The Ships of the League


Ranger Cruiser This large cruiser is typical of the ships that are used to transport the military and VIPs around the League in. BETA has 20 of these powerful cruisers, all based on an Andorian design that dates back to 2086. This ship needs two crew, and has emergency carrying capacity for up to 80 people. It also includes extendable shirtsleeve docking facilities, so it can perform a hard-dock with smaller fighters or interceptors and allow non-space-suited travel between the ships. It has a single-twin barrelled laser cannon mounted below the nose, forward of the main drop-hatch which has been equipped with a standard 2 Mw rated cannon.
Th Ship is equipped with an Andorian Wormhole-Hyperdrive, capable of speeds in excess of 1 ly/hour. It's normal thrusters are rated at 10g, with it's internal gravity net capable of compensating for accelerations of up to 20g. The ship carries enough fuel for 2 weeks continuous burn at 1g, and can be refuelled at any refuelling depot or base. The Cargo Capacity of the Cruiser is eight Standard Cargo Containers.


Ranger InterceptorThe Ranger Interceptor, or Ranger-2 series of ships is an Earth design based on the early Andorian ships. The Interceptor is equipped with an Andorian Wormhole-Hyperdrive, and has engines capable of 10g acceleration with a 12g gravity net. It's weapons are two dual-barelled Forward-traverse lasers rated at 5 Mw each.

The ship's maneuverability makes it a very difficult target to hit using computer-guided weapons due to it's automatic em jamming sequencers. This is the ship most commonly seen on military patrols as the League and BETA has over 300 of these vessels currently in service. The Interceptor normally carries one crew, but can, in an emergency, carry two people in the small cabin. The Cargo capacity of the interceptor is only 1 standard Cargo Container.


Ranger CorsairRanger-3, or the Ranger Corsair, is a larger version of the Ranger Interceptor. This two-person ship has twice the firepower of the Interceptor, along with some interesting human inventions. The primary hull of the ship containing the Andorian Wormhole-Hyperdrive, can be jettisoned in the event of a hyperdrive failure, and detonated to ensure the secrets of the hyperdrive do not fall into enemy hands. The explosion of the drive section will also destroy most small ships within a kilometer of it.

The Corsair has 10g thrusters with a 12g gravity net, and a range at full burn of one week, or 10 weeks at 1g thrust. Once the Drive section is detached, the ship has a range of less than two hours, just sufficient to land the ship on a nearby base or planet. The ship's cargo capacity is limited to two standard cargo containers.

Ranger-4 Experimental

Ranger-4Ranger-4 was an experimental model designed by BETA to supplement the spacecraft forces and give the Galaxy Rangers a better fighting chance against the Crown Destroyers and pirate battleships that frequented their patrol regions. This powerful ship contained enough crew capacity for eight people maximum, the remainder of the ship was packed solid with extra shield generators, powerful engines, and devestating pumped laser cells.

The one time this ship went into combat against a larger battleship, it was successful, but was critically damaged in the ensuing battle, and had to be scuttled. After the reports came back of the ship's performance, and also of the downsizing of the defence forces, the design was shelved, and no further models were constructed.

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