RE:  Proposed “Math is Everywhere” column

How about a monthly column called “Math in the News” or “Math is Everywhere”?  It will include conversions, a special skill for students who will eventually work in tourism or with the metric system.

Math Is Everywhere  (sample column)

Math in the News

1. On Sunday, August 10, it was the 222nd day of the year.  How many days are left in the year?  What percent of the year is left?
2. In 1990 the projected passenger traffic for 2002 was set at 7.5 milllion.  In reality, the number of passengers in 2002 was 17.5 million or 235% above predictions” (from a press release by the Friends of the Airport runway expansion).  What’s wrong with this statement?
3. “The planned attraction of Wannado City will bring an additional 1 million people to the mall’s 25 million annual visitors” (Aug. 10).  What is the projected increase in percent?
4. Convert gallons into liters:  The capacity of a fuel tank in a car is 17 gallons.  How many liters?  (One gallon = 3.72 liters.)
5. Convert the temperature into Fahrenheit:  30 degrees C in Brussels.  (Bonus:  What does the “C” stand for?)  The formula is F = (C x 5/9) + 32
6. Convert weight into kilograms:  One kilogram = 2.2 pounds.  The maximum weight for a bag on a US airline is 50 pounds.  How many kilograms?
7. Convert dollars into euro:  One euro cost 1.15 dollars (in July 2003).  A meal at a restaurant costs $9.  How much will a European visitor need to convert to pay for the meal?
Web site of the month:, a good all-round review of math concepts.  The entire web site is also available on CD.

1.  How many days in a year?  Well, in 2003 there are 365 days, so 143 days remained on August 10.  143/365 = 39.2%.
2. This is a common mistake. Yes, there are 2.33 blocks of 7.5 in 17.5 (since 7.5 + 7.5 +2.5 = 17.5).  However, when we talk about an INCREASE, we have to start counting above the first 7.5, so the amount (17.5 million) is 133% ABOVE 7.5 million.
3.  When the increase is 1 million, it is added onto 26 million, so 1/26 = about 4% (3.85 percent). 

4. Convert gallons into liters:  17 gallons x 3.72 = 63.24 liters.
5. Convert the temperature into Fahrenheit:  The formula is F = (30 x 5/9) + 32 = 86 degrees.  C = Celsius (after the man who came up with the system) or Centigrade (since there are 100 steps between the freezing point of water, 0 degrees C, and the boiling point, 100 degrees C).
6. Convert weight into kilograms:  50 pounds divided by 2.2 = 22.7 kilograms.
7. Convert dollars into euro:  A meal at a restaurant costs 7.83 euros ($9 divided by 1.15).  If a tip is involved, remember to add 18%:  $9 x 1.18 = $10.62, or 9.23 euros.

“Math is Everywhere” is prepared by Mr. McCrea (“Mr. McMath”), a public school teacher who links math with everyday news found in this newspaper.  If you have a math question or if you see math in the news, send a message to    This column also appears on (click on “Math is Everywhere”).

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