Judith Sheindlin has reached her 55th birthday, but is no old goat! For two seasons she has dished out justice, and punishment. Her husband Jerry (also of the same last name) says "what you see is what you get."
Jerry (who has three of Judy's children) is a judge in the Bronx's supreme court. Surprise, surprise that Judy's ex-husband (Ronald Levy), and her current husband (Jerry Sheindlin), are both practicing law! Ronald is a New York attorney, and Jerry (as mentioned above) is in the Bronx's supreme court.
Judy practices what she calls Judy's law, where she relies on gut instincts, which she recieved by raising five children, and hearing homicides commited by minors. As Judy says, "I didn't come into this as a starstruck teenager."
The chief chef in Judy's childhood life was her father Murry Blum. She learned many phrases from her father, including the one that titled her book,
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining, which was published in 1996. Murry Blum, pitchered in the old photo at the top of your screen was a dentist, and his wife Ethel (also pitchered in the old photo at the top of your screen)was the receptionist for the office. Her brother David, (now 50) took up his father's profession.
An average but excellent student at the American University in Washington, D.C., she decided to study law. When a professor in her law class of all but one male, (Judy being the only female) told Judy to keep her mind focused on finding a mate, rather then law, Judy says "I looked at him as though he didn't know what he was talking about!" She did both, despite the professors opinions. In 1964 marrying Ronald Levy, before graduating from New York School of Law.
She had two children with Ronald, Jamie Hartwright, 31, and a homemaker, and Adam Levy, 29, and a lawyer. Adam says of his mom "she was loving but tough." When Adam was five, he stole cap-pistol caps, and when mom Judy found out, she dragged him back to the store, and before the store manager, saying "If you ever see this boy in here again, call the police."
Her 12 year marriage to Ronald ended in divorce court in 1976. She says Ronald viewed her work as something to keep her busy. Jerry on the other hand, used to be well known criminal defence lawyer (before taking the bench in the supreme court) fathering her three other children, Greg Sheindlin, 33, a lawyer, Jonathan, 30, a doctor, and Nicole, 29, a lawyer.
Sheindlin got her big break in 1993 on 60 minuites, and in the Los Angeles Times, who brought her to the attention to Larry Lyttle who's company Big Ticket Television produces Judge Judy.
Judy has spent 14 years on the bench, (12 deciding family court cases, murders, etc.) and in the last two years has turned to deciding cases about Rottweilers who devour Ostraches.
Judy now lives in a three bedroom Manhattan apartment, and commutes to L.A. 4 days a month for tapings of Judge Judy.
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