The Gromble's Monster Academy - Characters

Main Characters

The Gromble was the same from the beginning to the end. There really was nothing to say about the Gromble but that he is a stern monster who cares about nothing but scares and disgusting features. The Gromble has earned his way to being the master of all scares. Unfortunately, if thing don't go the right way he may eat and swallow a monster. This site will have much more on him as well as his monsters.

Krumm began as a shy monster. As you may recall he was bawling in the episode when the trio first met. He rarely succeeded in scares and never realized he had something to scare with until his armpits. Krumm's style of scaring consists of the stench he gives off, his digusting features and eyerolling. He spends his time laughing and does scares when neccesary and when not. To us he is the most amusing monster and one of the most revolting ones.

Ickis began making everyone think he was a big shot since he was the son of a very respected Monster Academy graduate named Slickis. He turned out to be a failure since due to his long ears, many humans come to think he is a rabbit. He then became the Gromble's most disobedient and annoying student.

Oblina started out and still is a teacher's pet. She does scares only when neccesary and is never late for class. She reads her manual everyday and is never disobedient (with some exceptions). Her scares consist of her disgusting features and pulling her guts out. She is also usefull as an umbrella, a rope, a wrench etc. Her main worry is mainly being snorched. However,when it comes to Ickis and Krumm in need, she doesn't care about anything.

Here are descriptions of monsters that play a big part in the supporting act. Notice:Sorry for the inconvienience, but these monsters' pictures are extremely hard to find, so they will not appear.

OK, so there's not much to say about this monster. She's one of the "cool" girls, and is usually seen with them. She agreed that Oblina wasn't cool in "Oblina Without a Cause", but went to her slumber party in "Slumber Scare" There, she showed off her scaring technique: she can separate her segmented body, and use her arms as bat-like wings to fly herself all over the room. Voiced by Marcia Strassman
You'd think that one of the "cool" girls would pick someone else to love. But Dizzle seems to have a thing for a certain "big, scary monster". And that monster is Ickis. OK, so she only goes after him in a couple episodes, but when she does, she goes the distance ("Fear Thy Name Is Ickis"...) Dizzle also seems to have aspirations for acting, but she could just be playing around. Has a very annoying voice if you listen enough. Voiced by Cynthia Mann
She only had any sort of a role in one episode: Krumm's Pimple. But krumm liked her, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. Then along came Steve the talking pimple to spoil things. She was one of the coolest girls in the Academy, but it's not known how she got this position. Or if she still has it. Maybe it's her scales. Voiced by Sharon Mack.
Kriggle is a monster with a plan. Unfortunately, he doesn't know what that plan is. Mostly, he just goes where he will, with Urbab following him. He really hasn't done much for the series other than provide an extra monster to use in the show, but he's been in a few episodes. Quite a few at that. Voiced by Dorian Harewood
As Krumm hangs out with Ickis, so does Urbab hang around Kriggle. Usually, he just has a few lines when he shows up, but that's all. He can have some pretty funny moments, though. But whatever episode's he's in, Kriggle's in them as well, so he doesn't have his own place in the series. Voiced by Xander Berkley
Who or what is this monster? It has a male voice when it's ejected from the stadium in "The Great Wave", but then has a major role later, so I'll go by that. Ocra was the leader of the "cool" girls in "Oblina Without a Cause", but then Oblina took over. But she and Oblina have a lot in common, both of them stick with the rules. With Ocra, they happen to be the rules of being cool. Voiced by Shelley Duvall
Dr. Buzz Kutt:
The technician (or whatever he does) at MASA, Dr Buzz Kutt provided invetions that led to entire episodes. He designed the Human Suit, Kutt Translator 3000, and Shrink Master 8000. The first attempts (from 1 to 2999 or 7999) failed, then he struck gold. He's always wearin a lab coat, so that must be where he keeps his smaller inventions. Voiced by Ed Winter
This guy's a regular monster mess. Snav looks at life through whatever lens is closest, and follows the strongest flow. If all looks grim, he's with it. If all is well, he's with it. He and Blib share a dorm room, and apparently never dirty it up. His great-uncle Sniv was the greatest philosopher in monster history, but to Snav, he was his great-uncle. Voiced by Xander Berkley
Snav's best friend, and shares similar mannerisms. Together, they're inseparable and irritating. He cahnged color from green to blue, and his eyes changed between Seasons 3 and 4. Voiced by Keythe Farley
Mayor Lindt:
He's America's mayor: a low-down, dirty, sneaky, cheating, thief. He took $200,000 from the city treasury to bet on a horse race, and he bet on Molasses. He also does what is necessary to boost his image to do that only. I don't know how he stayed in office. Voiced by Henry Gibson
Exposia Vertov:
She's an ace reporter and expert photographer. Apparently, she does TV ("Walk Like a Man") and newspaper work ("Monsters Are Real") Whatever she does, monsters have something to do with it eventually. Voiced by Lisa Raggio
Sandy Candy:
Another reporter, but she only does TV. Her stories were limited to 3 episodes, she was at the "Wilde Yak" unveiling in "Mother May I?", at the launch in "The Rival", and questioning Mayor Lindt in "A Room With No Viewfinder". Could she be competition for Exposia? Who cares? Voiced by Liz Georges
He either dropped out of the Academy, or never went to begin with. He spent his time with his three underlings, bullying the Academy monsters until Ickis fought back. They became friends, and even went on a scare together. After that, Pugh was saved from running out of air in his breathing sac by Ickis, and confessed to The Gromble that they'd snuck out to go scaring during class. Pugh was admitted to the Academy, but had a week of punishment first. Voiced by Jonathan Silverman
Elban Bigfoot:
He was an old student of the Gromble, but was kicked out of the Academy because he was a danger to himself and other monsters. He spent his years living in the woods, but never expected to cross paths with Simon D. Hunter and his former teacher in the same day. Voiced by Arthur Burghardt
The Skrink:
He came to the academy to scare. But his coordination needed work. After trial and error, he showed his true talent for scaring: he makes ghostly noises. He still needs work on his coordination. Voiced by Andrew Morris
She was Oblina's greatest enemy in "The Rival" - until Oblina found out that she just wanted to be friends. But then why was her next appearance limited to one line in "The Substitute". And why was she being such a show-off to begin with? Voiced by Teresa Ganzel
The Viewfinder:
WHAT? Exactly what is this contraption. The Viewfinder shows the scares of the monsters, and can even show the events of human lives, but what is it? Whatever it is, it's prone to malfunctions, and should neither be used outside, nor used by more than one monster at a time. It will break down. And if it decides to go for an evening stroll, that's normal. It means Ickis needed to get out of showing a scare, and tried to break it. This happens from time to time, but only got TV exposure once. Voiced by Gregg Berger.