The Arts
Grade 2: Drama and Dance
Overall Expectations
•describe some of the basic elements of drama and dance (e.g., time, space);
•interpret the meaning of stories, poems, and other material drawn from a variety of sources and cultures, using several basic drama and dance techniques (e.g., tableaux);
•create short dance pieces, using techniques learned in this grade;        
•communicate understanding of works in drama and dance through discussion, writing, movement, and visual art work;        
•solve problems in various situations through role playing and movement in drama and dance.         
Specific Expectations
Knowledge of Elements        
•identify and use some key elements of drama and dance in exploring source materials (e.g., move at different speeds and different levels to music or to the words of a poem);        
•use the vocabulary, tone of voice, and body movements appropriate for a specific character when role playing;        
•write in role as characters in a story, using the vocabulary and portraying the attitudes of the characters;        
•describe their own and others' work, using drama and dance vocabulary (e.g., identify the tableau as a way of crystallizing a moment of importance in a story);        
•identify and describe symbols that are relevant to the meaning of stories and poems (e.g., the heart as a symbol of love);        
•distinguish between real and imaginary situations in drama and dance;        
•recognize and demonstrate movement sequences used by specific characters or found in their natural surroundings (e.g., the sequence of movements of a knight donning armour; the sequence of movements of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon);        
•identify parts of the body and describe the variety of movements that can be done by each of them.         
Creative Work        
•speak in role as characters in a story, assuming the attitude and gestures of the people they are playing (e.g., as a courtier, bow to the king and use appropriate language when speaking to him);        
•demonstrate the ability to move and control their bodies in space and time (e.g., by creating tableaux in small groups);        
•use language and non-verbal means of communication effectively for a variety of purposes both in and out of role (e.g., explain why a character in a story or drama should not leave home);        
•perform a "soundscape" or sound collage based on a theme or topic studied in another area of the curriculum (e.g., portray wind and moving water studied in science);        
•interpret songs, music, poetry, or images, using elements of movement (e.g., rhythm, space).         
Critical Thinking        
•compare what they experience through drama and dance presentations with their experience of daily life;        
•ask and respond appropriately to relevant questions, in and out of role, about characters and dramatic situations being explored (e.g., "Do we have the necessary equipment to go down into the mine?");        
•compare, while working with others, some possible solutions to problems identified through drama and dance (e.g., finding the way home when lost in the forest);        
•identify specific aspects (e.g., movements, words) of their work and that of others that were effective (e.g., the scary way the dancer stopped and turned).         
Student Name:        
 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1998.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.