";EL FINAL DE NANO. Tanto para Gustavo Bermœdez como para Araceli Gonz‡lez, Nano tiene un significado especial. Para Žl represent— su separaci—n televisiva de Andrea del Boca, la primera telenovela que llev— el nombre de un personaje suyo y en la que encabez— los t’tulos. Adem‡s, despuŽs de cuatro a–os juntos, marc— la despedida del autor Enrique Torres, quien a partir de ahora escribir‡ solo para la actriz de Perla Negra. En el caso de Araceli, esta tira file su debut en el gŽnero y el primer ciclo en que es la œnica protagonista femenina. Otra de las caracter’sticas de Nano fue la gran cantidad de escenas con toques policiales. En el principio, eran protagonizadas por el Gato (alter ego de Nano) que ayudaba a los trabajadores y se opon’a a los corruptos. Ademas del asesinato de los padres de Camila que se vio en el primer cap’tulo. Desde ese momento, co-menzaron a circular entre los personajes un detective, su ayudante y varios polic’as. En los 195 cap’tulos, hubo intentos de homicidio, explosiones, tiros, accidentes de autos, envenenamientos, raptos, intentos de suicidio, muertes (como la de Crista, interpretada por Silvia PŽrez), amenazas y asesinos (Noel/Arturo Maly, Ro-sario/Emilla Mazer y V’cton Carlos Brown, segœn el caso). Estos elementos, m‡s la historia de amor entre los protagonislas, contribuyeron a lograr un promedio de rating que rond— los 13 puntos cifra nada despreciable para una tira diaria. Torres incluy—, ademas, temas como la adopci—n, la homosexualidad, la discriminaci—n, el debut sexual, la anticoncepci—n, la esterilidad masculina, infidelidades, bulimia, violaciones, discapacidad fisica y eco1og’a. Temas de la realidad que se sucedieron bajo el techo de la gran mansi—n familiar. Por fin, despuŽs de tantos desencuentros y conflictos, hoy por Canal 13 a las 18, se ver‡ el desenlace. Y ser‡ como todos esperan. ";ENCUENTRO EN EL OCEANARIO. Ella era una sordomuda, maestra en una escuela para chicos mudos y hab’a escapado de su hogar cuando asesinaron a sus padres. El trabajaba en un oceanario, estaba casado con Rosario (Emilia Mazer) y viv’a en la misma casa con su pap‡, su madrastra (Cecilia Cenci) y la familia de ella por la abuela (Lydia Lamaison), quienes estaban muy preocupados por una nieta perdida hac’a quince a–os. ";PRIMERAS PALABRAS. Del primer encuentro entre ambos fue naciendo el amor. Y al poco tiempo se descubri— que Camila era la nieta perdida. Pero se sum— un elemento conflictivo que marcar’a el destino de la pareja. Camila, dormida, comenz— a pronunciar sus primeras palabras y a so–ar con la escena en la que asesinaron a sus padres. Segœn record—, el homicida era NoeI Espada (Arturo Maly), el pap‡ de Nano. ";El NACIMIENTO. El amor pareci— superarlo todo y la pareja se reuni—, despuŽs de varios desencuentros, en una casa de la playa. Ese fue el escenario elegido para hacer el amor por primera vez. Una chimenea, palabras dulces, poemas y declaraciones varias fueron el contexto de esa relaci—n ’ntima que tiempo despuŽs deriv— en un embarazo. En los nueve meses que demor— en nacer la ni–a, no fue todo calma para la madre. ";FINAL FELIZ. Poco a poco todos los conflictos se flieron resolviendo, cada personaje encontr— su media naranja y los que estaban distanciados limaron asperezas. Magie y Silvio, por ejemplo, descubrieron que estaban enamorados, Rosario muri—, y Aurora (Graciela Pal y Felicia (Cecilia Cenci), despuŽs de estar a–os peleadas por el amor del mismo hombre, se reconciliaron. Nano no se fue a Miami como ten’a previsto y se qued— con Camila. |
";THE END OF NANO. Exactly as it is for Gustavo Bermœdez it is for Araceli Gonz‡lez, Nano has a very especial signification. Por Gustavo it show his separation in the tv from Andrea del Boca, the first telenovela that brought his name to fame and to the headlines . After 4 years together , also had left the autor Enrique Torres, that from this time will write only for the actress of "Perla Negra".In the house of Araceli, this put aside his dubds about sexo and for the first time that she is the only female primer actress . Anothe of the characteristes of "Nano" was the big acount of sceens with police touch . In the begining , where the shootings of "el Gato" (another personal of Nano) that had helped the workers and that had su opinion about corruptions. Apart from the killing of Camila's parents that she had seen in the first epizode . From that time ,started to show the relasiones between the inspector and his assistant . In the 195 epizodes of the novela , where intentiones of homicidio, explosions, shootings, cars accident, poisinings, kignuppings, a few intentiones of suicides, dieing (like the one of Crista, actuaba by Silvia PŽrez), threats andassassinatos (Noel/Arturo Maly, Ro-sario/Emilla Mazer and V’cton Carlos Brown,). These elements, and the love story between the actores, contribuyted to achieve big ratings around 13 . Torres included, moreover, subjects like the adoption, the homosexuality, the discrimination, the sexual debut, the anticonception, the men actors, treacheries, bulimia, violations,fisics and ecologias abilities . Subjects reales that happens in a big family house . At the end, after many lakes of meetings and many conflictes, today on chanl 13 at 18, you will be able to see it happening. enjoy . ";A MEETING IN THE OCEANARIO. She was deaf and unable to speak, a teacher in one of the chools for deaf childen and became herself deaf cuando her parents where killed. He was working in the oceanario, married to Rosario (Emilia Mazer) and living in the same house with his father, the wife of his father (Cecilia Cenci) and her family like the grandmother (Lydia Lamaison), thet were all very preocupied about the missing of a niece for 15 years . ";THE FIRST WORDS. From the first meeting between them 2 was born love. And in little time it was found that Camila was the missing niece. But there add a big element to the story , very conflicting that put his mark on the destiny of the pair . Camila, while sleeping, started to pronaunce words and to dream about the pictur she remembers from the time they were killed . The second thing that she had remembered was , that the killer was NoeI Espada (Arturo Maly), the father of Nano. "i;THE BIRTH. It seems like love had beated everything and the pair were together again, after a few meetings, in a house on the beach. There was the elected sceen to make love in the first time. A chimeney, sweat words, songs and declaracions a few were the structure of this close relation that later showed pregnancy. In these 9 months till the babygirl was born , it was not all calm for the mother. ";HAPPY END. Slowly, all the conflictes were resolved, every person at the novela found his place. Magie and Silvio, for exsampl, foundout that they were inlove, Rosario had died , and Aurora (Graciela Pal) and Felicia (Cecilia Cenci), after they were fighting years for the love of the same man, became friends again. Nano did not go to Miami like he had to and stayed Camila. |
PATRICIA . I am here for you . . .