Grade 1: Music 
Overall Expectations
•demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of music specified for this grade (see below) through listening to, performing, and creating music;
•use correctly the vocabulary and musical terminology associated with the specific expectations for this grade;
•listen to and identify music from different cultures and historical periods (e.g., French- Canadian folk songs such as "Alouette", Native Canadian songs such as "Ho Ho Watenay");        
•communicate their response to music in ways appropriate for this grade (e.g., through visual arts, drama, creative movement, language).         
Specific Expectations
Knowledge of Elements        
•identify correctly specific sounds heard in their classroom environment (e.g., sound of a door closing, chalk squeaking);        
•identify examples of beat in daily life and in music (e.g., heartbeat, steady pulse of a bass drum in a march);        
•identify rhythms in language (e.g., patterns of long and short sounds in nursery rhymes);        
•distinguish between beat and rhythm in a simple song;        
•identify higher- and lower-pitched sounds in their environment and in music;        
•identify examples of dynamics (the varying degree of volume of sound) in their environment and in music;        
•identify different tempi (faster and slower speeds) in their environment and in music;        
•reproduce specific pitches in group call-and-response activities (e.g., respond with "I am fine" to the leader's question "How are you?").         
Creative Work        
•express their responses to various kinds of music (e.g., fast, slow, loud, soft) by means of appropriate movements (e.g., marching, dancing);        
•sing music from a variety of cultures and historical periods;        
•create rhythmic patterns, using a variety of sounds (e.g., sounds made with the voice or instruments or by clapping);        
•produce a specific effect (e.g., the sound of wind, sounds of farm animals), using various sound sources (e.g., the voice, the body, musical instruments, "found" materials such as sticks or combs);        
•sing expressively, showing awareness of the meaning of the text;        
•create simple accompaniments and sound effects to songs, poems, and chants, using the voice, instruments, or "found" materials;        
•accompany songs, using appropriate rhythm instruments (e.g., tambourines), body percussion (e.g., clapping), or "found" instruments;        
•create and perform musical compositions, applying their knowledge of the elements of music and patterns of sound.        
Critical Thinking        
•communicate their thoughts and feelings about the music they hear, using language and a variety of art forms and media (e.g., computer, paints, crayons);        
•identify ways in which music is a part of their daily life (e.g., music is used in the media, in family celebrations);        
•describe their responses to music that they sing and hear, using appropriate vocabulary or musical terminology (e.g., "I like this music because it is fast and it makes me want to dance");        
•recognize that mood can be created through music (e.g., in "Lullaby" by Brahms, in "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" by Tchaikovsky).         
Student Name:        
 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1998.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.