
Grade 7: Patterns in Physical Geopgraphy

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* identify patterns in physical geography and explain the factors that produce them;





* use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about the earth's physical features and patterns;





* explain how patterns of physical geography affect human activity around the world.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* identify various types of landforms and explain how they are used to describe regions;





* identify and describe world landform patterns (e.g., fold mountains along the west coast of North and South America, continental drainage basins and river systems);





* explain how world climate patterns result from the interaction of several factors (i.e., latitude, altitude, global wind systems, air masses, proximity to large bodies of water, ocean currents);





* identify the effects of natural phenomena (e.g., tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes) on people and the environment;





* explain how natural vegetation patterns result from the interaction of several factors, including climate, landforms, soil types, and competition for available nutrients (e.g., landforms: plains/grains; climate: tropics/fruit);





* identify major river systems of the world (e.g., the Amazon, the Nile, the St. Lawrence, the Mississippi, the Yangtze) and describe their drainage patterns as either dendritic or trellis;





* identify the characteristics of the three types of agriculture – subsistence, commercial, and specialized – and the differing climate, topography, and soil conditions that are favourable to each type;





* describe how the following major factors influence commercial agriculture: location, climate, raw materials, market, labour, transportation.





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions to guide research for a comparative study of physical patterns (e.g., What features characterize different types of river drainage systems around the world? What are the similarities and differences between the Cascade Mountains and the Rocky Mountains? What effect does pollution of the Great Lakes have on the lives of Canadians? What effect does acid precipitation have on the forest industry?);





* locate relevant information using a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary sources: aerial photographs, satellite images, interviews, field studies; secondary sources: climate maps, illustrations, print materials, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites);





* communicate the results of inquiries and analyses for specific purposes and audiences, using computer slide shows, videos, websites, oral presentations, written notes and descriptions, drawings, tables, charts, diagrams, maps, models, and graphs (e.g., create a map showing the relationship between physical features of the country and recreational activities; create a model of different physical patterns; present a computer slide show of how the mountain ranges of the world were created);





* use appropriate vocabulary, including correct geographic terminology (e.g., classify, climate graph, pattern, latitude, altitude, contour lines), to describe their inquiries and observations.





Map, Globe and Graphic Skills





* use a variety of thematic and topographic maps to identify patterns in physical geography;





* construct, interpret, and compare climate graphs;





* use contour lines to represent elevation on maps (e.g., Mount Olympus, Mount Pelée, Fuji-san);





* draw cross-sectional diagrams from topographic maps (e.g., of landforms, river profiles).










* investigate and report on world patterns of landforms, climate, and vegetation that are favourable to specialized types of commercial agriculture (e.g., tree farming, potatoes, cotton, rice, coffee, bananas, tobacco, sugar cane, sheep, beef, dairy farming);





* investigate the physical features and climate of a variety of popular tourist destinations and use a decision-making model to select an ideal travel destination.





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.