Social Science

Grade 4: Canada and World Connections: Canada’s Provinces, Territories and Regions

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* name and locate the various physical regions, provinces, and territories of Canada and identify the chief natural resources of each;





* use a variety of resources and tools to determine the influence of physical factors on the economies and cultures of Ontario and the other provinces and territories;





* identify, analyse, and describe economic and cultural relationships that link communities and regions within Ontario and across Canada.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* explain the concept of a region (i.e, an area that is similar throughout its extent and different from the places around it);





* identify the physical regions of Ontario and describe their characteristics (e.g., Canadian Shield, Great Lakes- St. Lawrence lowlands, Hudson Bay lowlands);





* explain how the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes systems shape or influence the human activity of their surrounding area (e.g., with respect to transportation, industry, recreation, commercial fishing);





* identify Ontario's major natural resources and their uses and management (e.g., water, for hydroelectricity and recreation);





* identify and describe types of communities in each physical region of Ontario (e.g., tourist, manufacturing, and agricultural communities in the St. Lawrence lowlands; First Nation communities in the Hudson Bay lowlands; forestry and mining communities in the Canadian Shield region);





* describe a variety of exchanges that occur among the communities and regions of Ontario (e.g., fruit from the Niagara Peninsula, nickel from Sudbury, vehicles from Oshawa, wild rice from Kenora, cranberries from Wahta First Nation) and among the provinces and territories (e.g., potatoes from Prince Edward Island, fish from British Columbia, grain from Saskatchewan, Inuit artwork from Nunavut);





* identify Canada's provinces and territories and its main physical regions (e.g., Canadian Shield, Appalachians, Hudson Bay lowlands, Arctic lowlands, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence lowlands, interior plains, cordilleras);





* describe and compare the environments of the physical regions of Canada (e.g., with respect to landforms and waterways);





* identify the natural resources necessary to create Canadian products, and the provinces and territories from which they originate (e.g., trees/furniture/Ontario);





* relate the physical environment to economic and cultural activities in the various provinces and territories (e.g., mountains/ skiing/British Columbia; the Grand Banks/ fishing/Newfoundland and Labrador; beaches/tourism/Prince Edward Island; temperate climate and fertile soil/orchards/ southern Ontario).





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions to guide research and clarify information on study topics (e.g., What are the effects of physical features on land use? How are goods transported from one province or territory to another?);





* use primary and secondary sources to locate information about natural resources and their uses (e.g., primary sources: interviews, classroom visitors, class trips; secondary sources: atlases, encyclopedias and other print materials, illustrations, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites);





* use graphic organizers and graphs to sort information, clarify issues, solve problems, and make decisions (e.g., use a pro-and-con chart to identify the effects of clear-cutting on a forest community; use a decision-making chart to consider the alternatives to and consequences of constructing dams on a river system; create a bar graph to show average temperature by province);





* use media works, oral presentations, written notes and descriptions, drawings, tables, and graphs to identify and communicate key information about the regions, provinces, and territories;





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., regions, Canadian Shield, Great Lakes lowlands, St. Lawrence lowlands, Hudson Bay lowlands, interior plains, Arctic lowlands, cordilleras, physical features, boundaries, province, capital, territory, natural resources, grid) to describe their inquiries and observations.





Map, Globe, and Graphic Skills





* locate on a map community boundaries and adjacent communities (e.g., towns, counties) within a region;





* locate on a map of Ontario and label the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water and waterways (e.g., Hudson Bay, James Bay, the Ottawa River);





* use a variety of sources (e.g., atlases, relief maps, globes, aerial and satellite photographs) to locate and label the physical regions of Canada on a map;





* use cardinal and intermediate directions, pictorial and non-pictorial symbols (e.g., dots to represent entire cities), scale, and colour to locate and display geographic information on various maps;





* use number and letter grids to locate places on base maps and road maps, and in atlases;





* create and use a variety of thematic maps of Canada's physical features (e.g., landforms, climate, natural resources);





* construct maps of transportation routes between local communities within a region (e.g., rail, road, water, air);





* construct maps of the provinces and territories, showing major roadways, railways, and cities, including capital cities;





* prepare various forms of maps, using symbols and legends, to display places, transportation routes, and political boundaries (e.g., international, national, provincial) in Canada.










* identify relationships, in a variety of fields, that link Ontario and the other provinces and territories (e.g., in art, literature, music, dance, technology, heritage, tourism, sports);





* compare two or more regions (e.g., the Arctic and the Prairies), with respect to their physical environments and exchanges of goods and services;





* identify and describe a cause-and-effect relationship between the environment and the economy in a province or territory (e.g., overfishing on the Grand Banks; changes to landscape resulting from open-pit mining or clear-cut logging);





* describe how technology (e.g., in communications, transportation) affects the lives of people in an isolated community in Canada (e.g., the impact of snowmobiles on hunting in the Arctic; the effects of satellite television and the Internet on schoolchildren; the effect of air transport on the availability of products).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.