...."I never thought of you as being stuck, King. You're so wise," said the knight.
....The king laughed ruefully. "I have enough wisdom to know when I'm stuck and to return here so that I can learn more about myself."
....The knight was greatly encouraged, thinking that perhaps the king could show him the way. "Say," said the knight, his face brightening, "could we go through the castle together? That way we wouldn't be so lonely."
....The king shook his head. "I once tried that. It's true that my companions and I weren't so lonely because we talked constantly, but when one talks, it's impossible to see the door out of this room."
...."Maybe we could just walk along and be quiet together," suggested the knight. He wasn't looking forward to wandering around the Castle of Silence by himself.
....The king shook his head again, harder this time. "No, I tried that, too. It made the emptiness less painful, but I still couldn't see the door out of this room."
....The knight protested. "But if you weren't talking ..."
...."Being quiet is more than not talking," said the king. "I discovered that when I was with someone, I showed only my best image. I wouldn't let down my barriers and allow either myself or the other person to see what I was trying to hide."
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