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My Springer Collection !!!
Jerry Springer Promo Cards !!!
These cards were supposed to have been release in December of 1998 as the promo's for a 72 card set.....But for some reason they weren't released...Hope you enjoy these two promo cards !!!
I know the pictures have been shown all over the internet...I personally have always wondered what was on the back.....Well.....Here it is.....
Original Omnichrome Security Stud Card Set featuring Steve and Todd !!!
Pics of Jerry and Steve at the Billboard Music Awards.....from Walk of Fame.....
Steve Wilkos autographed baseball.
Included in pic is the logo on a t-shirt given to me from a show staff member on my last trip as a gift.......
Autographed pic of Jerry..... Chicago 09/25/00
The Jerry Springer Doll !!!