Lori's page for 80's TV
A page devoted to TV during the end of network's supreme reign. This page is nowhere near completion, but see what I have so far.

index. It's animated. It's really cool.
Memorable, short-lived shows
Notable 80's TV tidbits

Please e-mail me if any of the below links don't work. There are too many of them for me to check them all myself. Thanks!

80's TV by Network

old NBC logo


Image property of The 80's TV Theme SuperSite

Campaigns (that I know of. I'm just going on memory):

Shows (generally in chronological order):

To be included in this category, shows must have made the Fall schedule at least twice during the 80's or, if begun in a different decade, must have spent the majority of its existence in the 80's

More on NBC later

ABC logo


Campaigns (again, by memory):

Shows (generally in chronological order):

To be included in this category, shows must have made the Fall schedule at least twice during the 80's or, if begun in a different decade, must have spent the majority of its existence in the 80's

More on ABC later

CBS logo


Campaigns (once again, from memory):

Shows (generally in chronological order):

In order to be included in this category, shows must have made the Fall Schedule at least twice during the 80's or, if begun in a different decade, must have spent the majority of its existence in the 80's

More on CBS later




More on Fox later

Cable or syndication


More on Cable/Syndication later

Memorable, Short-lived shows

Shows in this category have to meet two criteria: 1)They have to have made the Fall season only once and 2)I have to remember them. As you can see, this is all very subjective.


Notable Tidbits from 80's TV

Nothing here yet

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1997-2000 Lori King