— B   Y   R   N   E —
— T   E   E   D —

F   A  M  I  L  Y      W  E  B  S  I  T  E
LAST UPDATE:     December 10, 2008

Scroll down to read our family history and to see photographs.



The Byrne family was a reserved, educated, prosperous and strict Roman Catholic family.

Martin Byrne was born in 1848.

Martin married Catherine O'Toole who was also born in 1848.

Martin and Catherine Byrne had 5 children:

John J. Byrne "Jack" Born 1876 Died 1936 Age 60
William M. Byrne Born 1880 Died 1967 Age 87
Thomas E. Byrne Born 1884 Died 1918 Age 34
Mae Byrne Born ? Died ? Age ?
Kathryn Byrne "Kit" Born ? Died ? Age ?

Martin Byrne died in 1913 at the age of 65.

Catherine (O'Toole) Byrne died in 1930 at the age of 82.

Martin and Catherine (O'Toole) Byrne's

John J. Byrne was born August 8, 1876 in Milton, MA. and went by the name of "Jack".
Jack London Web Site Award
This site has received the
"Jack London Excellent Site Award"
from Dave Hartzell of the
Jack London's Ranch Album: A Pictorial Biography.
John J. "Jack" Byrne

Click here for list of John J. Byrne's children.

Jack was a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), who worked as an accountant, bookkeeper, and secretary. He was left-handed and had beautiful penmanship, which was often noted.
As a young man, Jack left Milton, MA and traveled to California, (it's said by hopping westbound freight trains).

It is noted in Charmain London's diary that on December 12, 1904 Jack Byrne and Ida London-Miller*, were invited as dinner guests to the home of Mr. Jack London** (and his soon to be second wife), Clara Charmain Kittredge (who went by her middle name, "Charmain"), at Glen Ellen, CA.
* Ida is the younger of Mr. Jack London's two older step-sisters.
    Ida had been previously married at an early age (1888) to F. H. Miller and had a son, Johnny Miller.
    She divorced him in 1905 after he deserted her.

** Mr. Jack London (1876-1916) was a famous author of many books, such as
    "Call of the Wild" (1903) and "John Barleycorn" (1913).

In 1905, Jack Byrne (age 29) married Ida London Miller (age 35) and became Mr. London's brother-in-law.

In 1906 Jack and Ida Byrne had a daughter they named Charmain Byrne, whom they nicknamed "Tommy". They settled in Oakland, CA.
Here's a picture of Charmain "Tommy" London-Byrne

This picture was taken in California

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In 1906 Jack witnessed and made it through the devastating San Francisco Earth Quake.

In 1909 Jack Byrne's 25 year old brother Thomas E. Byrne, traveled to Oakland, California to visit and meet his brother's new family.
In 1912 Jack Byrne's wife, Ida (London-Miller) Byrne, was admitted to the East Bay Sanitarium, a hospital for the chronically ill.

On March 23, 1913, Jack Byrne, who was recently out of work, was hired as a personal secretary to his bother-in-law, the author Jack London, and began handling all of Mr. London's correspondence and business matters. (Charmain London, would not allow her husband to have a female secretary.)

On March 3, 1914, 38 year old Jack Byrne and his 8 year old daughter Charmain "Tommy" Byrne moved from Oakland, CA into one of the cottages on Mr. London's ranch in Glen Ellen, CA, known as "Beauty Ranch".

Jack London Ranch Cottage

Living at the ranch would enable Jack Byrne to be handy to work for Mr. London.

Eliza London Shepard*, who lived at the ranch, would care for Ida and Jack Byrne's daughter, Charmain "Tommy" Byrne, while Ida was hospitalized and her father worked.
* Eliza London Shepard was Ida's oldest sister — and Jack London's oldest step-sister. She was estranged from her husband, James Shepard, who was a jeweler with a shop in Modesto CA
Eliza's estranged husband, James Shepard got upset with Mr. London because Eliza had left him and had moved onto the Ranch with her step-brother Jack London. Shepard felt that Mr. London had 'stolen his wife'.

Mr. Shepard appeared at the Ranch one night stating that he was going to kill Jack London.   He became furious when he discovered Jack Byrne having dinner with Eliza along with Mr. and Mrs. London. Mr. Shepard pulled out a gun and tried to shoot Jack Byrne. Mr. London jumped up and wrestled the gun away from Shepard.

It's believed that Eliza and Jack Byrne were just friends.
Here's a picture of Eliza cir: 1915

Ida (London-Miller) Byrne died on the operating table at the East Bay Sanitarium on June 2, 1914, leaving Jack Byrne a widower with an 8 year old daughter, Charmain "Tommy" Byrne.

Jack Byrne continued to live at the ranch with his daughter, Tommy, and worked for Mr. London, until Mr. London's death in 1916.

It was the morning of November 22, 1916, when a servant found Jack London unconscious. Eliza sent for Jack Byrne who went for a doctor who tried to revive Mr. London who was in a state of narcosis, morphine vials on the floor. Eliza London-Shepard, Charmain Kittredge-London and Jack Byrne were at author Jack London's side when he died at the young age of 40.

Mr. London's death truly devastated Jack, and he was deeply grieved. Mr. London had been his employer, his brother-in-law and his friend.

Jack Byrne continued to work in the Glen Ellen area for the next few years. He noted in a
letter he had written that he "wandered all over California for more than a year". Jack's daughter Charmain "Tommy" stayed with her Aunt Eliza London-Shepard at the ranch while her father worked.
In 1917, Jack tried to enlist in the Army, in San Francisco, wanting to serve during World War I, but was rejected due to his age of 39.

In 1918, Jack contracted influenza, during the Great Flu Epidemic. He was very ill for three weeks, but thankfully recovered.

Jack Byrne was working in Humboldt County, CA. It was while working there that he learned of his brother Tom's death.   Thomas E. Byrne, from Massachusetts, had died at age 34 from influenza, another victim of the 1918 epidemic.

Jack received a letter from his deceased brother Tom's widow, Effie (Teed) Byrne, and he responded with profound respect and spiritual comfort in a letter that he wrote to his sister-in-law, Effie, dated December 1, 1918.

Below is the letter:

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In 1919 Jack Byrne returned to Massachusetts leaving his 13 year-old daughter Charmain "Tommy" Byrne with her beloved Aunt Eliza London-Sheperd, the only "mother" Tommy had ever known.
Eliza London-Shepard wrote often to Jack Byrne with news of his daughter, Charmain "Tommy" Byrne.

After Eliza died author Jack London's widow, Charmain London, continued to write to Jack Byrne with news regarding Tommy.

Tommy rarely wrote to anyone herself. Once Tommy married and had a family (of at least two daughters) the correspondence faded.

Click here to read about Tommy's visit to Massachusetts in 1929.

On November 26, 1919, against his family's wishes, Jack Byrne, age 43, married Effie (Teed) Byrne, his brother's 30 year old widow, and became father to Tom and Effie's three young children.

Helen Byrne Born 02/09/14 Died 11/19/96
Alice Byrne Born 12/02/16 Died 01/05/93
Marjorie Byrne Born 12/31/1918 Died 11/11/65

Jack and Effie made their home in Milton, MA.
The Byrne family did not approve of Jack marrying his deceased brother's widow and they disowned him. They had not been happy when Tom had married Effie and now two of the Byrne sons had married the same non-Catholic girl. They also did not like the fact that Jack and Effie were having so many children. Jack and Effie saw William's family during occasional Sunday dinners but rarely saw the others, unless they would run into them at William's house.
Jack and Effie Byrne had six more children:
Martin Byrne Born 06/27/1920 Died 02/1976
Beatrice I. Byrne Born 06/21/1922 Resides in Braintree, MA
Mary Byrne Born 08/15/1924 Died 12/06/2006
Eileen Byrne Born 03/31/1927 Died 02/17/1991
Patricia Byrne Born 02/10/1929 Died 07/04/1997
Barbara Byrne Born 02/15/1934 Died 09/26/1980

Helen, Alice and Marjorie were never considered to be half-sisters or stepsisters. Jack and Effie Byrne raised their nine children as one, large, loving family.

(See the TEED FAMILY section)

Here's a picture of Effie (Teed) Byrne
and her husband John (Jack) Byrne

This was most likely taken in Milton MA.

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Jack worked at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Boston as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

In 1929 the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began.
It was around 1929 when Eliza London-Shepard and her niece, Charmain "Tommy" Byrne (Jack Byrne's daughter from his first marriage to Eliza's sister, Ida [London-Miller] Byrne) traveled from California to visit Tommy's father, Jack Byrne, his wife Effie Byrne and their children in Milton Massachusetts.

It had been 10 years since Jack had left California and had seen his first born child.

Tommy was about 23 years old when she visited. Gifts were given to all of the Byrne children and an autographed book 'The Call of the Wild', written by Jack London was given to Jack Byrne's only son, 9 year old Martin Byrne (which he did not save).       The Call of the Wild - 1st edition July 1903

During this visit Jack's children ranged in age from infant
Patricia to 15 year old Helen.

The children were very excited about meeting the California visitors whom their father had told them of. Effie had done her 5 year old daughter Mary's hair up in rags so she would have curly hair. Mary looked like Shirley Temple with her curls and a pretty dress and entertained the guests by singing a song and dancing for them. Mary's gift was a doll with blond hair, (which she says her sister Beatrice threw in the brook behind their house).
In 1932, the family lost their house at 26 Sassamon Avenue in Milton. They moved to a rented house in Dorchester. After a short period, the family moved back to Milton and rented a large house.

Jack's 14 year old daughter, Marjorie, moved to Amherst, NH to live her her Uncle Duddy and Aunt Min.

His daughter Helen Byrne came down with Tuberculosis (TB) while living in Milton and had to stay in bed for one year.

Jack daughter Eileen had been also been sick with rheumatic fever and polio. Jack would sit on her bed asking how she was feeling, and would read to her.

Coupon books were given to families for food. All of the children would have a coupon book, and go to the local Congregational Church for milk, cheese, peanut butter, flour and sugar. There is no memory of having meat during the year of 1932. None of the Byrne children were ever hungry, "just skinny".
Here is a picture of Jack Byrne.
Sitting to his left is his friend Jack Driscoll

Taken at Grandma Teed's House
Nahonton Avenue, Milton, MA
Mr. Driscoll was Mary Byrne's Godfather

Jack was a very strict and protective father. In 1935 his 13 year old daughter Beatrice had permission from her mother to go to the movies with a girlfriend. Though the theater was across the street from their house, Jack was not letting Bea out on her own and went to the theater and brought her home.

Jack turned 59 years old in 1935, was aging and had bleeding ulcers.
Jack had been accustomed to fine things when he lived in California at Mr. London's "Beauty Ranch" and worked hard now to support his large family. It was a constant struggle. Jack asked Effie if she would please consider moving to California but Effie was very close to her family and could not bear leaving them.
John J. "Jack" Byrne died On September 26, 1936 at Boston City Hospital from mercury poisoning, believed by his own hand, at the age of 60. Some say Jack was treating his ulcers and it was accidental after suffering for years with bleeding ulcers.

Years earlier, Jack Byrne's family had completely disowned him, as they did not approve of him marrying his deceased brother's widow. For many years Jack had no contact with his sisters, Kathryn "Kit" or Mae and very little contact with his brother William.

Jack's sisters, Mae and Kit, who had influence and were well-off, made special arrangements to have a Catholic funeral Mass for Jack at Saint Agatha's Church in Milton, MA.

Saint Agatha's Church-Milton MA Saint Agatha's Church-Interior Milton MA

Jack Byrne was buried in a consecrated grave, in the Byrne family plot, but his family would not allow his name to be placed on the headstone.

In later years, Jack's daughters arranged for his name to be engraved on the back of the family gravestone at his burial site in Milton, MA.

Patricia   Mary and Eileen Byrne

Taken Memorial Day 1943
at Milton Cemetary

William M. Byrne was born in 1880.

William married a woman named Winifred who was known as "Winnie".

Winifred was born in 1898. She was 18 years younger than William.

William and Winnie had at least 8 children.

William M. Byrne died in 1967 at the age of 87.

Winifred Byrne died in 1965 at the age of 67.

Thomas E. Byrne was born in 1884.

Here is a picture of Tom Byrne.

In 1909, at age 25, Tom traveled to California , to visit and to meet his brother
Jack's new family.

Tom returned to Milton, Massachusetts and worked as a street car conductor.

In 1911 Tom met a young lady named Effie Teed on the trolley, at Randolph Avenue, in Milton, MA   (he was the train conductor).   They fell in love and married. Tom was 27 years old and Effie was 22 years old.

Tom and Effie Byrne had four children:

Gertrude Byrne Born 1912 Died 1913
from whooping cough
Helen Byrne Born 02/09/1914 Died 11/19/1996
Alice Byrne Born 12/02/1916 Died 01/05/1993
Marjorie Byrne Born 12/31/1918 Died 11/11/1965

Helen age 10, Alice age 8, Marge age 5

Thomas E. Byrne tragically died May 1918, at the young age of 34, from influenza during the Great Flu Epidemic.

At age 29 Effie (Teed) Byrne had lost a young baby and now her husband a widow with two young children, Helen age 4 and Alice age 17 months, and was expecting another child, Marjorie, who was born December 31, 1918.

Effie Byrne later married Tom's brother Jack Byrne

Mae Byrne married a man named Pendis and had at least one son.

Kathryn Byrne, who was called "Kit" married a man named Edward McGrath, who worked for the telephone company.

Kathryn and Edward McGrath had 2 children,
Edward McGrath became a pediatrician
Kathryn McGrath ?

Following the death of Kit's brother
Jack Byrne (whom she had years earlier disowned when he married his brother's widow), Jack's 14 year old daughter Beatrice came to live with Kit who now felt sorry for Bea's mother, Effie, "alone with all of those children" (Effie had 9 children when Jack died).

Kit said she was willing to take one of Effie's children, to her home to educate the child and would then send the child to college. Beatrice was chosen probably because she had skipped a grade.

Beatrice was given her cousin Edward's room, as he was away at college. After a couple of months she became so upset and so homesick for her family that she returned home.
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Moses Teed met and married Sara Cole during the 1800's, in New Brunswick, Canada.

Moses and Sara Teed had one son

James E. Teed Born 1864 Died 1936

James E. Teed was born in 1864.

James met
Ellen M. Riley who was also born in 1864, in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Ellen mother was a
Micmac Indian.

James E. Teed and Ellen M. Riley married in the 1880's.

Click here for list of Ellen and James Teed's children.

Ellen (Riley) Teed (baby ?)

James and Ellen Teed settled on Nahonton Avenue, in Milton, MA, USA.

James was a carpenter and built their home on Nahonton Avenue as well as many other homes he built in the towns of Milton and Randolph, MA.

Ellen was a hard worker — she made her own soap and raised her own vegetables. It is said that she would walk around with a rifle and used to kill rattlesnakes while in the Blue Hills picking blueberries.

James and Ellen Teed had 6 children:

Gertrude M. Teed Born 1887 Died 1939 Age 52 heart attack
Effie M. Teed Born 1889 Died 1970 Age 80 Cerb. Hemor
Charles E. Teed
  (Uncle Duddy)
Born 1892 Died 1944 Age 52 Heart problems
W. Harold Teed Born 1895 Died 1931 Age 36 Broken Back
Warren E. Teed Born 1897 Died 1967 Age 70 Emphysema
J. Albert Teed Born 1901 Died 1969 Age 68 Kidney Problems

All four of the Teed's sons were carpenters like their father, James.

Ellen (Riley) Teed

Taken at her home on Nahonton Ave, Milton, MA
with her dog, Laddy.
Taken many years later, here's another picture of Ellen (Riley) Teed

James E. Teed died of a heart attack in October of 1936 at age 72.

Ellen M. (Riley) Teed died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1949 at the age of 85.


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Gertrude M. Teed was born in 1887.

Here is a photo of Gertrude and her sister, Effie.
We're not sure who "Bobby" is.

Gertrude M. Teed

Gertrude married a man named George Stewart.

Gertrude and George lived in Avon, MA.

Gertrude and George Stewart had 4 children:
Howard E. Stewart Born 1909 Died 1949
James Stewart Born ? Died ?
Ralph Stewart
    Married to 'Loretta'
Born ? Died ?
Stella Stewart Born ? Died ?

Gertrude M. (Teed) Steward died in 1939 at the age of 52 from a heart attack.

Effie M. Teed was born on December 22, 1889, in Newton, MA.

Effie M. Teed Byrne

About 1911 Effie met a young man named
Thomas E. Byrne while riding on a trolley car in Milton. He was the train conductor.

Effie Teed and Tom Byrne fell in love and they married.

When Tom Byrne decided to marry Effie M. Teed, the Byrne family was not pleased. Effie Teed's religious faith was Protestant, not the Byrne family's Roman Catholic religion.

Effie and Tom Byrne had four children:
Gertrude Byrne Born 1912 Died 1913 — whooping cough
Helen Byrne Born 02/09/14 Died 11/19/96
Alice Byrne Born 12/02/16 Died 01/05/93
Marjorie Byrne Born 12/31/1918 Died 11/11/65

Thomas E. Byrne tragically died in May of 1918 at the young age of 34 during the
Great Flu Epidemic.

Effie (Teed) Byrne was a widow at 28, with two young children, Helen age 4 and Alice, age 17 months, while expecting Marjorie, who was born December 31, 1918.
On October 29 1918, Effie wrote a "sad" letter to her brother-in-law, John "Jack" Byrne (Tom Byrne's brother) who was living in Glen Ellen, California. Effie wrote to Jack to tell him about Tom's death.

To read the reply letter from Jack to Effie, click here.

Jack had been working as a secretary and business manager for the author Jack London until Mr. London’s death.

Jack Byrne returned to Massachusetts and paid his respects to Effie.
On Novemer 26, 1919, Effie married John "Jack" Byrne and 'uncle' Jack became 'father' of Effie and Tom's three young children, Helen, Alice and Marjorie. He loved his brother's children as his own. Jack and Effie made their home in Milton, MA.

Marge age 5, Helen age 10, Alice age 8,

The Byrne family did not approve of Jack marrying his deceased brother's widow and they disowned him. They had not been happy when Tom had married Effie and now two of the Byrne sons had married the same non-Catholic girl. They also did not like the fact that Jack and Effie were having so many children. Jack and Effie saw William's family during occasional Sunday dinners but rarely saw the others, unless they would run into them at William's house.
Effie and Jack's Byrne's family grew with their 6 children:
Martin Byrne Born 06/27/1920 Died 02/1976
Beatrice I. Byrne Born 06/21/1922 Resides in Braintree MA
Mary E. Byrne Born 08/15/1924 Died 12/06/2006
Eileen Byrne Born 03/31/1927 Died 02/17/1991
Patricia Byrne Born 02/10/1929 Died 07/04/1997
Barbara Byrne Born 02/15/1934 Died 09/26/1980

Helen, Alice and Marjorie were never considered to be half-sisters or step-sisters. Jack and Effie raised all nine of them as one, large, loving family.

Here is a 1927 picture with seven of the nine Byrne children.

Martin             Helen       Alice     Marge

Mary         Eileen         Beatrice

Jack Byrne had been accustomed to fine things as he had lived on Jack London's "Beauty Ranch" in Glen Ellen, CA and now worked hard to support his large family. It was a constant struggle. Jack asked Effie if she would please consider moving to California but Effie was very close to her family and could not bear leaving them.

The Teed family lived in and around Jack and Effie's home on Sassamon Avenue, Milton, MA. a home which was built by Effie's father, Grandpa Teed (James Teed). This section of Milton was commonly known as "Tucker Hill".

Next door lived Effie's brother, Warren and his wife Peg and their son Charlie. Their back yard touched Grandma Ellen and Grandpa James Teed's backyard on Nahonton Avenue in Milton, MA.

Across the street from Jack and Effie lived her three other brothers, Charles, Harold and Albert and their families.

Every night the children would go to Grandma and Grandpa Teed's house to kiss them goodnight. Grandma Teed would make them molasses cookies and doughnuts on her big black stove. (She was known to 'tap' the children's heads with a thimbled finger from time to time.)

Eventually they all moved away except Warren and Grandma Teed.
Effie with her mother Grandma Ellen (Riley) Teed.

Taken in Grandma Teed's backyard on Nahonton Avenue, Milton MA.

In 1929 Grandpa Teed's barn caught fire just after midnight. Gertrude (Teed) Stewart’s son, Ralph Stewart, was driving along Randolph Avenue, heading home to Avon. He ran out of gas. He quietly stole up to Grandpa Teed's barn to get gas and some how set the barn on fire.
In 1936 the family moved from Milton to 6 Wainwright Street, Dorchester, MA. so that Jack could be closer to his job at the IRS in Boston.

Jack Byrne died September 26, 1936.

Grandpa James Teed died two weeks later of a heart attack at age 72.
Effie stayed about six months at Wainwright Street and then moved to 8 Melbourne Street, Dorchester and went on welfare with 6 children at home. Martin the only boy, quit school to drive a taxi cab in Mattapan to help support the family. Effie and her daughters, worked at Toby's, a factory in Stoughton.
Effie M. Byrne

Melbourne Street, Dorchester MA. 1937.

1937 - Melbourne Street Dorchester, MA.
Alice   Beatrice (Edith Young) Marge and Helen

Patricia is far left and "sailor" Mary in front
Helen, Marge & Alice

Eileen (on stairs)

In the 1940's the family moved to 15 Templeton Street, Dorchester.
On Sunday, December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked. The family were all visiting Grandma Teed and heard the famous broadcast over the radio that World War II had begun for the United States.

During the next four years everything was rationed, at night blackouts were declared and everyone pulled dark shades over the windows.
In 1943 the family was living at 998 River Street in Hyde Park.
1945 Effie decided to move to New Hampshire, first staying with her daughter Helen and her family. A short time later, Effie bought a little house on Border Street in Milford, NH, where the family frequently visited.
This picture was taken on Mother's Day, 1947.

1st ROW: Mary,   Effie Byrne   Barbara   Patricia
2nd ROW:   Alice   Helen   Beatrice   Eileen
Back ROW:   Martin   Marge

1949 Grandma Ellen (Riley) Teed died at age 85.

Effie (Teed) Byrne and all nine of her children.

(back row) Beatrice, Alice, Mary, Marjorie, Effie, Helen
(front) Patricia, Eileen, Martin and Barbara.

This picture was taken in 1955.
Barbara Byrne had a birthday party for her mother Effie.

BACK:   Donny Clough   Nancy Clough   Pat & Jiggs Lord
CENTER:   John & Eileen McEntee   Vin Zuffante   John McEntee Jr.   Helen Holt
FRONT:   Marky McEntee, Barbara Byrne & Roger Slingsby   Patty & Vinny Zuffante

Here's the newspaper clipping of the event.

Taken at Nana Effie Byrne's in August 1956

Mary   Barbara   Brother   Helen and Alice
(That's Mary's 5 year old daughter Patty on the far left)

Effie (Teed) Byrne died April 22, 1970 at the age of 80.

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Click here for quick links to Effie's children or just scroll down.

Helen Byrne was born February 9, 1914.

Helen suffered from Tuberculosis (TB) as a teenager and was bedridden for a year.

During the summers Helen visited
Uncle Duddy and Aunt Min who lived in New Hampshire.

While in New Hampshire she met and fell in love with a man named Donald Kingsbury Holt (01/26/07-04/01/86). Don was born in Hillsboro, NH. and was a quiet, hardworking farmer, raising pigs and other animals.

Helen Holt, age 41, 1955

Helen Byrne and Donald Kingsbury Holt married and settled on Merrimack Road in Amherst, NH, a section known as "The Acre". It was right down the road from her mother Effie Byrne's home. Helen's sister Beatrice was her maid of honor.

Don and Helen Holt, 1962

Helen and Don had five children:

Clinton John Holt, Sr."Jack" Born 06/24/1939 Died 02/12/1993
Donna K. Holt Born 05/31/1942 Lives in Melbourne, FL
Patricia Eileen Holt Born 03/18/1946 Lives in Sweetwater, TN
Charles Kingsbury Holt"Chick" Born 10/29/1950 Lives in Derry, NH
Donald Kingsbury Holt, Jr. "Pee-Wee" Born 06/11/1952 Lives in New Boston, NH

Helen (Byrne) Holt and Alice (Byrne) Clough, 1987

Helen Holt at age 75 and Alice Clough at age 73
Photo taken 1987

Helen and Don's five children

Patsy, Peewee, Donna, Jack and Chick

Donald Kingsbury Holt Sr. died April 1, 1986 from heart problems.

Helen (Byrne) Holt died 11-19-96 from Alzheimer’s Disease at the age of 82.


Clinton John Holt, Sr. was born June 24, 1939.

Clinton always went by the name, "Jackie".

Here' a picture of "Jackie" Holt as a baby.

Jackie Holt, age 16, May, 1956.

Jackie Holt at age 18.
Marge Robbins and Pat Lord are two of the folks sitting at the table.
This picture was taken in 1958.

Jackie Holt married Waneta Kennett.

Jackie in uniform.

Clinton John (Jackie) Holt, Sr. died in 1993 from heart failure at age 54. He also suffered from severe arthritis.

"Jackie" and Waneta Holt had six children:

Linda Holt Fowler
Clinton J. Holt, Jr. "Ripp"
Donald J. Holt (Ding)
Currently living in Weare, NH
Three children
Wanda Holt Berte
William Shawn Holt, Sr.
Currently living in New Boston, NH
Four children
Jacqueline (Holt) Bayrd

Here is a picture of Jack Holt taken around 1987.

He's holding his grandson, Ryan W. Clinton Lamery


Linda Holt Fowler currently lives in Plainfield, VT. and has three children

Ryan W. Clinton Lamery (1/03/1984)
Abbie Kay Fowler (05/01/1990-08/01/1990 - SIDS)
Lindsey K. Fowler "Katie" (11/18/1991)

Linsey, Linda and Ryan - 2007

Ryan W. Clinton Lamery

Taken at his graduation June 2002.

Abbie Kay Fowler

This photo was taken June 1990
Abbie was only 3 months old when sadly she died of crib death.

Lindsey K. Fowler "Katie"

This picture was taken when Katie was age four

This photo was taken in 2007

Clinton J. Holt, Jr. who goes by the name "Ripp", currently lives in Plainfield, VT and has one child.

Ripp returned home from Iraq in May 2008. He's with the Vermont National Guard.

Clinton Holt - 2007

Ripp still lives in Plainfield VT. He and his wife, Nahoami (Sainz) are divorced.

Ripp and Nahoami have 2 daughters:


Ripp also has one son:

Here is a photo of "Ripp"

Taken February 2003.

Wanda (Holt) Berte currently lives in Plainfield, VT and has four children:

Christopher David Wike born 10/03/1988
Adam Michael Senecal born 04/13/1991
Tyler Clinton Senecal born 11/06/1992
James Ethan Berte born 04/06/2001

Here's a picture of two of Wanda's children:

James and Christopher — taken June 2002.

William Shawn Holt, Sr and his wife, Kathy (Cory) have four children:


Donna (Holt) Gault at Bill and Kathy Holt's house
in New Boston, NH - 2008

Tim, Billy, Jack, Kathy, Heather & Bill Holt

Jack Holt age 7¾ & Heather Holt age 5

Jack James Holt - 2008

Heather Holt - 2008

Jacqueline Holt married James Bayrd.

Jackie and Jim live in Derry, NH. with their three children,
Amelia John and step-daughter Suzie

The wedding of Jackie Holt and Jim Bayrd

Jackie and Jim Bayrd

Jackie and Jim

Jackie and Jim with their children
John, Amelia and Suzie


Amelia Bayrd

Amelia Bayrd

John Bayrd

photo needed
Suzie Bayrd

Amelia and John Bayrd

John and Amelia with their dad.

Suzie, Amelia and John Bayrd

Donna K. Holt was born May 31, 1942

Nancy Clough, Chickie, Patsy and Donna Holt, and Tommy Clough

Pat (Byrne) Lord with Donna (Holt) Gault
Photo taken May 23, 1997

Donna married Edward Gault and currently lives in Melbourne, Florida.
Donna and Ed Gault have six children, all boys:

Timothy Edward Gault born 02/06/1962
Jeffrey Allen Gault born 01/08/1963
Daniel Patrick Gault born 01/06/1964
Joseph Charles Gault born 08/21/1965
Edward Francis Gault, Jr. born 07/30/1968
James Christopher Gault born 09/12/1971

Donna Gault with Bill and Barb Clough, 1996
Here is a picture of Donna (Holt) Gault with her husband & their 6 sons.
This picture was taken at Jamie's wedding on May 31, 2003

Back Row: Dan, Jeff, Joe, Jamie, Eddie
Front: Tim, Donna and Ed

Here's a more recent photo of the family- taken in 2007

Timothy Edward Gault was born February 06, 1962.

Tim resides in Conway, ARK

Jeffrey Allen Gault was born January 08, 1963.

Jeff married Trena Freeman and they reside in Melbourne, Florida.

Jeff and Trena have 2 daughters:

Jessica Louise Gault born 02/09/1985
Jennifer Louise Gault born 01/04/1990

Jennifer, Jeff and Tren Gault - 2008

Daniel Patrick Gault was born January 06, 1964.

Dan and his wife, Kimberly Tylar reside in Malabar, Florida.

Dan and Kim's Children:

Daniel Patrick Gault Jr.
born 05/14/1993
drowned 10/07/1995
Kim's son:
Kyle Anthony Bilunka
born 07/24/89

Joseph Charles Gault was born August 21, 1965.

Joe has one son with Pamela Jackson.

Matthew Brandon Gault born 02/07/1984

Joe married Debra Ethridge and divorced.

Joe and Debra have one daughter:

Amanda Ruth Gault born 01/19/1985

Joe married Diona Moore on July 07, 2007. Joe and Diona have one son:,

Joseph Wyatt Gault born 04/06/2004

Edward Francis Gault, Jr. was born July 30, 1968.

Ed married Kimberly Templar and were divorced in 2004. They both still reside in Melbourne, Florida.

Ed and Kim have 2 children:

Christa Nicole Gault "Nikki" born 09/20/1992
Edward Dakota Gault "Cody" born 10/23/2000

James Christopher Gault was born September 12, 1971.

Jamie married Michelle Waterman May 31, 2003 and they reside in Melbourne, Florida.

Jamie and Michelle have 2 daughters.

Hannah Louise Gault born August 15, 2003
Lauren Michelle Gault born February 24, 2006

Lauren, Jamie and Hannah Gault - 2008

Patricia Eileen Holt was born in March 18, 1946.

Patricia goes by the name "Patsy".

Don and Patsy Holt with Effie (Nana) Byrne

Patsy married Dennis Shutt and were divorced in January of 1986.

Patsy resides in Sweetwater, TN

Patsy and Dennis Shutt have two children.

Dennis Clinton Shutt Born: 09/04/1967 Single
Laurie Lynn Shutt Born: 09/15/1969 Married: Matthew MacKeigan
  Resides in Bennington, NH
    They have 3 daughters:
Sophia Rose born 05/20/1999
Paris Lilly born 05/26/2001
Shevonne Ruby born 08/03/2003

Laurie MacKeigan with daughters Sophia and Paris.

Here is a picture of Shevonne MacKeigan

This picture was taken when she was 20 months old.

Charles "Chick" Holt was born October 29, 1950.

Peter Lord, Patsy, Chickie and PeeWee Holt, 1955

PeeWee, Donna, Doris, Amy and Chick, October 30, 2007

Chick served in the Marines in Viet Nam.

He may have become a minister for the Assembly of God churches.

Pat Shutt, Helen and Chick Holt, 1995

Chick has three daughters:

Heidi Lynn Holt
    (b 12/14/1974)
Married: Timothy Maracle
Chaplain in the Army
Stationed at Fort Hood, TX
1 daughter:
    Abby Maracle
Amy Marie Holt
    (b 05/31/1977)
Single Resides in Derry, NH
Melissa Joy Holt
    (b 02/16/1979)
Married to Jay Turnullo Resides in Nashua, NH

Alice Byrne
was born December 02, 1916.

Alice fell in love with a nice man named William Clough (b-1916) who worked for the Gulf Oil Company in Boston, MA.

Alice Byrne married Bill Clough in 1933 when they were both only 17 years old.

Bill & Alice Clough - 1946

Here's Alice (Byrne) Clough and Helen (Byrne) Holt

This picture was taken in Amherst, NH in 1946.

This picture of Alice (Byrne) Clough taken in 1948.

Alice and Bill moved to Milton, MA. with their two children Billy and Donny. They moved into Grandma Teed's house after Grandpa Teed died to help out and so that Grandma Teed would not be alone. They lived there until 1949 when Grandma Teed died.

They lived in Dorchester for a short time and they also lived in Hull, MA. As a young boy Vinny Zuffante remembers playing at their home in Hull because he fell out of an upper bunkbed, landing on his head and had a big swelling bump that his mother, (Mary) had to apply ice to.

Alice and Bill moved to Milford, New Hampshire into a duplex on South Street next door to Alice's sister, Pat, Bill commuting to work in Boston. They also lived in Mont Vernon, in New Boston, NH in a large farmhouse. They move into a house near the center of Wilton, NH and then moved again into a house on the corner of Merrimack Road and Border Street, which was only two houses down from Alice's mother, Effie Teed Byrne. They then made another move to Wolfer Road.
Alice and Bill Clough had four children:
  • Nancy
  • Tommy
  • Billy
  • Donny

Alice and Bill Clough with three of their four children, Nancy, Tommy and Donny
along with their neice Patty and nephew Vinny.

Nancy   Alice
(holding Patty Zuffante)
Tommy Donny
(in front is Vinny Zuffante)
Bill Sr.

Alice and Bill Clough

Alice Clough

Alice Clough, age 74, December 4, 1989.

William Clough, died January 19, 1978 at age 61 from a heart attack.

Alice (Byrne) Clough died January 05, 1993 from heart failure at the age of 76.

Alice and Bill had four children:

William Westley Clough

Donna (Holt) Gault
Bill and Barbara Clough, 1996
Born 05/11/1934

Bill Clough, October 3, 2005
Married Barbara Noyes in 1955

They had 4 children:
    William Wesley Clough Jr.
   (b 05/03/1956)

    William and Mary Clough

    Dale Clough (b 01/31/1958)
    Married to Fern
    Dale and Fern Clough

    Allen Clough (b 06/28/1961)
    Alan and Terri Clough

    Karen Clough (b 09/06/1962)
   Karen and Steve
Donald Edward Clough

Married Aneta Louise Lawrence
June 30, 1961.
They had 2 children
      Married Duane Kenneth Sabins
      Don adopted her daughter Cassandra.
        (Cassandra's biological father is
        John Gilliam/Doyle of Maine)

    Donald Edward Jr.
      Married Judy Alasandra Downing (NY)
      Divorced - 2 daughters
      Alexis and Bethany.
Nancy Clough

Nancy (Clough) Vallier age 44,
Jackie Byrne age 43
and Alice Clough, age 69
Born 12/06/1940
Died 10/28/1994
Married Richard Bailey
one child:
Kim Lorraine Baily born 01/26/59

Married Lionel (Leo) Vallier
two children:
Lionel Jr. (Leo)
Denise Lynn
born 12/24/1967
Thomas Clough *

Tom and Brenda Clough
Born 09/04/1944 Married Brenda Quint     (b 10/30/1946)
Tom and Brenda have 7 children
(Kelli (Clough) Fellows
    Kelly has three children.

* The following is a list sent to me by Kelli (Clough) Fellows. I believe it is a list of her siblings:
  • Nanette Lyn Clough (dob ?) has 3 children
    • Jeremy Patrick Higley - born 12/07/1982
    • Brittany May Higley - born 11/10/1986
    • Gabriella Nicolette Dudley - born 06/27/1995

  • Thomas Lewellen Clough, Jr. (dob ?) married to Leslie has 2 children
    • Zachery Clough (dob?)
    • Matthew clough (dob?)

  • David Eugene Clough (dob?) has 1 child
    • Felica Weeks - born 11/1986

  • Steven M. Clough (dob?) married to Debbie has 3 children
    • Travis Clough (dob?)
    • Stephenie Clough (dob?)
    • Hannah Clough (dob?)

  • Candiece Clough - born 10/07/1971 has 2 children
    • Cory Goebel (dob?)
    • Chelsey Goebel (dob?)

  • Scott William Clough - born 08/16/1976 has 1 child
    • Taylor Clough - born 12/20/2002

Steven, David, Scott, Nanette, Kelly, Candiece and Tommy Clough

Marjorie Byrne was born December 31, 1918, 7 months after her father,
Thomas E. Byrne died at age 34 from influenza.

Marjorie's mother, Effie, married Tom's brother, John "Jack" Byrne in November of 1919. Marge and her two sisters, Helen and Alice were brought up by Jack Byrne as his own children.

Jack and Effie Byrne had an additional 6 more children and considered all nine siblings as one family.

In 1932 during the Great Depression, the family had lost thier home in Milton, MA and Marge moved to New Hampshire at the age of 14 to live with Uncle Duddy and Aunt Min.

This picture of Marge Byrne was taken in 1943

Taken at 998 River Street, Hyde Park, MA.

Marjorie Byrne fell in love and married Leroy Robbins who was a house painter from Wilton, New Hampshire.   Leroy went by the nick-name of "Stretch".

Marjorie and Stretch settled in Wilton, NH. They had a large, beautiful German Shepard dog they called "Sarge" who most visitors feared.

Don Holt, Beatrice (Byrne) Coleman, "Strech" Robbins, and Bill Clough, 1943

Alice and Margie

Marjorie worked for a Doctor Burns for a number of years.

Marjorie and "Stretch" had one son:  
Clifford Lee Robbins

Clifford Lee Robbins:

Marjorie and Stretch divorced years later, Marjorie moving to an apartment on Souhegan Street in Milford, NH.

Marjorie (Byrne) Robbins died 11/11/1965 from possible heart failure at the young age of 47.

Martin Byrne was born June 27, 1920.

Martin was always known as "Brother" being the only son with eight sisters.

Brother took over as the main breadwinner when his father,
Jack Byrne died in 1936.   He was only 16 years old when he went to work as a taxicab driver in Mattapan, MA.

Not sure where or when this was taken.
      River Street

March 21, 1943
with youngest sister, Barbara

In 1943 Brother fell in love with a pretty girl named Enid from Hyde Park. They married and lived in Dorchester for a while later moving to Mont Vernon, NH where Brother drove a trailer truck.

Martin "Brother" and Enid Byrne had two children:
Ann Marie Byrne (Lang) Born: 1944 Died: 09/18/93
John "Jackie" Byrne Born: 02/20/1942 Resides in South Carolina

Enid and Martin "Brother" Byrne

Ann Marie and John "Jackie" Byrne

Marty Byrne
age 34, 1955.

Pat (Byrne) Lord, Barbara and Alice (Byrne) Clough, Jackie and Enid Byrne
and Eileen (Byrne) McEntee
with Effie (Teed) Byrne, taken February, 1957.

Enid Byrne had heart problems and died very young during a heart operation at the age of 37.

Brother met and married Grace Bailey and settled in Lyndeboro, NH next door to Brother's sister
Pat and her family.
Here's a picture of Aunt Peg Teed and "Brother" Martin Byrne.

To their left is "Nana" Effie Byrne.

Martin "Brother" Byrne died 02/19/1977 from a heart attack at age 55.
John "Jackie" Byrne was born February 20, 1942.

Jackie grew up in New Hampshire with his family.
John and Deb live in South Carolina and have 5 children and 13 grandchildren:
    Cheryl Ann Byrne (Evans) Born 01/01/71 Children:
    • Sharilynn Marie Byrne (3-22-89)
    • Michaela Marie Byrne (9-11-90)
    • Nicholas Dean Byrne (12-02-91)
    • Macenzie Raye Evans (06-02-93)
    Lisa Ann Byrne (Duval) Born 11/06/72 Children:
    • Brandon John Byrne
    • Dustin Scott Duval
    • Robert Eugene Duval
    James Edward Byrne Born 02/10/73 Children:
    • James Edward Byrne
    • Timothy James Byrne
    Eric Martin Byrne Born 03/20/75 Children:
    • Alanna Rae Patten
    • Brady Allen Patten
    • Eric Martin Byrne
    Carrie Ann Byrne (LaChance) Born 02/20/77 Children:
    • Emily Rose Lachance

Jack and Deb Byrne with family, 1988

Beatrice I. Byrne was born in 1922.
Beatrice I. Byrne

Beatrice is known by her nick-name "Bea".

Bea was a very smart young girl, skipping the forth grade back in elementary school.
In 1936, when Bea was only 14 years old, she was with her father
John "Jack" Byrne at Boston City Hospital when he passed away.

Bea went to live with her father's sister, Aunt Kit McGrath, who had disowned her brother years earlier when he had married his brother's widow.

Kit now felt sorry for Bea's mother, Effie, "now alone with all of those children". Kit said she was willing to take one of Effie's children to her home to educate the child and would then send the child to college. Bea was chosen probably because she had skipped a grade.

Bea left with Aunt Kit and was given her cousin Edward's room, as he was away at college. After a couple of months she became so upset and so homesick for her family that she returned home.
Beatrice met a young man when she was 14 years old while she was ice skating. His name was John J. Coleman Jr. who was age 15.   John Coleman's mother had died while giving birth to his sister. Although John had a stepmother, he visited the Byrne's home regularly as he liked being with the large family.

Also at age 14, Beatrice was a bridesmaid for her sister Helen who married Donald Holt in New Hampshire.
In 1939 Beatrice graduated from high school and went to work in a Boston restaurant. While working there, at age 18, she ruptured her appendix and after recovering, she went to work at the telephone company. This helped support the family and enabled the family to have a telephone.

Beatrice I. Byrne married John J.Coleman, Jr. when she was 20 years old in 1942. John went to work for his father in Jamaica Plain. On his first day on the job John was cutting down a tree and he broke his leg. John wore a brace for nearly a year after that accident.

Click here for list of Beatrice and John Coleman's children.

When WWII broke out, John Coleman could not enlist in the Army with all of his buddies, due to the leg injury. His buddies all served in the 101st Infantry and nearly all of them were killed in the war. John served in the Coast Guard and then the National Guard.

During the war, Beatrice lived with her mother and worked at the telephone company as an operator.

After the war, John and Beatrice settled on Lonsdale Avenue in Dorchester, MA. John became a real estate agent.
Beatrice and John Coleman had three children:
Ellen M. Coleman born 02/22/1945 Lives in Abington, MA
Married to Robert Lorgeree
Ellen & Bob have several children
John J. Coleman III born 03/09/1950
died 11/02/2003
   Massachusetts Nat'l Cemetery, Bourne
    Late U.S. Army, Vietnam War era veteran
Family Lives in Abington, MA
Married to Susan R. (Remick)
Two children:
Julie A. Coleman
John J. Coleman IV
Joseph M. Coleman born 03/16/1961 Lives in Fall River, MA

Beatrice and her daughter Ellen

Taken in 1946.

Donna Holt, Tom and Nancy Clough, Patsy Holt and Ellen Coleman
Taken March, 1951

Beatrice and John bought a summer cottage, with a fireplace and just walking distance from a lake in Wareham, MA. Over the years, many relatives visited them during their summer vacations.

John Coleman and George Cautier, June 1958

Beatrice and John later moved to Braintree, across the street from Bea's sister,
Mary and Mary's family.

John Coleman passed away 06/01/1981 from a heart attack at age 59.

Beatrice (Byrne) Coleman resides in Braintree.

Mary E. Byrne was born in 1924 in Milton, MA.

Mary E. Byrne
Mary E. Byrne - 1924 Mary E. Byrne - 1925 Mary E. Byrne - 1926 Mary E. Byrne - 1929 - Kindergarten

In 1929, the Byrne children were very excited about meeting family visitors from California whom their father had told them of.
Effie, Mary's mother, had done her 5 year old daughter's hair up in rags so she would have curly hair. Mary looked like Shirley Temple with her curls and a pretty dress and entertained the guests by singing a song and dancing for them. Mary's gift was a doll with blond hair, (which she said her sister Beatrice threw in the brook behind their house).
Mary was only 12 years old when her father Jack Byrne and grandfather James Teed died in 1936.

Mary Byrne entered her teens in the midst of the Great Depression. She was only two years younger than her sister Beatrice and they have remained close throughout their lives.

Click here for list of Mary Byrne's children.

Mary graduated from high school and worked with her mother at a factory called Toby's in Stoughton to help support her family.

Here's a picture of Mary Byrne (front left kneeling)
and her girlfriends.

Taken in 1942 for their high school 'baby party'.

At age 13 she met a handsome young Italian man named Vincent Zuffante. He was four years older than Mary. He enjoyed going over to the Byrne home because Mary's mother Effie played the piano. Vin and Mary's Brother would play their harmonicas along with Effie's piano tunes while the whole group would do a sing along.

He bought Mary her first pair of ice skates when she was only 14 years old. They used to flood the park across the street from the Byrne home for ice-skating. Everyone would gather at the Byrne "clubhouse" to put on their skates and walk across the street to skate.

When Mary was 17 she had her tonsils out and remembers that Vin's father, who was a barber and owned a barbershop in Dorchester, came to visit her.
Mary and Vin dated, taking the subway, as they had no car, going to the North End and walking to the Boston Gardens. They fell in love; he bought her a hope chest in 1942 for Valentine's Day and proposed.

Mary Elizabeth Byrne married Vincent J. Zuffante the following September 26, 1943 at St. Mark's Church in Dorchester, MA. Mary's sister Beatrice was her maid of honor and their wedding reception was held at Vincent's parents home at 12 Center Avenue, Dorchester.

You can see Mary's sister Beatrice to the right of Vin's left arm.
Mary's sister
Eileen is the tall woman on the right (white coat).

A letter was sent to California, to author Jack London's step-sister Eliza London-Shepard and Jack London's widow, Charmain London, with pictures of Mary and Vin's wedding. A note was sent back in reply complimenting on how beautiful Mary was.
Mary and Corporal Vincent Zuffante

Vin went in the Army in 1942 to serve in WWII. Mary and Vin lived at Camp Gordon in Georgia where he was stationed until he left to go overseas in September, 1944.

Mary lived with Vin's family in Dorchester, MA while he was stationed overseas. While living there she learned to cook Italian meals from her mother-in-law, Josephine. Mary soon began to understand the broken English mixed with Sicilian language that was spoken by the extended family who lived in the house and nearby.

Mary was at home and her husband Vincent was overseas on February 17, 1945 when she witnessed her mother-in-law, Josephine, carry her father-in-law up the stairs from their wine cellar where he had taken a heart attack and then died.

Vin was discharged from the Army January, 1946, was sent to Camp Kilmar in NJ and then to Fort Devens in Massachusetts. Vin's oldest brother, Saverio, (known as "Sal") took Mary to Fort Devins by train to visit him.

Here's a 1948 picture of 4 generations.

Grandma Ellen Teed, Mary (Byrne) Zuffante, Effie (Teed) Byrne
Vincent M. Zuffante

After the war was over, Vin returned to Dorchester. Mary and he had their first child in 1946 and their second in 1950. They finally bought their first car. Vin worked for White Brother's Milk Company.

Vin Zuffante delivering White Brother's Milk.

In September of 1954 Vin and Mary bought a nice 3 bedroom ranch house in Braintree, MA.

Mary (Byrne) Zuffante, Effie (Teed) Byrne, Helen (Byrne) Holt,
Beatrice (Byrne) Coleman, and Barbara Byrne, July 1957
This Picture was taken when Effie, Helen and Barbara came from New Hampshire to visit as they hadn't seen Mary's new home yet.
Beatrice was living in Dorchester at the time.

In 1958 they had a third child and Vin took on a second part time job as an Orderly at the South Shore Hospital, in Weymouth, MA.

Whiting's Milk Company bought out White Brothers Milk Company and then a NY firm bought out Whiting’s Milk Company putting Vin out of work. He went on full time at the South Shore Hospital, working his way up to Chief Nursing Assistant. Mary took a job as a proof reader at Hammett's, a school supply company in Braintree, where she worked until she retired.

Mary became a very talented knitter making beautiful sweaters and afghans while Vin crafted beautiful dollhouses. Mary made the curtains and rugs for the dollhouses, one of which came in first place at a crafts show.

After Vin retired, Mary and her husband enjoyed traveling from Canada to Florida.

Mary and Vin Zuffante at the Sheraton-Foxhead Inn
Niagra Falls, ON Canada
Mary and Vin had three children:
Vincent M. Zuffante Born 1946 Resides in Middleboro, MA
Patricia A. Zuffante Born 1950 Resides in Braintree, MA
Anne Marie Zuffante Born 1958 Resides in Manchester, NH

Here are Vincent and Mary's three children.

Taken Easter 1959
Vincent, Patricia and Anne Marie.

Vincent J. Zuffante passed away April 22, 1991 after a 6 year battle from a lung disease.

Mary (Byrne) Zuffante died December 6, 2006 after several months of ill health.


Vincent M. Zuffante was born in Dorchester in 1946.

Vincent attended elementary school at St. Marks Catholic School in Dorchester. He moved to Braintree with his parents and sister in 1954.

Vincent graduated in 1964 from Archbishop Williams Catholic High School in Braintree, earning a scholarship to Northeastern University, in Boston.

He graduated in 1969 from Northeastern University with a BS in Chemical Engineering.

In 1969 Vin married Eileen Wilson, a nursing student who was from Weymouth, MA .

Vinny and Eileen Zuffante cut their wedding cake

Vinny with his mother - christmas 2005

Vin works as a Chemical Engineer and travels frequently around the world, from the Middle East to the Orient, Australia and Great Britain.

Vin and Eileen Zuffante live in Middleboro MA. They have four children and six grandchildren:

Vin and Eileen's four children (taken early 1990's)

Teresa — Elizabeth — Catherine
and Vincent

Teresa Zuffante graduated from college and in 1995, she married her high school sweetheart, David Quinn.

They have made their home in Massachusetts and have two children:

Jake   born: 1997
Abigail   born: 1999

The Quinn Family - 2008

Elizabeth Zuffante graduated from college and married Jay Bainton.

Beth and Jay have 3 sons:
Jack         born: 1999
Kevin       born: 2002
Cameron     born: 2006

Above is a photo Beth and Jay
and their 3 sons Jack, Kevin and Cameron

Catherine Zuffante graduated from college and married Kelby Troutman.

Mary (Byrne) Zuffante with Kelby and Cathy (Zuffante) Troutman.

Cathy and Kelby have one son, Owen Troutman.

Kelby, Cathy and Owen Troutman - 2008

Vincent R. Zuffante

Vin graduated from
George Washington University in Washington DC. He is now attending the University of Connecticut.

While attending college, Vin traveled around the world during one of his semesters, January to April 2005. He traveled on the MV Explorer passenger ship with several hundred other students and faculty. This program is called Semester at Sea.

In January he flew to San Francisco. They shipped out from Vancouver, Canada heading for Korea, Japan and Shanghai, when they encountered rough weather with 50 ft waves that damaged the ship. It was frightening but everyone was fine and they happily detoured to Hawaii for a few days for repairs.

They explored Vietnam, India, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil and Venezuela before returning to Florida in April. There was a huge welcome home party where large screen was used to display his photos. He visited his Nana Zuffante and brought his laptop computer to show her his pictures as she couldn't go to the party.

Here's Vin Zuffante, with his sister, Beth (Zuffante) Bainton and her son, Kevin.

Patricia A. Zuffante was born in Dorchester, MA in October of 1950.

Patricia at 6 months

Just before Patty turned 4 years old, she and her family moved to Braintree, MA in September of 1954.

Patty took tap dancing and ballet lessons as a little girl and attempted to learn how to play the guitar as a teenager.

At age 14, in 1964 Beatle music, writing poetry, sculpting clay and painting were the highlights of Patty's suburban life.

During the summertime the family would visit Aunt Bea's family at their cottage in Halifax. Patty and her cousin, Maureen McEntee, were swimming at the nearby lake one summer when Patty nearly drowned. Maureen was trying to teach Patty how to swim and when Patty tried to stand up there was no bottom to stand on. After a panic Patty was pulled from the lake by a lifeguard. As hard as the cousins tried to keep it from the parents and family, the lifeguard notified them anyway.

In her senior year of high school Pat went on a blind date with a young man from East Braintree named Joseph E. Daru. He worked at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy as a pipe fitter. He was a very smart but shy man who enjoyed anything to do with machinery, automobiles and rebuilding the engines. When they were dating Joe had an antique fire-engine in his driveway. He worked on it nearly everyday in his driveway while Patty was dating him. Each day someone would usually try to crank the old crank on the front of the fire-engine to see if it would start. The paperboy one day gave it a crank and it sputted and choked then the motor kicked in. Everyone in the neighborhood was yelling and cheering! What a grand time!

Pat graduated from Braintree High School in 1968. Joe gave Pat a Lane Cedar Hope Chest and a beautiful ruby and diamond ring and they announced their wedding engagement.

Patricia A. Zuffante married Joseph E. Daru on June 21, 1969.

Patricia (Zuffante) Daru's wedding picture
June 21 1969.

Anne, & Vin Zuffante, Pat & Joe Daru, Mary, & Vinny Zuffante.

After their honeymoon in Bar Harbor and Arcadia, Maine Pat and Joe settled in Braintree, across the street from Sunset Lake. Joe began working for Maynard Fire Apparatus in Marshfield building new Fire Engines. He put a metal lathe in his workroom and began a project that took years to finish — the building of a steam powered locomotive train, cars, tracks and all.

Pat and Joe Daru had one child:
Darcie L. Daru Born 1970

Pat and Joe divorced but always shared in the upbringing of their daughter, Darcie. Darcie would visit her Dad in Braintree every other weekend and continued to do so when he moved to East Bridgewater where he set up his train and had an inground swimming pool too!

Pat traveled and moved several times, always working and attending school evenings and seminars at her places of employment. Pat graduated from Newbury College - majoring in Computer Science.

In 1988 Pat's father was very ill so she moved back home, building a second floor on the family ranch house, making it a garrison, the same house she had lived in from 1954 until she married in 1969.

Pat is employed as a Web Developer. She lives in Braintree with her long time companion, Sheila Fordham. Sheila and Pat enjoy traveling. Every year since 1992, they take a flight out west. Each time they rent a 4x4 and head in a new direction, putting thousands of miles on the rental as they drive through the prairies and mountains. They've been to most of the Western USA, and Canada as well as a drive around the Great Lakes.They're 2008 trip was a summer cruise to Alaska with Sheila's brother Steve, her sister Denise and Denise's husband Johnny.

Here's a photo of us all in Alaska at Mount Denali (Mt. McKinley)

Sheila, Pat, Denise, Steve and Johnny

To visit their vacation website click here.

Joseph Daru moved to California and tragically died November of 1997 from diabetes and heart disease at age 49.

Anne Marie Zuffante was born in Weymouth, MA in 1958 the third of three children. She lived in Braintree, MA with her parents, her sister Patty and her brother Vinny.

Anne Marie Zuffante - 1958

Anne Marie graduated from Braintree High School in 1976.

She moved from Braintree to an apartment in Natick, MA.

While living in Natick and visiting friends Anne ran into a previous acquaintance she had known, Joseph Canty. Joe was originally from Weymouth MA. and happened to live up the street from Anne in Natick.

Anne Marie Zuffante and Joseph Canty dated, fell in love and married in 1986.

Anne wore her mother's
wedding dress.

Anne passed the Certified Professional Secretary certification (CPS) in 1988, offered by the International Association of Administrative Professionals.
Joe is a Senior Buyer for a company in New Hampshire and Anne works as an Executive Assistant to a Credit Union President in New Hampshire.

Anne Canty
Anne with members of the IAA

Joe and Anne - celebrating the Red Sox - 2007

Anne and Joe Canty love sports and traveling. They reside in Manchester, NH with their cat Brady.

Brady Canty

A true fan!

Here is a picture of Mary Zuffante's family
Taken in 1998 in Braintree MA at the annual "Zuffante Day"

Jake, Dave & Teresa Quinn, Jay & Beth Bainton, Cathy Zuffante over Jay's shoulder.
Mary in front, with Vin & Eileen over her head & their son Vinny over their heads.
Then there's Anne & Joe Canty then Darcie Daru & her mother, Pat Zuffante.

Back to TOP

Eileen Byrne was born on Sassamon Street, in Milton, MA on March 31, 1927 at 11:59 PM, so she was often teased... "one minute from being born a fool".

Eileen was nine when her father
Jack Byrne died in 1936.

She was sickly, having had rheumatic fever and polio, so spent a lot of time in bed. She would recall her father sitting on her bed asking how she was feeling, and of him reading to her. She often would say how wonderful her brother and all her sisters were to her, bringing her candy, coloring books and crayons.

In 1943, at 16 years old, Eileen left school and went to work at Toby's, factory in Stoughton, MA where her mother Effie and her 19 year old sister Mary were already working.

Mary, Margie, Eileen and Barbara, 1943.

In 1945 Eileen went to New Hampshire to live, along with her mother and with her sisters Patricia and Barbara.
Eileen met a young man at her sister Helen's house and began to date him.

Eileen and John Kolemainen fell in love, married and lived with his mother on South Street, in Milford, NH.

John Kolemainen had diabetes and within a year he died. Eileen delivered her first child in 1947, a son named after his father, John, on the day of her husband's funeral.

Eileen's mother and sisters helped her with the baby.
Eileen soon married Malcolm Dunklee a man whom she had met and fallen in love with as he was good to Eileen and to her baby.

Eileen (Byrne) and Malcolm Dunklee

Eileen and Malcolm had a baby in 1948, Eileen's second son, named after his father, Malcolm and they nicknamed him "Markie".

They bought a house in Mont Vernon, NH. Eileen's family visited often, and was very happy for her. They all liked Malcolm, and Eileen was very happy.

Malcolm Dunklee tragically died within a year when he was killed in a truck accident.

Now a widow at age 22 with two little boys, she struggled to make ends meet. She was living in Mont Vernon, far from town and could not drive.

Malcolm Dunklee's best friend, John McEntee, grieving as well, tried to help Eileen by bringing her groceries and helping her with the house. He would take her and her boys for drives. Much against the wishes of his family, John asked Eileen to marry him.

Eileen and John McEntee were married and John adopted her two little boys. John was a bricklayer. He built a new house for Eileen on Knight Street, Milford, NH. They had seven more children, raising them as one large loving family. Eileen and John McEntee lost a child to illness, Catherine, in 1953.

Eileen and John McEntee's nine children:
John McEntee Born 02/02/1947 Resides in VT
Malcolm McEntee Born 10/29/1948 Resides in NH
Maureen McEntee Born 05/18/1950 Resides in NH
Catherine McEntee Born 05/18/1950 Died 10/20/1953
Joseph McEntee Born 02/09/1953 Resides Lives NH ?
Sheila McEntee Born 04/17/1956 Resides NH ?
Mary Ellen McEntee Born 02/12/1958 Resides NH ?
Patrick McEntee Born 08/18/1960 Resides NH ?
Ellen McEntee Born 06/06/1963 Resides NH ?

In 1961 Eileen and John moved from 32 Knight Street to 33 Knight Street as their large family out grew the little brick cape.

In the late 1970's they moved to Dearborn Street.

John served on the Milford Fire Department for many years, retiring as Deputy Chief.

In April 1990, John retired as a longtime union bricklayer.

Eileen (Byrne) McEntee was diagnosed with bone cancer in October of 1990 and died the following February, 1991 at the age of 63.

John McEntee died July 04, 1993 from pneumonia at the age of 65. He never recovered from Eileen's death, and his health deteriorated quickly.

Patricia Byrne was born in 1929, the year that the stock market crashed, so she grew up during the worst
depression of the century.
Patricia Byrne - 1937

Melbourne Street - Dorchester, MA

She and her sister Eileen were only two years apart in age and were close throughout their lives.

Patricia was only 7 years old when her father Jack Byrne died in 1936. Patricia moved to Milford, NH in 1945 with her mother and sisters, Eileen and Barbara.

Pat met a nice man named Warren Lord who went by the nickname of "Jiggs".   He was a well liked man who had come from Pittsburgh, NH.

Patricia Byrne and Warren Lord fell in love and were married.

Pat and Jiggs lived in Milford, NH on South Street, in a duplex. They lived on the left, and Pat's sister Alice and her family lived on the right.

Alice (Byrne) Clough and Patricia (Byrne) Lord, 1987

Pat and Jiggs had four children:

Peter Lord Born 02/12/1954 Resides in Wilton, NH
Gary Lee Lord Born 01/18/1955 Resides in Wilton, NH
  Married: Sandra Paro
  3 children:
  •  Nathan
  •  Nicholas
  •  Jessica
  • Jeanne Ann Lord Born 12/12/1955 Resides in Wilton, NH
      Married: Daryl Doran
      3 daughters:
  • Jennifer:
        Married Richard Ramsell
    Married 09/15/01, just days after the infamous 9/11 terrorist attack and had to postpone their honeymoon for several weeks
  • Julie
  • Brett
  • Tamara "Tammy" Lord Born 11/11/1957 Resides in Wilton, NH
    2 children:
  • William Martin Fullerton
    named after great-uncles Martin Byrne and William Clough
  • Jenna Fullerton

  • Here's an Easter picture of Pat & Jiggs' four children:

    Jeanne, Tammy, Peter and Gary
    This picture was taken in NH in 1969.

    Pat and Jiggs moved their family to Lyndeboro, NH where the children could keep small animals. Pat's "Brother" Martin lived right next door with his family.

    Jiggs painted houses, worked at a dairy, and then worked for many years at Anheauser Busch in Merrimack, NH. Pat worked at the South Lyndeboro store for many years, and at the Wilton Diner.

    Pat opened her house to an exchange student from South America when her children were in school.

    After her family had grown she and Jiggs moved from Lyndeboro to a cute little ranch house in Wilton, NH. After years of suffering with arthritis, her health began to fail.

    Pat and Jiggs, May 23, 1997

    Patricia (Byrne) Lord died from a heart attack July 04, 1997 at age 68. It was a shock to the entire family.

    Warren "Jiggs" Lord continues to live in Wilton, NH.

    Pat and Jigg's son Peter Lord is a Justice of the Peace. Here is a 1995 photo of Peter with his "Just Married" buggy:

    Barbara Byrne was the youngest child of
    Effie and Jack Byrne. When Barbara was born in 1934, Effie was 45 years old and Jack was 58.

    In 1936 Barbara was only 2 years old when her father died.

    Here's a picture of baby Barbara Byrne

    This picture was taken in 1936 at 8 Melbourn St. Dorchester, MA.

    In 1945 Barbara joined her mother and sisters Eileen and Pat in the move to Border Street, Milford, NH where she lived all through the 1950's.
    Here's a picture of young Barbara Byrne

    Here's Barbara Byrne's high school graduation picture

    Barbara graduated at the age of 15 in 1949.

    Barbara met and married a man named Roger Slingsby. After living in apartments in Milford and Wilton, they bought a house on Union Street in Milford, NH.

    Barbara lost one child, a son, at childbirth and had another son, Robert Slingsby, born in 1960.

    Barbara (Byrne) Slingsby died from a heart attack in 1980 at the age of 46.

    This picture was taken at Barbara's Funeral September 14, 1980.

    Eileen     Mary   Alice    Helen     Grace Byrne     Bea       Pat

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    Charles E. Teed was born in 1892.

    Charles was known to the Byrne children as "Uncle Duddy".

    Charles married a woman named Minnie.

    Charles and Minnie settled in Milton, MA in the neighborhood near his parents.

    Like his father and brothers, he was a carpenter by trade and built residential homes.

    During the
    Great Depression Charles traveled to New Hampshire looking for work. While there he helped build "Hayward Farms", a well-known restaurant and ice cream stand in Milford, New Hampshire.

    Charles and "Min" resettled in Amherst, New Hampshire. They had one adopted daughter named Betty Teed

    Effie Byrne's children enjoyed traveling up to Amherst, NH during their school vacations to visit Uncle Harold and Aunt Min, especially Marjorie. In 1932 Marge was allowed to move to New Hampshire to live with Uncle Duddy and Aunt Min when she was 14 years old. Marjorie later worked for a Dr. Burns in Milford, NH.

    Uncle Duddy

    Charles E. Teed suffered for years with heart trouble and passed away in 1944 at the young age of 52.

    Betty Teed was adopted by Charles and Minnie Teed. She grew up in Milton, MA.

    Here is a picture of Betty Teed as a young girl
    Betty Teed

    Betty married Arvid Wilson.
    Betty Teed Wedding

    W. Harold Teed was born in 1895. He went by his middle name of Harold.

    Harold married a woman named Clair. They had no children.

    Clair and
    Charlie Teed's wife Minnie were sisters.

    Harold and Clair lived in the same family neighborhood, with his parents, brothers and sisters in Milton, MA. Harold, like his father and brothers, was a carpenter by trade.

    Harold Byrne tragically fell from a ladder in 1931, broke his back, and died. He was only 36 years old.

    Warren E. Teed was born in August 6, 1897.

    In World War I he was a private in the U.S. Army.

    Warren married a woman named Helen. Sadly, Helen died at a young age. They had no children.
    Warren later married Margaret, a lady from South Boston (1903-1971) who went by the name of "Peg".

    Warren and his family lived on Sassamon Avenue, in Milton, MA in the same neighborhood with the other Teed’s.

    Alice Clough, Warren Teed and Helen Holt, 1951

    Margaret ("Aunt Peg") Teed in 1969.

    Warren Teed passed away in August 7, 1967, at the age of 70.

    Peg Teed passed away in 1971, at the age of 68.

    Warren and Peg Teed had one son:
    Charles "Charlie" Teed

    Here's a photo of Charlie Teed
    with a friend (?)
    Married Julia Ford
      Charlie and Julia Teed had 3 children:
      Margo (Teed) Anderson Resides in California
      Kathleen (Teed) Foley Resides in Fitchburg, MA
      Charles W. Teed Resides in Randolph, MA

    James Albert Teed was born in 1901

    James who went by his middle name of "Albert", was a carpenter like his father and brothers.

    Albert married a woman named Hazel (1906-1982). They had one daughter named Doris Teed.

    They also lived in the Teed family neighborhood in Milton, MA for a few years, then they moved to Randolph, MA.
    Albert worked for the Gulf Oil Company with Bill Clough, (
    Alice Byrne's husband).

    Doris Teed with Alice and Donny Clough, 1940s

    J. Albert Teed had a street named after him, "Teed Road" in Randolph, MA.

    James Albert Teed passed away in 1969 at the age of 68.

    Hazel V. Teed passed away in 1982, at the age of 76.

    We hope you enjoyed our family history and photos

    This website is updated often so stop by and visit again soon.

    This page designed and maintained by Patricia Zuffante.
    A large amount of the information was taken from a family book that was put together by Pat's cousin, Maureen (McEntee) VonDette.

    Pat's Aunt Bea(trice) (Byrne) Coleman and mother, Mary (Byrne) Zuffante provided priceless information as well!

    Thanks to DKSDAUGHTER and Peter Lord for the numerous photos... hope they keep on sending them as they find more.

    Do you have information or pictures about the family that you would like to share?
    Or comments about this site?
    To e-mail them OR to just say "hello" click here:   pzuff@aol.com.

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