Juk is an orphan who was raised at Shaolin. He is
a very naive person, too trusting of others to do
the right thing. Therefore on his journey he was
easily fooled and tricked by others like Tin San
Tong Lo. Hoi Juk also has a fair share of luck on
his side also. For instance he was able to solve
the chess puzzle and become the student of Mo
Leung Chi, through luck rather than intelligence
or skill. Fate would also reunite him and Mo Ku
after they met at the Sai Ha ice cellar. Hoi Juk
is an example of someone who stumbles through
life following the currents. Fate is good to Hoi
Juk, allowing him to achieve many things in life.
He becomes the leader of Siu Yiu Pai, Ling Chow
Kung and becomes the son in law of the King of
Sai Ha. But much of Hoi Juk's good fortune comes
through his good nature. Always trying to prevent
others from hurting or killing each other.
all disciples of the holy divine, Hoi Juk, faced
many temptations along his journey. At first he
was forced against his own will to break Shaolin
rules, but later the temptation of flesh was too
much. He could not contain himself and broke all
of the rules of Shaolin. Even though Hoi Juk did
not prove himself to be a saint, he still had a
good life. Fate was cruel to Hoi Juk on one
occasion however. Having just discovered who his
parents, moments later they would be forced to
commit suicide leaving him alone once more.