Social Science

Grade 1: Canada and World Connections: The Local Community

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* recognize that communities consist of various physical features and community facilities that meet human needs;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate information about the distinguishing physical features and community facilities in their area;





* describe how people in the community interact with each other and the physical environment to meet human needs.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* identify the physical and social needs of residents in an area (e.g., for food, water, shelter, safety, recreation, social interaction);





* identify the distinguishing physical features of their community (e.g., buildings, roads, rivers, lakes);





* list the occupations of some people in the community (e.g., storekeeper, hair stylist, mail carrier, farmer, teacher, police officer, firefighter, doctor, nurse, salesperson);





* identify the places in which people work and describe the technologies, tools, and vehicles they use;





* list the different ways in which people travel around the community (e.g., by bus, car, bicycle; on foot).










Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* brainstorm and ask simple questions (e.g., Who? What? When? Where?) to gain information about their local community;





* use pictures, maps, print materials, media sources, and/or class trips to locate information about their local community, including safe places in the community (e.g., school, police station, homes of block parents and neighbours);





* use illustrations, key words, and simple sentences (e.g., graphic organizer, cooperative big book) to sort, classify, and record information about their local community;





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., location, map, symbol, distance, title, legend, direction) to communicate the results of inquiries and observations about their local community.





Map, Globe, and Graphic Skills





* make models and read maps of familiar areas in their local community;





* use non-standard units to measure distance on a map (e.g., paces, tiles, blocks);





* demonstrate an understanding of scale (e.g., give the reasons for using small objects to represent large ones on a map);





* use their own symbols on a map to identify buildings and places in their local community (e.g., house, barn, school, fire station, police station, community centre, road, shopping area);





* recognize that different colours represent different things on a map (e.g., blue/water, green/land);





* use appropriate words (e.g., left/right, up/down, front/back, near/far, above/below) to describe relative locations of places and objects.










* identify and describe routes within the school (e.g., fire route, exit route), using familiar symbols and landmarks (e.g., washroom, drinking fountain, offices);





* construct a model of their local community to show how people's physical and social needs are served within the area (e.g., locations of fire station, small or large retail buildings, recreational facilities, school, library; transportation routes);





* list a variety of occupations in the community and explain how they meet people's needs.





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.