A view of 

South Caradon Mine

South Caradon Mine

Brenton Symons' 1863 Map

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This map is a portion of the Geological Map of the Caradon & Ludcott Mining Districts published by Brenton Symons in 1863. The full map is available in higher definition on a CD-ROM called "The Liskeard Mining Area in 1863"
 Click for 1880's map

The east to west running lodes are shown in red and the cross courses in grey. The Granite/Killas boundary cuts across the bottom right corner. The depth (below adit) is shown as 180 fathoms.

 Named from north to south the lodes are:

  • Truan's

  • Webb's

  • Main: This was the original lode discovered by the Clymo's

  • Dowding's

  • Pearces's

  • Clymo's

  • Jope's

  • Kitto's

  • Caunter: The richest lode

  • Kitto's south


On many mine sites in Cornwall dangers may still exist, many hidden.  
This web site is published as a resource to those using the public rights of way.
