TUTOR 954 646 8246 First Lesson Is Free Lessons for Learning to Make Web pages HOW TO make a web page using www.oocities.org photo order-- a lesson for students to develop fluency in language use. SAT 5 easy ways to save money and improve your SAT score! How can a tutor help my child? A tutor can teach your child… How to Study more efficiently How to memorize, Tricks for memorizing Note-taking and reviewing systems. How to Read faster and better How to skim, scan, and make a survey. How to anticipate what you will read. Techniques to summarize a chapter and retain what your child reads. The Art of Elocution How to speak with confidence. Proper posture, relaxed breathing, phrasing of sentences, smile! Memorization of speeches and poems, clear pronunciation. How to use a tape recorder or a video camera to prepare for a speech. How to relax in front of a group. Techniques I learned from Lady Luia Forbes, a tutor in Villars, Switzerland. Tricks in Specific Subjects Tutors can helps your child with specific subjects: Quick mental math, Classics Illustrated books to help the lazy reader get through English, Strunk & White, halogens vs. noble gases in Chemistry, Presidents and British monarchs, songs and poems to remember dates in history, etc. Five Languages What are important phrases in Italian, Russian, German, French, Spanish? How about Bahasa and Kiswahili? A well-traveled tutor can give your child confidence and expand vocabulary and horizons. General Information Does your child need a little boost of confidence? A little review of geography, U.S. History and other useful information (that many schools overlook or don’t include in their curriculum). Quick metric and currency conversions. Does a tutor cost a lot? Not necessarily. You can use a tutor for a short "boost" (two or three lessons) or for an on-going "training" (once a month) to monitor and sustain your child’s progress. Why is a tutor helpful? There are "Seven Intelligences" – Research has shown that traditional tests (like the SAT and IQ tests) measure only two of a person’s aptitudes. Most schools teach analytical thinking using abstract marks on paper. There are at least five other "intelligences", including kinetic sense (the ability to learn sophisticated movements), rhythm and musical memory and structural visualization (3-D vision). Why not teach to your child’s strengths? Johnson O’Connor Laboratory (based in New York) suggests that if an aptitude is not used, the person becomes restless or bored. If your child has a strong musical ability but has problems with math or other subjects, a tutor can use non-traditional techniques to teach the material in a new way. Why not try tutoring? I have learning disabilities including ADD. I have multiple aptitudes. I can show your child how I adapted. Visit www.teacherstoteachers.com and click on TUTOR. 954 463 0310 (weekends), 30 to 50 minutes per session. SOME SAMPLES Tutees should learn poetry VISIT SOME SUGGESTED ITEMS... List of userful web sites James Loewen http://www.uvm.edu/~jloewen/ Dennis Yuzenas www.WhatDoYaKnow.com history with a twist Career Assessment www.careerassessmentcenter.com Sunrise, Florida 954 587 7148 Hollywood Center 7550 Davie Road Extension, Hollywood, FL |
Tutor/SAT Preparation FIRST LESSON IS FREE (at least get a free lesson for your child... It's my pleasure to share what I know with the next generation) Fill in the gaps ? Help with homework Elocution and traditional tutoring >>> Cultural Literacy <<< Ask for free videos on “Study Skills” ? “7 SAT Tips” ? “Aptitudes” ? “Visual Math” ? Also available on AUDIO CASSETTE and CD for “learn while you ride.” Free LENDING LIBRARY of Classics Illustrated >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sensitive to LD ADD/ADHD (I have it!) Location: your house or 2314 Desoto ? Rates SCHOOL SUBJECTS/ SAT PREP $45/hour in your house $40/hour in my house SCHOOL SUBJECTS Math, Chemistry, SAT Math/Verbal, GRE, Spanish, French, World History Lower costs: Elocution, Cultural History, Geography and other "culture" subjects (not directly related to school work): $35/hour my house Ask about the Parent eBook (free on CD for one week) SAT PREP -- If your student is mature, you can save money by learning to do some of the tutoring YOURSELF, with your child. Anyone can help a child improve vocabulary and the SAT Verbal is 80% vocab! SAT WORD LIST FIRST LESSON IS FREE – Try tutoring at no risk and no cost. Cell: 954 646 8246 www.teacherstoteachers.com E-Mail: englishlesson@mail.com BEST TIMES for the tutoring Saturday and Sunday by appointment I'm a high school teacher, so weekends are the best time to get together. Some kids are "late night creatures," and I am flexible with my timing. I'm tutoring to be able to afford to live in beautiful 7 Isles, so I'm grateful for the chance to serve you and your child. The idea is to open doors, expand horizons, and do so efficiently.... Suggested programs The Study Skills Review: 2 lessons to build smart study habits Cultural Literacy: What does your kid know about Harriet Beecher Stowe? Read the Classic Illustrated and then discuss with the tutor. 2 lessons. Visual Math: See geometry (volumes and area), fractions and decimals in a new way (4 lessons) .... when and when not to use a calculator... Mental Math. Introduction to Aptitude Testing: I don't do the testing, but I can recommend a highly reputable organization: Johnson O'Connor -- ask for my free testimonial tape. FREE LESSON (15 minutes) I receive no commission for this service. It helped me when I was 17 years old and you'll enjoy it, too. http://members.aol.com/jocrf19/ Elocution: This was my first experience as a tutee. My tutor was Lady Luia Forbes in Vaud, Switzerland. I hated the experience and I've enjoyed the results ever since. She introduced me to concepts like reincarnation and made me define the differences between religions. She helped me see the value of critical thinking, objective definitions and memorization of poetry. (2-4 lessons) Language Learning: tips on how to learn a language more efficiently. What are similarities between languages? There's a "Skills Inventory" that helps the student learn his/her strengths and challenges (two lessons) TOTAL: 12-14 lessons (includes the free 15-minute information workshop on aptitudes) SAT -- Hand-holding the student: If you student does not like to study alone, I'll do the baby sitting! 10 lessons at $40 per session, split between verbal and math. SAT -- Mature Student -- The student uses my videos and needs only two lessons to review methods and strategies. SAT -- TRAIN THE PARENT: In two lessons, I can show you my techniques. Six SAT Tips 1. start learning vocabulary early (you can’t cram) 2. get enough sleep and drink plenty of water 3. plug in the number (work from the answer) 4. guess when you can eliminate 3 choices 5. Do at least 10 practice SATs 6. Learn words by eliminating words from a word list like freevocabulary.com (I have the audio CDs, so you can borrow them at no charge) On certain geometry problems, you might need to add a line. Remember: TRIANGLES 3 4 5, 5 12 13, multiples of these triangles, diagonal of a square is ROOT 2, the middle side of a 30-60-90 triangle is ROOT 3. |
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What do you know? www.whatdoyaknow.com Cultural Literacy: I have an example of a complete program using rewards to stimulate the interest of "unmotivated students." We just need to find some way to catch their attention. I have two students (whom I'm tutoring) who are writing a book, learning another language, doing a science experiment and writing essays about classic tales. How did I motivate these students? CLICK HERE Learn about the Fort Lauderdale Photo Book |
Go to TUTOR page 1 TUTORIAL Math for Artists Challenging Problems for Students SAT PREP An interesting workshop with questions to ask yourself... |
If you want to become a tutor, then examine these pages carefully. You can pull ideas about how to become a tutor by closely following recommendations on these pages. Anyone who feels comfortable with the subject that they are teaching can become a tutor... Generally, you charge at least $30 per lesson for a 50-minute lesson. If you have questions, write to analyst@comcast.net Return to Teachers to Teachers home page The rest of this page is for students and parents to read... good luck! |