LC - Tough Guy? Lewis Collins

Movies and Television
Gavin Ramsey, The Cuckoo Waltz, 1974-76
Massage, from Cuckoo Waltz(?)
Must Wear Tights, Thames TV, 1978
Peter Skellen, Who Dares, Wins, 1981
A Night on the Town, BBC1, 1983
Blues, Whites and Reds (55K). (Formerly the Mystery Photo). Role: the Count. Birmingham Rep., 1974
The Decorator. Playbill from Churchill Theatre, Bromley Centre, 1994 New
Dangerous Corner. Summer-Fall tour, 1999 New
* Confirmed by Sue S., from Lewis Collins.
From Life and Posters
With leather jacket and motorbike   New
Outdoors and relaxed ("gunslinger")  New
Rough, tough, and bad to know
Star File (59K, b&w)
Playing tennis
With small and very hairy dog

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