Love parade as u know was one of the biggest festivals of techno music
in Gemany and around the world.

Well, Being at the Love Parade has been for me one of the most important achievements in my life, Because I wanted to go since I was 15 years old.
The thing is that I went to Germany back on 1997 for the very first time with my mom and she started watching the TV and she saw the whole LP review *s* I will never forget that obviously there were certain things I did not want my mom to watch but I could do nothing *s* anyway after that I realized that if I wanted to go to the LP I had to pay it by myself, so I started working in order to save money and go to Berlin, and that’s what happened it was until 2002 that I could finally go.
I will never forget the way I felt when I woke up alone in my hotel room and said TODAY IT’S THE LOVE PARADE AND IM IN BERLIN Wow!!! I waited my friends to pick me up, but in the meantime I went out from my hotel to have a walk and Kürfurstendamm strasse was already full of ravers getting ready for the LP and they were already playing loud music on their cars, my friends and I arrived walking (since my hotel was pretty near from 17 Juni strasse) and when I finally was there I was like YEAH!woooho (sorry, im gettin excited again *s* while im writtin this) I really felt the most incredible vibe in my whole life, the rest is history I ended clubbing around 8 in the morning.

Love parade will always mean a lot for Berlin although its over, I mean we can not forget that it all started when Dr Motte went out to celebrate the fall of Berlin´s wall dancing on the streets, all that is left nowadays is "Fuck the Power".


If u want more info go to the offical page where u can find a lot of information about it Click : "Love pardade"

Pictures from Love Parade 2000

#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7


LoVe pArAdE 1999

here some pics :} from

LoVe PaRaDe 1998

if somepix dont download right , please click on the right bottom of your mouse and click the option "show or view image" thanx.

Love parade
