
Grade 8: Patterns in Human Geography

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





* identify the main patterns of human settlement and identify the factors that influence population distribution and land use;





* use a variety of geographic representations, resources, tools, and technologies to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about patterns in human geography;





* compare living and working conditions in countries with different patterns of settlement, and examine how demographic factors could affect their own lives in the future.





Specific Expectations





Knowledge and Understanding





* identify the three main patterns of human settlement – linear, scattered, and clustered;





* identify and explain the factors affecting population distribution (e.g., history, natural environment, technological development, immigration trends/patterns);





* compare the characteristics of places with high and low population densities;





* explain how site and situation influence settlement patterns;





* identify and describe the types of land use (e.g., residential, recreational, institutional, commercial, industrial, agricultural; for transportation, communication, utilities; public space);





* summarize the factors that affect patterns of urbanization, industrialization, and transportation.





Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills





* formulate questions to guide and synthesize research on the study of population characteristics and patterns (e.g., What conditions are needed to maintain a high quality of life? What is the relationship between literacy rate and GNP? What action can students take to aid a developing nation?);





* locate relevant information from a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary sources: interviews, field studies, surveys; secondary sources: statistics, maps, diagrams, illustrations, print materials, videos, CD-ROMs, Internet sites);





* communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences using computer slide shows, videos, websites, oral presentations, written notes and reports, illustrations, tables, charts, maps, models, and graphs (e.g., create graphs to compare factors affecting quality of life; create an illustrated brochure outlining positive features of a developing nation; map the ten highest and lowest countries on the Human Development Index; interpret population pyramids to predict population trends in other countries);





* use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., site, situation, rural, developed, developing, urbanization, population density, population distribution, gross domestic product [GDP], gross national product [GNP], correlation, birth and death rates, literacy rate, life expectancy) to describe their inquiries and observations.





Map, Globe and Graphic Skills





* create and use a variety of maps for specific purposes (e.g., to show land use, transportation routes, population distribution, popular tourist destinations);





* produce and interpret simple scatter graphs to determine the correlation between population characteristics;





* construct and examine population pyramids to make predictions about future trends in population characteristics.










* compare key characteristics (e.g., quality of life, level of industrialization and urbanization) of a number of developed and developing countries;





* research job trends and predict the skills that will be needed to meet the challenges of Canada's changing demographics.





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.