Teachers to Teachers Write to englishlesson@mail.com Mr. Elcome and Mr. McCray and others) www.teacherstoteachers.com is the address of this web site. Welcome. This is a gateway that connects you to interesting and useful web sites. THIS PAGE IS CALLED "Math FAU LINKS" Biographies of Famous Mathematicians... Scroll down to find useful links |
Learn more... Parent's EBook EBooks: Internet on CD for Classrooms Read about the GYM PROJECT GYMMATH Mr.M's rules for Math 101 USEFUL WEB SITES for GED and ESOL AT FLA TECH NET floridatechnet.org |
Here is a list of MANY of the pages on Teachers To Teachers dot com FREE ESOL Lessons FREE English Lesson Free FCAT Links Best of Broward MATH ideas JOKES CONTESTS SAT Math prep (and words) Contact Mr. M englishlesson@mail.com www.edhelper.com (good general review with items for FCAT) GO BACK TO FCAT links |
This list of links was created by Dr. Robison at FAU. Her course on Math Methods helps teachers implement the goals of the National Council for Teachers of Math Great Math Websites NCTM Illuminations (http://illuminations.nctm.org/) VISIT THIS SITE: NCTM Illuminations - The Gateway to Standards-Based Mathematics Education. Internet resources to improve teaching learning of school mathematics based on the NCTM Priniples and Standards for School Mathematics. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics (http://matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/) VISIT THIS SITE: This site provided virtual online manipulatives for match the NCTM standards document. Mathematically Sane Web Site (http://mathematicallysane.com/popular.asp) This takes you to the Mathematically sane web site and specifically to the most popular of all the articles posted. However, go to the home and look for additional articles on many, many interesting math topics. (many found in analysis and evidence section) ENC (http://www.enc.org/thisweek/calendar/) http://www.enc.org/features/calendar/ Eisenhower National Clearinghouse: A superb site that provides a calendar of math & science activities along with numerous web sites and resources. You can sort by month or category of activity. Free Worksheets (http://www.freeworksheets.com) Need reinforcement or remediation? These free generated worksheets are for you. Math Forum (http://forum.swarthmore.edu) Wonderful resource of lesson plans, software and links to other great math related websites. Kaidy Math Activities (http://kaidy.com) Many math games are directly online. But be aware...some really make you think. Math lessons (http://www.etap.org) Need help learning math at home? This is a good site for you. Math games online (http://www.funbrain.com) K-12 math games that are both challenging and fun (online) Fun School Web Site (http://www.funschool.com) Good site for more games. Texas Instrument web site (http://education.ti.com/) Texas Instruments education page providing information on using the calculators wisely in your classroom Calculators in the classroom (http://www.t3ww.org/t3/index.html) Lessons from other teachers on the use of calculators in the classroom Geometric Solids: virtual manipulatives (http://www.scienceu.com/geometry/facts/solids/handson.html) Rotate many interesting geometric solids to discover Euler's formula for yourself. Council for Competitiveness (http://www.getsmarter.org) Online games, MSTV, career education tools, student pages and an online self-assessment quiz for elementary, middle, and high school math and science. Math Games Creator (http://www.quia.com) VISIT THIS SITE: A great site to generate your own games that will help students learn facts. LOOK FOR THE DRIVER'S LICENSE EXAMS (practice) Ed Helper Web site (http://www.edhelper.com) Good site to generate worksheets and quizzes and to look for good word problems. Math Counts (http://www.mathcounts.org/Problems/2003Competitions.html) VISIT THIS SITE: The Math Counts organization provides excellent questions used in many of their competitions. Especially interesting are the problems of the day. (or week) This link takes you directly to the 2003 competition questions. Ask Dr. Math (http://mathforum.org/dr.math/) Dr. Math can answer any of your mathematical questions. Good lesson plans and useful information as well. MacTutor's History of Mathematics (http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk) Useful information for all mathematics teachers about the history of mathematics. Also good links list available here. Biographies of Woman Mathematicians (http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.html) Excellent biographies of famous mathematicians who happen to be women :-) Famous Mathematicians (http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/PEEPS/madprofiles.html) Mathematicians of the African Diaspora. and you thought famous mathematicians were only white males...think again!!! SHOFOR.ORG VISIT THIS SITE for interactive activities... Learning Styles VARK questions (http://vark-learn.com) The VARK survey entered and scored online. Home work tips and learning styles (http://www.homeworktips.about.com) Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligences. Either enter "learning style" in the search engine or click on the "what's your learning style" side bar for a dozen test and quizzes, including Dr. Gardner's inventory. Teens helping Teens inventory (http://www.ldteens.org/study_patterns_&_learning_.html) An inventory on a web site for learning-disabled teens. OSWEGO web site(Learning Styles) (http://www.oswego.edu) In the site's search engine, type in paragon learning style. This is a 48 question test that is self-scored. For ages 9 and up. Science & engineering learning style inventory (http://www.crc4mse.org) Click on the sidebar for self-test. The instrument gives 4 categories: active/reflective, sensory/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global. How to Learn (http://www.howtolearn.com) Learning styles inventory and free newsletter for helping students LD Pride (http://www.ldpride.net) Tons of info on how to work with your learning style...including career tips On Line Psych (http://www.onlinepsych.com) An amazing variety of tests, quizzes, surveys to get you thinking about yourself and others Surf Aquarium (http://www.surfaquarium.com) An alternative instrument for assessing multiple intelligences, and other resources for teachers and students Lesson Plans http://ibinder.uwf.edu/steps/ Useful for Teachers and Parents (students! Look here to see what lessons might be coming in your future!) STEPS website (http://ibinder.uwf.edu/steps) Steps will walk you through the major elements of writing a lesson plan...but be sure to include all the elements mentioned in the COE lesson plan guide. Economics in Math (http://www.econedlink.org) Great lessons on wise investing and other economics topics Teacher Readiness Quiz? (http://www.effectiveteaching.com) Take the online test to see how prepared to teach you are. I found the questions (and answers) quite interesting. Free Stuff (http://www.ed.gov/free) The government does offer free educational materials. Activities and Lessons for K-12 (http://www.learner.org) Learner web site offeres good lessons and activities for K-12 Standards, assessment & curriculum web sites Florida DOE (http://www.firn.edu/doe/doehome.htm) The Florida Department of Education website includes so much more than just the standards. Eisenhower National Clearing House (http://www.enc.org/reform/documents) National standards documents for math and science education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (http://standards.nctm.org/document) Principles and Standards - Table of Contents - On this site you will find the electronic Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM's visionary document for teaching mathematics at any level. Middle School Curriculum (http://showmecenter.missouri.edu) The Missouri Showmecenter show cases several middle school curriculum projects. Check them out. Compass web site (http://www.ithaca.edu/compass) Compass (Curricular options in mathematics for all secondary students) web site that highlights several exemplary standards based curricular projects NAEP question search engine (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/itmrls/search.asp) Web site of National Assessment of Eductional Progress report card search engine. Do a new search and select math grade 8 or 12 from the 1996 test. Select 3 questions, print both the questions and the performance data for the questions. TIMSS (http://wwwcsteep.bc.edu/TIMSS1/AboutTIMSS.html) The Third International Math and Science Study provides information about what we SHOULD be doing in math. Performance test matched to TIMSS (http://www.getsmarter.org) An online exam for 8th and 12th grade. You take the exam (about 30 questions) and it matches your scores and testing time to the TIMSS study and other people who have taken the exam. Middle School Math Exam on Content Knowledge (http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/eyk/) 20 middle school math and 20 middle school questions to use in self-testing your knowledge and comparing it with international peers Washington Post article on teacher testing (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8963-2003May19.html) Washington Post article on teacher testing from May, 2003 For Home Schooling Parents (and other Teachers) Catalogs in Mathematics Education ETA/ Cuisenaire Catalog (http://etacuisenaire.com/index.htm) Great resource for manipulatives and teacher books. NASCO catalog (http://enasco.com) Great catalog plus much more... lessons, activities, and educational kits Integrating math/science : Population Education (http://zpg.org/education) This site offers excellent lessons on conservation and population education. It incorporates math, science, and social studies into a single lesson. Scholastic web site (http://scholastic.com) Scholastic publishes the Instructor magazine. Good ideas on all subjects is included. Mindware (http://www.MINDWAREonline.com) Looking for brainy toys for kids of all ages...this is the one Key Curriculum Press (http://keypress.com) The makers of Fathom and Geometer's Sketchpad. Software and resources as well as many textbooks Merrill Education (http://www.merrilleducation.com) http://vig.pearsoned.com/store/home/1,4158,store-8561_id-0,00.html? The makers of your textbook as well as many other texts. Walch publications (http://www.walch.com) Many math resources and some free activities. Sunburst (http://sunburst.com) Excellent software amoung other things. Integrated Math & Science - GEMS (http://www.lhsgems.org) Great Explorations in Math & Science from U of CA - Berkeley - Lawrence Hall of Science. Integrated Math & Science - AIMS (http://www.AIMSedu.org) Integrated Math, Science and Technology activities and resources Didax (http://didaxinc.com) Manipulatives and resources. World Teachers Press (http://www.worldteacherspress.com) Reproducible math books Professional Journals & resources NCTM webpage (http://www.nctm.org) You will find a few select articles from Teaching Children Mathematics and The Middle School Mathematics Journal. Scholastic (http://www.scholastic.com/Instructor) The Instructor magazine often features an article about the teaching of mathematics. APA style (http://www.apastyle.org) The most accurate way to site your references. NCTM Illuminations site (http://www.nctm.org/illuminations/) Online interactive math at it's best!!!! Mathematically Sane web site (http://mathematicallysane.com/) A good source of articles about the reform movement in mathematics. Mathematically Correct Society (http://mathematicallycorrect.com) A good web site about the anti-reform movement in mathematics More Math Links at MATHLINKS http://www.shodor.org/ Interactive activities... VISIT THIS SITE http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/monty/ What are other skills that all students need? Do you know how to type? Without looking at the keyboard? Every student needs to know how to make a simple web site... start with oocities.com... Creative Writing Emotional Intelligence Social Skills How to ask questions How to speak to an international visitor An Exercise These are directions from a web page at www.usps.gov http://www.usps.com/consumers/domestic.htm#priority Nonmachinable Surcharge: An additional $0.12 is required for items weighing 1 ounce or less with any of the following criteria: a. Square letters. b. The height exceeds 6-1/8 inches, or length exceeds 11-1/2 inches, or thickness exceeds 1/4 inch. c. The length divided by height is less than 1.3 or more than 2.5 (length is the dimension parallel to the address). EXERCISE: SHOW EXAMPLES: IF THE HEIGHT IS 4 inches, the length must be between ____ inches and ___ inches. Now convert to centimeters. (5 cm = 2 inches) d. It has clasps, strings, buttons, or similar closure devices. e. It is too rigid or contains items such as pens that cause the thickness of the mailpiece to be uneven. f. It has an address parallel to the shorter dimension of the mailpiece. Visit What Do Ya Know (Social studies) |