BIG CHUCK AND LIL' JOHNIn 1979, Bob "Houlihan" Wells left for the sun in Florida so John Rinaldi was brought in to replace him. Nicknamed "Lil' John" because of his short stature, John appeared in skits with Houlihan and Big Chuck and was a natural when he became cohost with "Big Chuck" Schodowski. Today, The Big Chuck and Lil' John show is still going strong in Cleveland and is the longest running local program in the nation. IMAGES: New! Autographed Pics! CHUCK01 BCLJ Bclj01 Bclj02 Bclj03 Bclj04 Bclj05 Bclj06 Bclj07 Bclj08 Bclj09 Bclj04 Bclj05 Bclj06 Bclj07 Bclj08 Bclj09 Host01 Host02 Host03 Host04 Host05
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