Social Science

Grade 2: Heritage and Citizenship: Traditions and Celebrations

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* demonstrate an understanding that Canada is a country of many cultures;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate information about similarities and differences among family traditions and celebrations;





* explain how the various cultures of individuals and groups contribute to the local community.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* demonstrate an understanding that communities may be made up of people from many cultures;





* outline traditions of various cultures that are passed down from earlier generations (e.g., celebrations, names);





* identify ways in which heritage and traditions are passed on (e.g., stories; community celebrations; special days such as Remembrance Day, Canada Day, Aboriginal Solidarity Day, and religious holidays; the Canadian flag; music, crafts, dance, food, recreation, clothing);





* identify the origins and features of various families (e.g., nationality, culture, size, structure);





* explain the significant traditions and celebrations of families from a variety of cultural traditions.





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* ask simple questions to gain information and seek clarification (e.g., What are the similarities and differences in celebrations among cultures? How are they the same? How are they different?);





* use primary and secondary sources to locate simple information about family history and traditions (e.g., primary sources: interviews, eyewitness visitors, class trips; secondary sources: maps, illustrations, print materials, videos);





* use illustrations, key words, and simple sentences (e.g., timeline of major family events, simple family tree) to sort, classify, and record basic information about family history and traditions;





* make and read a variety of graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, and models to understand information about cultural or religious traditions and share it with members of the class (e.g., Festivals of Lights, First Nation powwows, toys from various cultures);





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., culture, celebrations, heritage, traditions) to communicate the results of inquiries and observations about family traditions and celebrations.










* identify examples that show the participation of various cultures in the community (e.g., restaurants, places of worship, styles of dress);





* identify community celebrations that reflect their own heritage and/or their Canadian identity (e.g., Remembrance Day, Canada Day, Victoria Day, Aboriginal Solidarity Day, Chinese New Year).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.