A Couple of Blonde Jokes
Two blonds were walking down the street when one of them saw a little mirror on the ground...she picked it up ....looked at it then said "this person looks awfully familiar" . So the other blond takes it from her looks at it and says " you dumb ass its me"

A guy took a blonde out on a date. Eventually they ended up parked at a "lovers point" where they started making out. After things started getting pretty good, he thought he might get lucky, so he asked her "Do you want to get into the back seat?" "NO!" she answered. Okay, he thought, maybe she's not ready yet. Now he has her shirt and skirt off, the windows are steamed, and things are getting really hot, so he asks again, "Do you want to get into the back seat?" "NO!" she answers again. Now he has her bra off, they're both very sweaty, and she even has his pants unzipped. Okay, he thinks, she HAS to want it now. "Do you want to get into the back seat NOW?" he asks again. "NO!" she answers yet again. Frustrated, he demands "Well, why not!" "Because I want to stay up here with you!" 

There was a blond that walked into a store and fell in love with some alligator shoes. so she asked the store clerk. he said the price and she was absolutely amazed at how high the price was. so she told him she was going to go get them herself in a swamp. about 4 hours later as the clerk was driving home he saw her waist high in the mucky water with a gun. All of a sudden an alligator about 10 feet long comes straigt at her  BOOM!!! she fires at it and it drops dead.. she drags it over to where the clerk sees about 10 other alligators. he watches the blond turn over the alligator and hears her say "damn it this one doesn't have any shoes either!"