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- Edge Monthly Interview with Mr.Masamune -
May 10th, 2004
- Edge Masamune the VWE's first Ninja to appear 3 years ago sits in a black leather chair
  wearing his stylish new outfit while playing with a silver beaded necklace with a charm on
  it with his left hand. He appears very focused but at the same time has a relaxed aura about   him.
May 10th, 2004
EM: So tell us Edge how did you come about with a first name like that?
EDGE: Well Edge is not my real name, it is actually Arikado but because most people here would pronounce it wrong I have chosen to keep it Edge.
EM: So your real name is Arikado, then how did you ever come up with Edge?
EDGE: Well again Edge is a name that was given to me by my Edoian father Date. He always called me it because he said I resembled the edge of a blade, always sharp and strong. So the name just kind of stuck.
EM: I see, so you mentioned you lived in Edo. Now for those of us living here in the 50 great states of the U.S. have no idea where Edo even is, I mean I have heard of Japan and China and other countries over there but never Edo.
EDGE: You will never find Edo, nor will anyone else that goes out and searches for it. Edo is a myth and is lost to people that have no imagination. Think of Edo as the Lost City of Atlantis, most people have heard of it but no one knows if it really truly exsists or not.
EM: Ok so Edge do you do Drugs or Drink heavily?
EDGE: No I have never touched any type of illegal substance or drank. Why do you ask?
EM: Well it is just a question we ask no particular reason why. So tell me then what are your future plans and goals here?
EDGE: Well I plan on stopping Code Zero before things get way out of control. I mean I am the one mainly responsible for her entire exsistence, so I figure I should be the one to stop her. Goals well I dont really have any.
EM: Speaking of Code Zero she seems to be out to destroy you, arnt you scared she will do just that.
EDGE: Sir do I appear to be scared? I'm sure you have seen the tapes before of me. I have died 2 times and yet here I still remain just like you. I have nothing left to lose here on Earth so Fear is something that I invite. She will not get what she wants from me ever, its that simple.
EM: So what exactley is it that you want, I mean what keeps you here in the VWE anymore. A man with nothing to lose surley has somthing to gain. What do you want to gain from all of this.
EDGE: Nothing. I wish to gain nothing for I have everything that I need.
With the way things are going now there is only one true mystery that needs to be solved, but that is a personal affair that I cannot bring up right now.
EM: I see, so then you do plan to continue wrestling though correct? Any future plans of joining up with any one else?
EDGE: No I dont plan on joining up with any one else here soon but I will keep an alliance going with NS and still remain friends with a few un-named superstars. I will of course continue wrestling for the VWE.
EM: Well Thank You for your time Edge. We will definitley be rooting for you considering you are our boss so keep up the Good Work and have a Good Day.
EDGE: Thank You for having me, you guys know I couldnt do the things I do without your support.