
Grade 3: Geometry and Spatial Sense

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





• compare two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures and sort them by their geometric properties;





• describe relationships between two-dimensional shapes, and between two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures;





• identify and describe the locations and movements of shapes and objects.





Specific Expectations





Geometric Properties





– use a reference tool (e.g., paper corner, pattern block, carpenter’s square) to identify right angles and to describe angles as greater than, equal to, or less than a right angle (Sample problem: Which pattern blocks have angles bigger than a right angle?);





– identify and compare various polygons (i.e., triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons) and sort them by their geometric properties (i.e., number of sides; side lengths; number of interior angles; number of right angles);





– compare various angles, using concrete materials and pictorial representations, and describe angles as bigger than, smaller than, or about the same as other angles (e.g., “Two of the angles on the red pattern block are bigger than all the angles on the green pattern block.”);





– compare and sort prisms and pyramids by geometric properties (i.e., number and shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices), using concrete materials;





– construct rectangular prisms (e.g., using given paper nets; using Polydrons), and describe geometric properties (i.e., number and shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices) of the prisms.





Geometric Relationships





– solve problems requiring the greatest or least number of two-dimensional shapes (e.g., pattern blocks) needed to compose a larger shape in a variety of ways (e.g., to cover an outline puzzle) (Sample problem: Compose a hexagon using different numbers of smaller shapes.);





– explain the relationships between different types of quadrilaterals (e.g., a square is a rectangle because a square has four sides and four right angles; a rhombus is a parallelogram because opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel);





– identify and describe the two-dimensional shapes that can be found in a three dimensional figure (Sample problem: Build a structure from blocks, toothpicks, or other concrete materials, and describe it using geometric terms, so that your partner will be able to build your structure without seeing it.);





– describe and name prisms and pyramids by the shape of their base (e.g., rectangular prism, square-based pyramid);





– identify congruent two-dimensional shapes by manipulating and matching concrete materials (e.g., by translating, reflecting, or rotating pattern blocks).





Location and Movement





– describe movement from one location to another using a grid map (e.g., to get from the swings to the sandbox, move three squares to the right and two squares down);





– identify flips, slides, and turns, through investigation using concrete materials and physical motion, and name flips, slides, and turns as reflections, translations, and rotations (e.g., a slide to the right is a translation; a turn is a rotation);





– complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of symmetry (Sample problem: Draw the missing portion of the given butterfly on grid paper.).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.