Nick Kiriazis Chat By: Entertainment Drive Dated: April 30, 1998
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Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Hello Beach Fans!!! Welcome each and every one of you to Entertainment Drive's celebrity chat with Sunset Beach's Nick Kiriazis! Make sure you stop by our weekly Sunset Beach Chat every Wednesday night at 10:00PM ET! Be sure to visit our eDrive message boards, and post your comments in the Sunset Beach topic section!
Now on to some questions!
QUESTION: Any hints, a tiny morsel, anything on Antonio's secrets? Come on, give us something to gnaw on!!
Nick Kiriazis Well actually, the actors are usually the last ones to know about those secrets... at least in this case, unfortunately!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Oh Nick are you holding out on us?
QUESTION: If you were going to write your life story, what title would best describe it?
Nick Kiriazis "Looking For Answers"
QUESTION: Nick: I want you to know that I think Antonio is a great character to add to Sunset Beach, and I couldn't see anyone more fit for the role. I also have noticed you and Hank Cheyne (Ricardo) look a bit alike. Do you think that was considered?
Nick Kiriazis Yeah, it is always a consideration when casting, and the characters are going to be playing together, that they physically match up.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps It is uncanny!
QUESTION: Have you been a victim of a prank yet on the set?
Nick Kiriazis Well Hank Cheyne will always poke fun at me or something, if I screw up or something comes out garbled, he will say something like "easy for you to say".... I've been the brunt of a few of his jokes.
QUESTION: Are you married? We haven't heard much about you :)
Nick Kiriazis No, I'm not married.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps A huge sigh of relief came from the room I am sure!
Lynn B. Yeah, like any of us had any chances!!
Elissa Can I marry him? LOL
Nick Kiriazis (laughs)
QUESTION: Do you find it hard to portray a priest?
Nick Kiriazis At times it can be difficult. I've done a certain amount of research to better portray a priest, but actually in some ways it gives you some freedom to play someone with "status."
QUESTION: Would you like to see Antonio leave the priesthood to start a relationship with Gabi?
Nick Kiriazis Not necessarily.. I would like to see Antonio face conflict, serious conflict.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps I agree
QUESTION: Who is your role model?
Nick Kiriazis My parents, certain teachers in college.
QUESTION: Was it harder to come on to the set a year after the show started, or were you pretty much accepted by the cast?
SarahM Look he's speechless 'cause of me!
Nick Kiriazis It's always harder to come into a show when it's in progress, although in this instance it's pretty easy. Everybody at Sunset Beach has made it easy for me to assimilate -- much easier than other experiences.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps They seem like a very friendly cast.
Lynn B. Oh, come on, do tell, which other show was mean to you?
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Lynn going for the dirt I see!
Lynn B. Always!!! I'm Queen of CyberSpace
Elissa I'm queen of SB, lol
QUESTION: What did you find so interesting about the character of Nora from A Doll's House (a great story)Re: 5/12 issue of SPW.
Nick Kiriazis Oh wow -- well, Nora is just a very strong, independent woman who is fed up with the boundaries that are set for her by society. At the time that was written, it was a very controversial character. And there are so many levels to the character, I think it would be a demanding, interesting role to play.
evans37I WOWED him
Elissa He seems very nice, I am enjoying this chat much more than the Susan Ward and Clive one.
QUESTION: What does it feel like to be the new kid on the block?
Nick Kiriazis I don't even feel like a new kid anymore, honestly. There are even newer characters.. I almost feel like a Sunset Beach veteran!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps LOL
Lynn B. Well, we the audience sure accepted you quickly!!!
evans37 What's not to accept he is gorgeous
Elissa My puppy is here for the chat, she loves him too :)
QUESTION: If you could work with any actor/actress who would it be?
Nick Kiriazis I'd love to work with DeNiro.. there's so many, I can't even think of them.. Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Jessica Lange.. any good actor or actress.
QUESTION: What is it like working with Sam Behrens?
Nick Kiriazis I enjoy working with Sam, he's a professional. He's right there in the scene with you, he's easy to act with because you can react off of him. He's a pleasure to work with.
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsGregory certainly needs Antonio's help!!
QUESTION: As an actor, is soaps easy to work on than other acting? Do you have any tips for us "aspiring" actors??
Nick Kiriazis I don't know if Soaps are necessarily harder or easier, really. They're harder in that their time restraints make it difficult, and the material is more difficult, a certain amount of reality.. so it's challenging, especially if you're not used to working in those restraints.
QUESTION: How old were you when you got into acting? Did you model?
Nick Kiriazis I did a little bit of print work when I was 15, but then I didn't get into acting until I was 20.
QUESTION: Do you think Antonio will be the one to solve the mystery ?
Nick Kiriazis I wouldn't have it any other way..
evans37Damn he still must of been hot back then!
QUESTION: I recently read in a magazine that you sing! What styles of music do you like to sing?? What is your favorite song to sing?? Will we ever hear you sing on Sunset Beach??
Nick Kiriazis I like to sing the Beatles in the shower.. you will never get to see me sing!
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsOh come on!! I am sure Antonio will have to take a shower some time!!
evans37He can do a duet with Bette!
Hannisesb LMAO!! Yeah Bette!!
BzaneyWhat is it with the guys on SB they only sing in the shower?
Hannisesb They should show shower scenes... *sigh*
QUESTION:Who is the sets biggest jokester? Who is the most serious?
Nick Kiriazis Sam and Tim are the biggest jokers.. Clive is pretty serious, but he jokes around too. Leslie Ann is pretty serious.
QUESTION: The other day the viewers saw a fantasy of Derek's when he was marrying Meg and Ben showed up, and Antonio said, "Don't look at me, I'm just the priest". Do you enjoy the humorous lines on Sunset Beach, or do you enjoy the serious part?
Nick Kiriazis I enjoy both.
QUESTION:Is SB your first role?
Nick Kiriazis I did 5 episodes of 90210, and guest spots on The Nanny, George & Leo, Wings.. and a small part in "Tin Cup".
QUESTION: Who do you generally hang out with from the cast?
Nick Kiriazis I've gone out with Dax, and with Vanessa.
Elissa I think I'm going to start a page on him, he's really nice
BzaneyYes he is
QUESTION: Are you going to be attending the Emmy's on May 15th? and if so is there any possible way that you can set aside some time for your fans to meet you?
Nick Kiriazis I'm going to the Emmys.
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsYou guys are asking some great questions!! Keep them coming!
QUESTION:It must have been funny taping the confession before Cole and Caitlin's wedding? (I could not stop laughing)
Nick Kiriazis Yeah, the confessions were fun!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps They were hysterical!!
QUESTION: Who if anyone do you share a dressing room with?
Nick Kiriazis I don't share a dressing room.
Lynn B. Would you like a dressing room mate, we have a few volunteers!
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsDown Lynn down!!
Lynn B. Not me, I just know that there are quite a few volunteers!!!
evans37 I won't mind sharing with him!
QUESTION: I have the website: The Men of Sunset Beach. Have you seen it?
Nick Kiriazis No, because I don't have a computer. But when I do get one I'll be sure to log on, Elissa.
QUESTION: Where would you like to see your career in 5, 10 years?
Nick Kiriazis I'd like to be working in films.
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsAnd we would like to see you on the silver screen! Wouldn't we?
QUESTION:What type of music do you listen to?
Nick Kiriazis I listen to all different types of music.. I listen to old rock, new rock, rap, classical.
Elissa He has to be the nicest celebrity
SarahM Yeah he seems like a sweet guy
Bzaney He likes the Beatles
bk6662 Elissa - Maybe you should ask him out!!!
SarahMI watch the credits just to see Antonio!!
QUESTION: In feature films, would you prefer to play the leading man roles, or character actor type of parts?
Nick Kiriazis That would depend on the role.
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsSo you prefer a role of substance no matter how large or small
QUESTION: Do you keep up with any of the other storylines on the show?
Nick Kiriazis Yeah, sure -- I try to keep up with all of them.
QUESTION: Is it a shock, the huge fan response to you already?
Nick Kiriazis Yes it is! I can't believe how loyal soap fans are.
QUESTION: Do you have any pets?
Nick Kiriazis No, but I wish I could have a dog.
QUESTION: What is it like to work with Kathleen Noone?
Nick Kiriazis I don't get to work with Kathleen that often, but she's fun to work with because she ad libs a lot.
HannisesbOh my goodness
QUESTION: What are your typical work hours? How many days of the week do you usually work?
Nick Kiriazis Well it depends, each week is different. I work anywhere from one to five days a week, and anywhere from 4 to 12 hours a day.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps That means more Antonio!!!! And we like that !
QUESTION: Did you watch any soaps before joining SB?
Nick KiriazisI watched a little bit of Sunset Beach, because my friend Nick Stabile was on the show, but before that I used to watch General Hospital in high school.
Lynn B. Oh, a friend of Nick!!! He made a lot of people sad when he was killed off!
QUESTION: Do you like the rate of your storyline, or would you like to
be on the top burner and be THE Storyline everyone is watching?
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsI know what we would like huh ladies????
Nick Kiriazis Sure, I would like to have more of a storyline, but I like what I'm given just fine.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps And we know there are secrets to be exposed!! So I am sure you will be frontburner soon!
Lynn B.Secrets! Secrets!!!
BzaneyI loved the scene with Bette and Antonio today
SarahMIsn't it soooooooo cute when Antonio rolls his eyes??
evans37I did too
QUESTION: How did you land the part on Sunset Beach?
Nick Kiriazis I screen tested for another show, and it caught the attention of Spelling Entertainment.
QUESTION: What is your favorite TV show?
Nick Kiriazis Dennis Miller Live.
QUESTION: Is this your first on-line chat How do you like it so far?
Nick Kiriazis Yes, it's my first on-line chat and so far I'm thoroughly enjoying it! :-)
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps We are glad to have you here tonight!!!
evans37 This is the best chat I have ever been to. Thank you for being here!!
Lynn B.Ready to come back for more Nick, maybe when all of Antonio's secret are coming out!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps For sure we want the scoop first!!!
QUESTION: Nick what part of the country are you from?
Nick Kiriazis I'm from New York. Born in Madison, Wisconsin and grew up on Long Island, New York.
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsA Midwest East coast type of boy-Good mix
QUESTION: Is there any juicy tidbits you can tell about your castmates?
Nick Kiriazis I wouldn't do that... ;-)
Lynn B.Oh, come on...just a little...
Elissa How many secrets can a priest have?
SBPubHave you watched the news lately? Priests have all the secrets
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps The whole room is begging for something!!!
evans37 I like gossip! We won't tell anyone, won't we?
Maddie I love him too
Cathy McCabeIt will be our little secrets.
SarahM Yes.....I promise (hee hee hee)
QUESTION: Would you like to see Maria come back from the dead?
Nick Kiriazis Yes. Who knows, she might not even be dead..
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Is this a hint?????
Lynn B. No, she must remain dead!!!!!!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Boy Nick you are a tough cookie ! LOL
QUESTION: What possible future stories would you see your character in?
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Good question!
Nick Kiriazis With this great cast,I'd be happy with any storyline where Antonio is faced with moral dilemma.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps And that can be juicy!
QUESTION: How does California compare to New York?
Nick Kiriazis The weather is a lot nicer.. but I miss the diversity of New York.
Cathy McCabe There no place like New York.
QUESTION: Do you enjoy doing the beach scenes?
Lynn B. We enjoy the beach scenes!!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Especially the surf scene!
Elissa I enjoyed his topless scene!!
Bzaney Me too.
Cathy McCabe We realllly enjoy the beach scenes
Nick Kiriazis I enjoy doing location scenes because it's something different -- you're out of the studio, the beach is beautiful, there's an element of realism.
QUESTION: I am making a page on you, anywhere I can get photos of you?
Nick Kiriazis If you write to me, I'll send you a photo.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Get ready for a lot of letters !
SarahM I'm writing!!!!! Right now!!!!
Bzaney LOL, me too
Cathy McCabeRUN, hurry
SarahM "Dear Nick....."
bk6662 A signed photo I hope.....
Cathy McCabeWill he deliver it??
QUESTION: Do you have any upcoming roles other than SB?
Nick Kiriazis Not at the moment, no.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Oh too bad! I am sure they will knock down your door soon!
Lynn B. His confessional door, Eve?
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps LOL!!! I know I would be there!!!
Lynn B. Eve is committing as many sins as possible in order to be in the confessional a long time with Antonio.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps {action} getting out rosary
QUESTION: What background are you? Do you have any siblings?
Nick Kiriazis I'm half Greek, and half French and German.
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Nick I hope we made you first trip into cyberspace painless
and you are having a great time!!
Elissa Just want to say thanks for taking your time to be with us
Nick Kiriazis Thank you everybody! :-)
evans37 This is the best chat I have ever been to. Thank you for being here
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps And I want to thank you on behalf of all of us for taking the
time to come out and chat with us And we want to give you the fans a big hand for providing some great questions for Nick tonight!!
Lynn B. Yes, thank you Nick, come back and see us, ANYTIME!!!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps Give yourselves a big round of applause!!
Lynn B. {action:} applauds fervently
Steph Thanks to Nick for taking the time to be here!
Elissa This is the best chat and you guys are cool
Hannisesb Yeah... Thank you! :) it was the BEST chat
Evelyn/eDrive SoapsThank you all for coming out tonight!! Please be sure to check out the boards!!!
Lynn B. We want your comments and ideas!
Evelyn/eDrive Soaps We look forward to seeing you all on Sunset Beach!!!