New Pictures from Russ Cole

More Pictures from Russ

The USS Ajax was my first assignment after electronics school. I met the ship in Sasebo, Japan and I was on board for one year.

This picture was made from the Golden Gate Bridge in November,1957. I am one of the sailors on the top deck. Can you pick me out ?

This picture was made by a friend using my small camera that I bought in Sasebo,Japan. We were on the "M" boat going back to the ship after a day in Sasebo.

This is me on the right and a friend from the ship. His last name was Sanders and he was from Arizona. He later got sick and was transferred back to San Diego to the hospital. We were in front of the Enlisted Men's Club in Sasebo.

I made this picture with my small camera of the life boat.

The Ajax in Sasebo Harbor taken with my small camera.

The old gal getting ready to get underway in Sasebo.

This is a picture I received from Billy G. Bryant of some of the guys in the weld shop during the time I was on the Ajax. Billy G. is on the far right and Harris from Porterdale, CA. is second from left. Billy does not remember the other guys names.

Billy G. Bryant and his grandson on a recent fishing trip. Guess which one is Billy G.

This is a picture sent to me from Russell Cole that was a shipmate of mine on the Ajax. We were in the Electronics Shop R4 Division together. This picture was of Russell after he was transferred to the USS Luzon. He is the sailor in the center on the picture on the left and he is on the far right of the picture on the right. I do not know the other sailors. Russ was from California and now lives in Vancouver, BC and is retired from the electronics industry.

This is Russ and his wife Fran today.

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