Lewis Collins
- Movies and Television
- Gavin Ramsey, The Cuckoo Waltz, 1974-76
- Massage, from Cuckoo Waltz(?)
- Must Wear Tights, Thames TV, 1978
- Peter Skellen, Who Dares, Wins, 1981
- A Night on the Town, BBC1, 1983
- Theatre
- Blues, Whites and Reds (55K). (Formerly the Mystery Photo). Role: the Count. Birmingham Rep., 1974
- The Decorator. Playbill from Churchill Theatre, Bromley Centre, 1994 New
- Dangerous Corner. Summer-Fall tour, 1999 New
- * Confirmed by Sue S., from Lewis Collins.
- From Life and Posters
- With leather jacket and motorbike New
- Outdoors and relaxed ("gunslinger") New
- Rough, tough, and bad to know
- Star File (59K, b&w)
- Playing tennis
- With small and very hairy dog
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