Here is a list of the birthdates, current ages, and birthplaces of the cast of 90210

Arranged in order from youngest to oldest cast member

Hilary Swank (Carly Molloy)................current age is 22 or 23 born in 1974, in Bellingham, WA.
Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (Valerie Malone)....current age is 23 born on 1/23/74 in Orange, CA
Victoria "Tori" Spelling (Donna Martin).....current age is 24 born on 5/16/73 in Los Angeles, CA
Brian Austin Green (David Silver)..........current age is 24 born on 7/15/73 in Van Nuys, CA
Shannen Maria Doherty (Brenda Walsh).......current age is 26 born on 4/12/71 in Memphis, TN
Jennifer Eve Garth (Kelly Taylor)..........current age is 25 born on 4/03/72 in Urbana, IL
Jason Bradford Priestley (Brandon Walsh)...current age is 28 born on 8/28/69 in Vancouver, B.C.
Ian Andrew Ziering (Steve Sanders).........current age is 33 born on 3/30/64 in West Orange, NJ
Coy Luther "Luke" Perry III (Dylan McKay)..current age is 30 born on 10/11/66 in Mansfield, OH
Gabrielle Anne Carteris (Andrea Zucherman).current age is 36 born on 1/02/61 in Pheonix, AZ

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