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Luke Duke

Lucas K. Duke was the more ripped of the Duke boys. This might have helped him achieve Bo's status with chicks if he wasn't so serious all the time. Luke was the more disciplined of the cousins, probably because he was in the merchant marines. Where he lacked in smoothness, he made up for in smarts. He was always saving the boys' a-- after Bo got them in trouble. Luke was many a time neglected the privilege of driving the General , and when he did drive you could tell why. It just wasn't as exciting when he was driving. Luke did make up for this in other ways though. He always got to slid over the hood of the General. That was always cool. Luke most commonly appeared in a blue flannel checked shirt to match his jeans. He usually neglected to wear the optional tee shirt, which left his pecs in plain view for the chicks that came looking every blue moon. Don't get me wrong, Luke is no less cooler than Bo. They just have different personalities. Bo's was just more focused on. Luke's favorite saying: " I got an idea". Luke's cb handle was shared with Bo:Lost Sheep.

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