Welcome to.....(dramatic pause-drumrole)

The Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog page!

Yup. You guessed it. (You deserve a cookie.) This is page is about the two most
haul-off and throw-down dudes to ever come over the


This page deals with stuff allllllll about Mega Man and Sonic.

Characters-Freedom Fighters N-Team
Characters of the Sonic and Mega Man comics, games, and various TV shows.
-Sonic Mega Man 1, 2
Here is a history of the two's past. And some other's histories as well.

This section will give full info on how to read my various stories. Not much is here now, but you can read the teasers.

Here are some of my best drawings, free to see!

These are links to some of my favorite web sites.

Frequently asked questions. Nuff' said.


A section devoted to strange dreams I have had relating to Mega Man and Sonic.


Cast your vote! And I mean now, mister!

This is the place to learn how our heros were depicted throughout the years in various TV shows and comics.
This site was started on Wednesday
January 27, 1999.

Daniel Creed

Important Note-Have fun here or I will pull your head off and
kick it to Brazil. Thank you.

People have mistaken this place for an
NSYNC site and were beaten senseless.
5/24-Added another link to the links page. Remember, E-Mail me for any questions on the site or books, whatever!
5/11-Allright everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I have a perfectly valid reason: This site is moving! It will go on Tripod, and I will have a whole helluva lot more things there. (I am hoping for a sound gallery, and my books will both definitly be up.) Until that time, loyal fans, may the force be with you.
4/22-Had another dream.
4/7-I put up the portrayals section, and put up yet another poll.
3/28-Sorry for the delay, but I have updated.(I lost my internet connection, then my computer crashed.) I put up the Books section, but there isn't a lot there but some descriptions.
3/6-Finished the Sonic history, and added another poll.
3/4-I put up a new polls section, seeing as to how there will probably be a lot of them.
3/3-Finished the Mega Man history section. Here is Part 1, and Part 2.
3/2-What's that? Why, yes! I am still alive!(See, you do care!) This calls for a celebration! I shall begin by updating the Dreams section, and I plan to have my books up soon! So far, one is done and the second is close. Stay tuned!
2/12-Put up the poll!
2/5- Added the Dreams section.
1/27-1/30-Site began. Various crappy updates,
Such as typos fixed.
Mega Man and all related characters are copyright Capcom.
Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright Sega.