Reviewed By: tech673 Cap
Reviewed By: punkass Cap
Reviewed By: tech673 Tall Boy
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: tech673 Bottle
Reviewed By: punkass Cap
Reviewed By: tech673 Cap Tall Boy
Reviewed By: punkass Cap Tall Boy
Reviewed By: tech673 Tall Boy
Reviewed By: punkass Tall Boy
Reviewed By: tech673 Tall Boy
Reviewed By: tech673 Cap Full Bottle Empty Bottle 6pack Bottles 6pack Bottles side view
Reviewed By: tech673
Reviewed By: tech673 Tall Boy
Reviewed By: punkass Tall Boy
Reviewed By: tech673 Cap Full Bottle Empty Bottle
Reviewed By: punkass
Reviewed By: punkass
Reviewed By: punkass
Reviewed By: tech673
Name: Amstel Light Brewer: Amstel Brouwerij B.V.
Date: August 11, 2002 Alc %: 3.5
Rating: 2.5 Comment: I've heard so many good things about this beer that I had to try it, finally anyway. First off, it smells like most other beers I've had. I was expecting something light and smooth but ended up with something that taste like a regular beer with a aftertaste that wont go away. I was thinking this beer would be a great chaser but the bite is almost as worse as the hard stuff. Only way I can recommend this is if you want to drink beer but without getting drunk. You sure this beer isn't made by Miller or AB?
Name: Bacardi Silver Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: May 27, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 3.5 Comment: It seems everyone is making these kinds of beers lately, some are good some arent. Got one word for this beer: citrus. If you like that flavor, buy this cause the taste of citrus will build as you drink. If you dont like citrus, stay away cause thats all you will taste.
Name: Bacardi Silver Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: May 22, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 4.7 Comment: This stuff is great. Considered by many to be a 'pussy drink', but hey, it gets ya drunk. It's got a really good citrus taste, and if ya didn't know better, you wouldn't know it was alcoholic. This is a good drink to have a 6-pack stocked back in your fridge just in case ya got a lady friend over, it's hard to turn down.
Name: Becks Brewer: Beck and Co Brauerei
Date: June 9, 2002 Alc %: 4.8
Rating: 3.6 Comment: This beer certainly does taste different then other beers I've had. Theres no or tiny bit of aftertaste and the flavor is smooth enough. This beer would be fine if you wanna treat yourself to something while out on the town. Being an import can be a hit or miss depending on how long it took to get over here after it was canned.
Name: Boone's Farm: Blackberry Ridge Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: July 22, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 3.2 Comment: This stuff and the other flavors could be put in cans or 12oz bottles and be sold as a malt beverage cause it pretty much has the same things as a malt beverage. The bottle says its a wine product but I dont really believe that. Whatever it is, its not that bad. The bottle says to serve very cold and I highly suggest you do exactly that, the colder it is the less alcohol aftertaste you'll get which is very small anyway. Theres not much of a blackberry taste but most people will drink this pretty fast anyway and at $2 a bottle, thats 750ml, you can get drunk off this stuff pretty cheap while saving your taste buds. This would be great for someone whos scared of beer's taste or a first timer.
Name: Boone's Farm: Hard Lemonade Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: July 27, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 4.4 Comment: This is right up with Mike's Hard Lemonade in taste and color. I probably could'nt tell them apart either. Theres no alcohol taste, just a nice lemon flavor that isnt over powering. This is cheaper then Mike's so you might want to give this a try if you think Mike's is a little expensive which it is.
Name: Boone's Farm: Kiwi Strawberry Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: August 3, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 2.1 Comment: Unlike some of the other Boone's products, this one is a citrus wine while the others are apple. I must say I wish they would of stayed with the apple cause this flavor has a strong alcohol taste. I was barely able to taste anything but alcohol even though I'm not a big fan of strawberry, I'd much rather taste that then only alcohol. I wouldn't even bother with this flavor.
Name: Boone's Farm: Raspberry Hard Lemonade Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: August 7, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 4.0 Comment: This is just like the plain lemonade flavor with a small taste of raspberry. I'd go with the plain lemonade, to read more about it check out the review above. I do believe this will be my last Boone's Farm review unless I find a flavor that interest me, the couple that are left are strawberry and I'm not a fan of strawberry.
Name: Boone's Farm: Snow Creek Berry Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: July 27, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 3.4 Comment: This Boone's does have some fruit flavor to it with no alcohol aftertaste and its got a nice color to it. The ladies will specially like this one and first timers will be able to drink a whole bottle without offending their taste buds. Like all the Boone's Farm flavors, at $2 a bottle you cant go wrong.
Name: Boone's Farm: Wild Island Brewer: Boone's Farm Winery
Date: July 27, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 3.4 Comment: Now this flavor is supposed to have pineapple, lemon, lime, and something else I cant name at this moment in it. The combination works out to a nice flavor that kinda taste like apples at first but after a few more drinks it pretty much taste like a wild mix of flavors. If you got a friend whos afraid of the beer bite then give them a bottle of this, theres a tiny or no alcohol aftertaste at all. This is my 4th Boone's flavor I've tried and I must urge you to try a few out, they really are a nice alternative to beer. Try them out on a hot day, I'd bet they'll satisfy your thirst better then most beers. They are usually near the end of the wine or misc stuff in the liquer section.
Name: Bud Ice Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: May 21, 2002 Alc %: 5.5
Rating: 3.7 Comment: Better than Bud Light, but still not that great. Again, go for Budweiser, you're better off.
Name: Bud Light Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: June 13, 2002 Alc %: 4.2
Rating: 3.0 Comment: Heat is this beer's enemy. The beer is average when its ice cold but soon as it starts to get warm, you better chug or you'll get a mouth full of something you dont want. The taste reminds me of Busch but doesnt really build up. I dont recommended this for your first beer, the taste will turn you off. Like Busch, theres better beers out there for your money.
Name: Bud Light Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: May 21, 2002 Alc %: 4.2
Rating: 3.5 Comment: This is another beer that is popular with my friends which I never quite understood. It's alright, nothing too great. I say, if you're goin with bud, go all the way and get Budweiser.
Name: Budweiser Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: June 16, 2002 Alc %: 4.9
Rating: 1.9 Comment: This beer barely has any taste at all, might as well drink a pop. Now I know why people like this so much, you can drink cases of this stuff and not get turned off by the taste, thats how they sell so much of it. Like most Anheuser-Busch products, heat is the enemy. Soon as it gets a little warm, pour the beer out cause you dont want to taste what it becomes. "King of Beers" no, "King of Bongs" maybe.
Name: Budweiser Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: May 21 & July 8, 2002 Alc %: 4.9
Rating: 5.0/4.9 Comment: The undisputed 'king of beers'. Gotta give it up for this beer, It's the best.Update: Ok, this is the second review for this one. I guess I went a little too high the first time. But hey, it was the best I've had. I'm not lowering this rating just to please those who like to bitch, I just wanna make sure that I reserve the one and only 5.0 I give out for the right beer.
Name: Busch Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: June 12, 2002 Alc %: 4.6
Rating: 3.0 Comment: This beer goes down ok but then sits in your stomach, thats not a good thing. As your drinking it, the taste gets a lot stronger and it gets to the point where you dont know if you could keep it down or even swallow it. If its the only thing around to drink, do it slowly and make sure it stays cold. Theres better beers to spend your money on.
Name: Captain Morgan Gold Brewer: Captain Morgan Co.
Date: July 3, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 0.5 Comment: When I gave this beer a snif, it hinted of coke and a tiny bit of alcohol. I wish I would of stopped there cause the taste is far worse then the smell. At first the taste was coke but then the maple hit me and I thought I was drinking from a maple syrup bottle. The taste sticks to your mouth just like syrup would and only way to get rid of it is to eat something. Now I know why you don’t see anyone actually taking a drink of this stuff in the commercial, they would give the camera a shock and sickening look. Last warning, don’t drink this shit unless you like a strong maple syrup taste, there are better malt drinks out there. Also, as you can see in one of the pictures, the 5 unopened bottles are free to anyone who dares.
Name: Citrona Brewer: Allied Domecq Beverages Co.
Date: August 12, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 3.5 Comment: I'm thinking this is the last malt drink out there that I needed to try. If not the hell with them. The label says lemon and lime flavor and I totally agree with it. Its a rare thing to have a label actually say what the flavor really is. Lets see how simple I can make this, it taste like lemon and lime. Theres no alcohol taste at all and the color kinda looks like lemonade. It does taste different then the other malt drinks so if you dont like them you could try this. I'm not a fan of lemon or lime but since this dont have a strong flavor I was able to enjoy it. The ladies will like this but I must caution you, make sure you have something in your stomach while drinking this or your stomach will cramp up. Not sure who the brewer is so I'm taking a guess.
Name: Coor's Light Brewer: Coors Brewing Co.
Date: June 16, 2002 Alc %: 4.2
Rating: 2.3 Comment: This beer actually made my teeth hurt, not a good sign. I didnt find this beer very smooth and had a slight aftertaste. I'd avoid this beer if possible, if you want a cheap beer but not cringe at the taste, get Miller Lite.
Name: Coor's Light Brewer: Coors Brewing Co.
Date: May 21, 2002 Alc %: 4.2
Rating: 4.5 Comment: OK, I admit, this rating is not very fair. The only time I've tasted this was when it came from a keg.
And you know what they say, 'you can piss in a keg and it'll taste good'. But anyway I thought it was really good. Still tastes like a good beer, but it's light so you can drink more, a big plus when you wanna get drunk fast.
Name: Corona Extra Brewer: Cerveceria Modelo, S.A.
Date: July 6, 2002 Alc %: ?
Rating: 2.1 Comment: When I first smelled it I thought "oh boy, another beer like Heineken" but at least Corona dont really taste like it smells. Everyone says to use lemon or lime with this beer but I dont really bother with that and went straight up. To me, the beer seemed a little dry and the taste isnt all that pleasent but still drinkable. I wouldnt drink more then 1 or 2 in a setting since the taste gets a little repulsive after each bottle. There is beer thats cheaper in price and better in taste. Naturally being a import, you'll pay a little more and run the chance of getting old beer
Name: Doc's Hard Lemon Brewer: Anheuser-Busch
Date: July 8, 2002 Alc %: 5.0
Rating: 4.8 Comment: This is basically the same stuff as Mike's Hard Lemonade. I think if anything it's better. Plus this doesn't come in no pussy-ass 11.5 oz bottle. So, when it comes down to it, I don't see how you can buy Mike's over this stuff, it's got it beat in price, quantity, and quality.
Name: Dos Equis Amber Brewer: Femsa
Date: May 21, 2002 Alc %: ?
Rating: 3.0 Comment: Didn't really care too much for this one. To the more seasoned beer drinker, this may be way higher than a 3.0. I just thought it had too much of a weird taste.
Name: Dos Equis Special Lager Brewer: Femsa
Date: May 21, 2002 Alc %: ?
Rating: 4.3 Comment: I tried this after the XX Amber, I was pleasantly suprised. It had a lot of taste still, but it was much better.