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Besides having a cool name, Cooter was Hazzard's one and only mechanic. He had two different trucks during the duration of the show. Both were pretty crappy. He could fix anything with wheels and was willing to help any criminal who's car broke down(unknowingly of course).He didn' t have many more than ten minute scenes. It was later discovered that Cooter had been married and had a child named Nancy Lou. His cb handle is: Crazy Cooter. Boss was always breathing down Cooter's neck for morgage payments on the garage. This almost drove him out of the county. Next to Enos, Cooter was the Dukes best friend. He was always there for them and was ready and willing to get a piece of the action. His usual outfit consisted of a sleeveless mechanic jacket, blue jeans, a yellow hat, and a red hanky in his back pocket. Cooter is a hero to us all. He is the true definition of a country boy mechanic. Another cool thing is his cb talk. An example is: "I may be crazy but I ain't dumb."

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with lots of help from Calla