Telenovela de canal 13 .
Resumen / Summary:
Gustavoo Ochoa, un joven y exitoso empresario dedicado a la confeccion de ropa unisex, Decida mudarse para vivir solo. Luego de visitar varias departamentos se decide por uno de propiedad de la familia de Fernanda, lo compra y contrata a decoradores para adoptarlo a su gusto. Debido a esta compra y posteriores visitas por parte de Fernanda buscando correspondencia llega a su nombre, estaba una relacion amistosa con Gustavo, muchas veces interrumpida por Mimicha, amante de Gustavo y esposa del socio del padre de Gustavo, tambien exitoso empresario, Padre y hijo tienen problemas en su relacion ya que sus puntos de vista sobre la vida son distintos. El padre desaprueba el estilo de vida de Gustavo y sobre todo que continue visitando y queriendo, a su manera, a la novia-Alicia- la cual quedo paralitica y sin reconocer a nodie, debido a un accidente automovilistico, occurido mientras manejaba Gustavo durante un rally. El medico opina que hay esperanza de que se recupere.
Hay destintos personajes, la mucama, su novio, otros jovenes que viven en el edificio, entre ellos Sandra, el encargado y una vecina que es actriz, Cristina, con al cual Gustavo tiene, al prencipio, muchos problemas pero finalmente se hacen amigos y Žl, muchas veces para ayudarla, desatiende su vida personal.
El padre comienza a recibir llamados, un video, relacionados con algo, no se sabe que, que sucedio hace anios.Tanto lo provocan que finalmente muere debido a un infarto.Al abrirse el testamento, Gustavo se entera que tiene un hermano, que vive en el campo con la madre, a quien su padre nunca reconocio. Pero ahora le deja casi toda su fortuna como una manera de resarcirlo por no haber vivido con Žl a dado una educacion y los beneficios de su fortuna.
La desesperacion de Gustavo es enorme ya que al quedar la fortuna casi en su totalidad en manos de su desconocido hermano, una parte en acciones a Mimicha y otra para Žl, pierde el control absoluto de la empresa a la cual contribuyo con su trabajo a engrandecer.
Decida luchar por ese control, pero Mimicha despechada por que Gustavo comenzo una relacion amorosa con Sandra, no le quiere vender las acciones y el hermano, lleno de odio por haber sido dejado de lado por su padre, no le quiere ceder nada.
Comienza la lucha, con traiciones del hermano, de Mimicha, agregandose a su nueva relacion con Sandra el tomar conocimiento que esta es hija del hombre que fue socio del padre de Gustavo y que se suicido.Ella con ayuda de amigos fue la que urdio el chantaje al padre de Gustavo y que hizo que, de alguna manera, este falleciera. Esto se interpone entre ellos, pero con el tiempo las cosas se aclaran y ellos pueden vivir su amor.El hermano vuelva al campo y deja todo en manos de Gustavo.
Actuaci?nes Estelares:
Resumen / Summary:
Gustavoo Ochoa, a young and successful manager very dedicated to the confection of unisex cloths, Decided to move and live alone . After visiting a few apartments decided on a place that belong to the family of Fernanda, he bought it and hired some decoraters inorder to make the place looks the way he likes. Due to this acquire and the later visits of the parents of Fernanda looking for a correspondence came to his name , began a nice friendship with Gustavo, many times it was interapted by Mimicha, the lover of Gustavo and the wife of the partner in buziness of his father, who was also a successful manager, father and son had problems in their relationship because they had diferent way of looking at life. The father disapproved the style of life that Gustavo had and more than this , the fact taht he continued to care and visit his fiancee -Alicia- that was left paralized without recognizing anyone, due to a car accident, that happened while Gustavo was driving during a spin. The Doctor believes that there is hope that she will recover.
There are varias characters, lthe servent, her fiance, other young people that are living in the same buildingo, among them is Sandra, the owner and a neighbour that is an actress, Cristina, that with her Gustavo has, at the begining, many problems but at the end they become friends and he, many times inorder to help her, disregard his personal life.
His father starts recieving calls, a video, related with something, does not know what, that had happened many years ago .They provoke him so much that he dies due to a stroke.When they opened the will, Gustavo discovers that he has a brother, that is living in the village with his mother, one that his father never reconocer. But now he left almost all his fortune like a payment for the way he treated his son, without giving him the oportunity the study and to live a rich life.
The despair of Gustavo is enormous for the fact that all his life he worked hard and was teh owner of almost everything now is left at the hands of an ankown brother, some of the actions are left for Mimicha and others for him, he lost absolute control of the company where he gave his effort and energy for so long.
Decided to fight for the copntrol, but Mimicha being angry for Gustavo starting a loving relationship with Sandra, does not want to sell him her actions and his brother, full of hate for being left outside by his father, does not want to transfer anything.
The fight begins, with betray between brothers, of Mimicha, atouched by his new relation with Sandra he realizes that she is the daughter of the man that was the partner of his father and that he killed himselft. She, with hte help of some friends, was the one that schemed the blackmail of his father and was the one that, in a way, caused his dead. This came between them, but with the time passing things became more clear and they could live his love.His brother returned to his village and left everything in the hands of Gustavo.
Gustavo Bermśdez -------- Gustavo Ochoa
Cristina Alber? -------- Cristina
Gustavo Garz?n -------- Mart?n
Alejandra Dar?n -------- Fernanda
Flora Bloise -------- Felisa
Pablo Novak -------- Alejandro
Viviana Puerta -------- Betina
Marcela Ruiz -------- Mabicha
Juan Ignacio Machado -------- Federico