

Hello friends !
Pablo and Pedro are trying to get used to the little baby that was left at their home.

Auka is terrified about the men that are trying to burn Pablo's cabin and she prevents them from doing so.

The next day , Jose is coming to her all wounded up.

Fany does not let Franscesco enter the pool of the hotel and she drives him away
Sol is getting real pissed of and she decides to do something in contra to her mother.

Fany does not sit still ,
She begins to speak badly about Sol .

Patricia feels like she had decieves Pablo. . .
after the night she had spent with Martin.

Fany arrives to the aggency of Pablo and lets him know that with her interfierance
the people that ment to do hurm to the Mapuche land had been cought .
The plan is getting a little out of hand.

Because his mother went away . .Pablo decided to keep the baby.

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Hola amigos!
Pablo y Pedro tratan de vivir juntos con el bebe que le dejaron en la cabania .

Auka esta muy aterada por los hombres que trartan a quemar la casa de Pablo , los interumpa.

En el proximo dia , Jose viene a verla todo herrido .

Fany no permita a Francesco , entra a la pesina del hotel y lo echa de alla
Sol esta muy annojada y decida hacer algo en contra su mama .

Fany no esta tranquila ,
y habla mal de su hija .

Patricia sienta como que ella enganaba a Pablo. . .
despues la noche que tuvo con Martin.

Fany ariva al negocio de Pablo para hablarlo que
essos hombres que querian hacer mal a la Mapuche tierra , que estaban preso por su intervencion.
El plan esta por cambiar. ..

Por el rason que su madre se fue . .Pablo decida a dejar el bebe con el .


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