My name is Mrs. Wright and this is my second year of teaching.  I graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education.  Last year I taught 2nd grade, but I did my student teaching in Kindergarten. I have been married since 2003 to my husband Todd.  I have two children. My son Chase is in 7th grade my daughter Kennady is in 3rd grade.   I have a cat named Tiger. I love to read, watch my son play baseball and soccer, go shopping with my daughter, go to the movies, and play on the computer. 
    I am so excited to be a teacher finally!  I have known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was in third grade so I am so happy to have finally accomplished my dream.  Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your child. I am looking forward to a great year!!
Todd and Kennady
Chase and Kennady
Me and my daughter Kennady
Our cat...Tiger
~Chase and Kennady~
Me and my husband Todd