
Grade 8: Data Management and Probability

Planning: Term #

Tracking: Ach. Level

Overall Expectations





• collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including frequency tables with intervals, histograms, and scatter plots;





• apply a variety of data management tools and strategies to make convincing arguments about data;





• use probability models to make predictions about real-life events.





Specific Expectations





Collection and Organization of Data





– collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject, and record observations or measurements;





– organize into intervals a set of data that is spread over a broad range (e.g., the age of respondents to a survey may range over 80 years and may be organized into ten-year intervals);





– collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data (e.g., electronic data from websites such as E-Stat or Census At Schools), and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including histograms and scatter plots) that have appropriate titles, labels (e.g., appropriate units marked on the axes), and scales (e.g., with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools (e.g., graph paper, spreadsheets, dynamic statistical software);





– select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph (i.e., from types of graphs already studied, including histograms and scatter plots);





– explain the relationship between a census, a representative sample, sample size, and a population (e.g., “I think that in most cases a larger sample size will be more representative of the entire population.”).





Data Relationships





– read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g., survey results, measurements, observations) and from secondary data (e.g., election data or temperature data from the newspaper, data from the Internet about lifestyles), presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including frequency tables with intervals, histograms, and scatter plots);





– determine, through investigation, the appropriate measure of central tendency (i.e., mean, median, or mode) needed to compare sets of data (e.g., in hockey, compare heights or masses of players on defence with that of forwards);





– demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate uses of bar graphs and histograms by comparing their characteristics (Sample problem: How is a histogram similar to and different from a bar graph? Use examples to support your answer.);





– compare two attributes or characteristics (e.g., height versus arm span), using a scatter plot, and determine whether or not the scatter plot suggests a relationship (Sample problem: Create a scatter plot to compare the lengths of the bases of several similar triangles with their areas.);





– identify and describe trends, based on the rate of change of data from tables and graphs, using informal language (e.g., “The steep line going upward on this graph represents rapid growth. The steep line going downward on this other graph represents rapid decline.”); 





– make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs (Sample problem: Use data to make a convincing argument that the environment is becoming increasingly polluted.);





– compare two attributes or characteristics, using a variety of data management tools and strategies (i.e., pose a relevant question, then design an experiment or survey, collect and analyse the data, and draw conclusions) (Sample problem: Compare the length and width of different-sized leaves from a maple tree to determine if maple leaves grow proportionally. What generalizations can you make?).










– compare, through investigation, the theoretical probability of an event (i.e., the ratio of the number of ways a favourable outcome can occur compared to the total number of possible outcomes) with experimental probability, and explain why they might differ (Sample problem: Toss a fair coin 10 times, record the results, and explain why you might not get the predicted result of 5 heads and 5 tails.);





– determine, through investigation, the tendency of experimental probability to approach theoretical probability as the number of trials in an experiment increases, using class-generated data and technology-based simulation models (Sample problem: Compare the theoretical probability of getting a 6 when tossing a number cube with the experimental probabilities obtained after tossing a number cube once, 10 times, 100 times, and 1000 times.);





– identify the complementary event for a given event, and calculate the theoretical probability that a given event will not occur (Sample problem: Bingo uses the numbers from 1 to 75. If the numbers are pulled at random, what is the probability that the first number is a multiple of 5? Is not a multiple of 5?).





Student Name:





 Expectations: Copyright The Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005.  Format: Copyright B.Phillips, 1998.