sound.

TRY THIS ONLINE COURSE... free for beginners



HARD (Difficult) Lessons
Are you studying words for TOEFL? Click HERE