DooM Help Page 2

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Question #8...
Why can't I connect with my Death-Match opponent?

This is a tuff one to figure out sometimes. First read Question #3 and make sure everything has been set-up. The following is some things you can try out...

DooM Modem Init List

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Question #9...
How do I make those cool DooM wads?

I'm not even gonna try to field that one here. I will say that it requires alot of trial and error, actually maybe more error than trial. :) Your best bet is to go to my Files Page and download the "Wad Makers Hand Book" that you'll find there. If you don't already have it, get DCK while you're at it. DCK is the easiest DooM wad editor I've seen yet. Then start by editing already completed wads to get a feel for it. From there it requires practice, practice, & more practice. BTW, save your work often or you'll never forgive yourself when the inevitable happens (ouch!). If you do need any help send me E-Mail (remove SPAM) and I'll try to answer you as soon as I can.

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Question #10...
What are the best Death-Match levels in DooM 2?

Unfortunately the levels in both DooM 1 & DooM 2 are not optimized for Death-Match. The stock levels are made for solo play which is the method everyone uses when they first play DooM. However, when you start playing Death-Matches you quickly realize that they don't work as well. DooM 2's map 1 is used quite often but is actually too linear for a good Death-Match. The respawning spots are also in bad places too as you can easily get killed again as soon as you re-materialize. If you like map 1, try my revision of it named Mr.DooM's Map 1 (20.5 kb) which enables great flow and makes it alot more fair. The same goes with DooM's E1M1 which also doesn't have very good flow. Instead try my revision of it which is named Mr.DooM's E1M1 (26.4 kb). This is a super improvement over the original map.

The only stock level that IS excellant for Death-Match is Map 7 in DooM 2. It's small so you'll never have to hunt for long to find your opponent and the flow is great. Every weapon is available also.

Still, the best way to go is with Pwads, or maps, made specifically for Death-Matches. Just check out my Mr.DooM's Wad Page and my Wad Pick Page to find some great wads for Death-Matches.

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Question #11...
How do I get to the Secret Levels 31 & 32 in DooM 2?

The secret levels are accessed from map 15, "The Industrial Zone". To get to the secret exit which takes you to map31 go to the top of the castle in the South West corner and take a running jump off the top into the center lava. You must land on the tall, little island that you've probably already seen out there. It may take a few tries so save your game before you attempt it. Hit the switch there, grab the nuke suit, and run to the East end of the lava into a new cave. Grab the stuff and head for the transporter near the center building to get out of the lava. Now make your way back to the SW castle again and follow the nuke tunnel there. You should now see another new tunnel on your left. This is the exit to map 31.

Now just repeat what you did in the first level of the original game of Wolfenstein to find the secret exit to map 32. (Hint- The secret level access can be found near the normal exit) There are a couple of new secret areas in this revision however so look around before going on to DooM 2, map 16.

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Question #12...
How do I beat that last level in DooM 2?

The main thing is that you must beat it fast for if you take too long you'll find hundreds of monsters have appeared, ready to smash you into oblivion. Here are the steps...

If you want to watch a demo click here..."LMP - DOOM Map 30" (5 kb)

Btw, use the clipping code (IDCLIP) to see what's behind the wall that you're firing into!

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Question #13...
How do you make those cool Screen Shots?

Just run DooM in the Developement Parameter Mode by typing "doom -devparm" (don't type the quotes) or by using a DooM loader which allows this option (most do). If you're using DooM 2 then substitute doom2 for doom. Then just hit "F1" while playing to take a PCX shot which can be found in your DooM directory. The final step is just to use a Graphics program of your choice to convert it to a GIF or whatever format you prefer.

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Question #14...
What are some DeathMatch Tips?

There's numerous tips on improving your DeathMatch play and luckily most have been compiled into a single html file. Take a look at DooM Tips by Stephen Heaslip and I'm sure you'll find some useful information. It's obvious that Steve put alot of effort into this guide so check it out.

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Question #15...
How do I record demos in DooM?

You can make a recording using SERSETUP or DM.EXE and by adding the following to the command line that loads either one...
"dm -record testdemo" will record a demo named testdemo.lmp (Don't add the .lmp extension to whatever you name the demo)
If you're not using DM to load your wad, add "-file wadname.wad" also.
Remember that all players have to use the same settings for the recording to work.

If you need to make a longer demo add the following...
-MAXDEMO XXX (If you want to record a demo bigger than 128k, use this option. xxx will be the size (in kilobytes) of the demo.)
"dm -record testdemo -maxdemo 1024" will record a 1 megabyte demo named testdemo.

To view the demo use the following command...
-PLAYDEMO DEMONAME (Again, don't add the .lmp extension to the demo's name)
-playdemo testdemo
If you're not using DM to load your wad, add "-file wadname.wad" also.

You may also use numerous DooM launchers which will automate this process. D! is one that has the record option built in.

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Question #16...
How can I setup an IPX Network for Multiplayer DooM?

Basically all you need is a cheap NE2000 compatible network card, network driver files, a Tee, a terminator, and network cable. Network Cards can be found at around $30 now and the other items will add another $10-$20. All computers in the network will need cards, network drivers, and Tees; while the two end computers will also need a terminator. One cable will be needed to link each computer together with the computer next to it, of course.

Just load the network drivers and then start up your game. That's all you have to do to experience the thrill of large multiplayer games. Don't forget that you'll have to watch your back now!

Visit my Files Page and check out the IPX Section for more info and software that you can download.

Question #17...
Can DooM be played over the internet?

Yes it can, but don't expect fast play. The following are the three methods that I know of...

1- One is by using Ifrag which you can read about by clicking HERE. I've never used Ifrag so don't ask me how. Just read over this "Ifrag Faq" and try it out yourself.

2- The second method is one that I have used and it's a service known as Kali. Once again, you'll probably find that your DooM games will be slow, but they can be playable with low pings. Find a server with a ping in the low 200's or better. My very first DooM game over Kali was slow but I managed to catch onto to the lag timing just enough to squeak out a 24 to 2 win. :)

The shareware version of Kali includes a timer that limits you to just 15 minute games but for just $20 you can get the registered version with NO restrictions. That's right, for just $20 you can play virtually any multiplayer ipx supported game over the internet. That includes Quake, Duke Nukem, Descent, and many others. Some play better than others with Descent being VERY good even with up to 4 players. See the table below for info on some games and the band width they require...

GAME Avg. Network Load
Avg. Network Load
DooM 2 (1.9) 425 34
Quake 93 10
Duke Nukem 3D 350 21
Descent 98 14
Mech Warrior 2 83 12
Command & Conquer 408 24

3- Use Z-DooM which has internet use built into it. See my The SOURCE Page page for more info.

Question #18...
I'm having problems with DooM95...

No kidding! I can't believe how many people sent me a message about a problem with this front end. For the last time... DON'T USE IT! This launcher sucks. Get either DooM Legacy or Z-DooM and you'll be content. You'll also get numerous improvements to our favorite game. Visit my The SOURCE Page for more info.



If you have any other question just E-Mail me by clicking (remove SPAM) and I'll either reply back by E-Mail or by adding your question to the Mr.DooM Help Page!

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