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I'm back...with lots of news! First, the picture of poster E is here. And of course, Fox never replied or posted the new TV spots.

"Drive" is going to be about (get ready) people having their heads blown up in speeding cars. 6X03 is still untitled, and will be weird. Very weird. I.e. CSM will be speaking German the entire episode, and Scully will denounce Spender...before he was born.

Kersh will only be a temporary replacement of Skinner, and will be played by James Pickens, Jr. Also, Kurtzweil or other characters from the movie might find a way back into the series.

See GF2020's Consortium for more season 6 info.


Apparently Mulder and Scully will report to a new boss next season, by the name of Kersh. No word on what will happen to Skinner. Apparently Kersh will at least be in 6X01 and 6X02.

Also, the third episode next season may be filmed in real time, so that the events that take place in it will take as long as they would in real life.

I e-mailed Fox today with a slightly changed version of my message to Media Revolution. The address is, and I encourage you to send them all the mail you can! Thanks!


About that style "E" poster...! Yes, it seems implausible but it turns out that it does exist, and is an EXTREMELY rare international poster. Also, the Barbie dolls were rereleased...and recalled again! Maybe the third time will work out, if there will be one. About seeing FTF for a 4th time.... I will have to wait until the video release. :-( It seems that it is out of theaters. Final earnings are around $85 million. Stay tuned for international figures. And stay tuned for a possible e-mail to Fox tomorrow.

Apparently the third episode next season will be a tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's movie Rope. It is not clear what exactly that means, but it should be interesting. Also, CSM will be in 7 episodes next season, which is good, and TLG--all 3 of them--will be in 6.

Source: The Wire


Apparently Krycek won't be in "The Beginning." Too bad. The basic plot: The search for Gibson Praise. Also, check out the Merchandise section. I just added the promo CD which includes 3 tracks total from the 2 albums. Very rare. I need a picture, though....


Chris Carter is now seriously thinking about doing an X-Files and Millennium crossover sometime next season. He doesn't want to do it as a "stunt," but if there is an opportunity for such a crossover to be done in an interesting way, he might do it.

Fox is seriously talking with Carter about the possibility of a sequel, which will probably happen.

And, some 6X02 news. It will be called "Drive" and be written by Vince Gilligan.

Source: The PA X-Files


I was just thinking how cool it would be to release the video of FTF on 11/21. That's only 3 days before the rumored 11/24. I will hopefully be seeing FTF again tomorrow for the 4th time. Maybe I'll catch a 1013 sighting this time. Also, check out the Merchandise section. I added a ton of stuff. For example, the postcards of the movie just came out in Asia. I would send an e-mail about the TV spots to Fox if I could find an e-mail address to send to. Help?!


Filming of "The Beginning" starts tomorrow. More info at GF2020's Consortium.


6X01 news.... It will be a mythology episode called "The Beginning" and starts filming Monday. The November 1 premiere is confirmed. The director will be Kim Manners. And as for the video release, it will be November 24. At the Emmys, the show got 16 nominations, including Best Actor and Actress (must I name them?) and Best Drama. Go X-Files!

Now, here is proof that Fox is behind the "death" of the official movie site. Following is an e-mail sent by me, then Media Revolution's reply.

To whom it may concern:

For over a month now, the majority of the official site for the X-Files movie has hardly changed. In the week prior to the movie's release and since then I have counted at least 5 new TV spots that haven't been archived on the site. Also, the merchandise section hardly has a complete list of movie merchandise. Not even the clothes or mouse pads are there. It seems that fan sites have become a better source of information than the official site.

I am not in any way trying to say that the official movie site is bad. In fact, I like it very much. The only thing that I would like to have changed is how often (lately) the site is being updated. I understand that the movie is already out, and on its way out, but things are changing and new things are coming out as fast as ever. For example, a fifth poster is due out and, like I said, at least 5 new TV ads have appeared. But Media Revolution has done nothing about it. No new entries in the merchandise section. No updates of the TV spot section, as the site promises. The site hasn't been touched in almost a month, and I hope that your company reconsiders this.

I realize that there may be issues with Twentieth Century Fox, but I can't see any reason for any. If this were the case, at least a note saying that further updating is impossible would be appropriate.

The main reason I'm writing this letter is to ask you to try and archive the TV spots, and any new posters that come up. And if there is some merchandise that no one has heard of (like the maquette which was unheard of until it appeared in the merchandise section), an update would be nice too. Because most of the media and merchandise from the movie can be put together by fans, but not the things that are almost impossible to retrieve (such as the TV spots). Therefore, I hope your consider this letter, and if necessary, pass it on to Fox. I'm sure that my views are shared by many other fans.

Thank you for your time.

-Andy Guess
AIM: DopeymanX
ICQ: Dopeyman/10164036
My X-Files Movie Site:
*Using Microsoft Outlook 98*

Dear Andy,

Thank you for your e-mail. In response to your request Media Revolution is contracted through Twentieth Century Fox and any changes or requests should be directed to the appropriate people over there. We serve as only the designer, and we design by request of our client. We can not make any changes to the site unless we have been directed to by Fox. Unlike fan sites which have the freedom to make updates and changes, our sites are paid for by our clients and we have specific instructions to the content that should appear. Therefore, yes the answer to your question is that it is impossible to make any changes unless we were instructed to by our client.

Best Regards,

Stefanie Safran

--------------------------MEDIA REVOLUTION, LLC
310.260.8688 phone
310.260.8689 fax

Media Revolution is a leading digital communications agency developing customized interactive solutions for industry leaders in the entertainment, business to business and technology marketplaces.

I'll try again with Fox!


BREAKING NEWS!!!! 20th Century Fox is hard at work on...yes, the style "E" poster!!! That's right, it will be out as early as next week for the theaters, and should have the actors on it. Why? Fox wants a new, "fresh" poster that will take the place of the one everyone has been looking at for the past month. This is from a RELIABLE source. Remember, you saw it here first! I knew there would be a reason to live on! ...And now, for the rest of today's news.... Up to yesterday, The X-Files has totaled $78,261,565 and is in 12th place. Last weekend it made $2 million. It has been rumored for a while that there will be at least two sequel episodes next season: Donnie Pfaster ("Irresistible") and Suzanne Modeski ("Unusual Suspects"). The latter is confirmed.


In season 6, there will be 6 mythology episodes, 6 with Spender, and 6 with Fowley. Could they all be the same 6? In all there will be 22. Production should begin later this month.


FTF is up to $74.5 million. Some new rumors about season 6.... Chris Carter was quoted saying that the "kiss," what Scully said when the spaceship flew off, and Mulder's wedding ring will be addressed. And, the video release of FTF should come out November-December.


This will be my last update for a week or so. I am going away until next Saturday.

Some breakthrough (if it's actually true) news: Fox has decided to make a sequel to The X-Files. Apparently pre-production has already begun, and filming will commence next summer, with the movie coming out summer 2000. Just as predicted! Now, in there was a post by the webmaster of the site below saying that the title would be Invasion and the movie would be about Krycek and also end the series.

Now, a TV Spot Alert. I saw a brand-new ad on ESPN today, featuring the black-and-white 20th Century Fox logo at the beginning. Then it shows scenes we've never seen on ads before, such as Mulder and Scully watching the spaceship flying away. It also had the same acclaim as on the newspaper ads (see the Info section). Now, that is the fifth new TV spot that the official site hasn't archived. Here is what I remember from each one:

  • One has the black-and-white 20th Century Fox logo at the beginning.
  • The first of the new ones I saw said (in between scenes) things like "Fear It," "Face It," and "Fight It" on X backgrounds.
  • Another one has Kurtzweil talking at the beginning.
  • I do recall that there were at least 2 others but I can't remember what they began with. Each began with a different scene.

Source: ABSOLUT PARANORMAL | The First Virtual Museum of 'The X-Files'


The X-Files: The Album is #30 on the Billboard music charts.


A bunch of news today. The movie novelization is #14 on the Publishers Weekly bestseller list. According to a Seattle Times article, the cut scenes from the movie will reappear in the DVD version. The movie sales dropped 52% this weekend to only $6.3 million. It is in 5th place with $11 million made this week, and a current total of $67.1 million. And some good news, the movie is now estimated to make around $155 million! And here's my theory about the large drop in sales since the first weekend. Now, who has seen an ad for the movie since opening day? Not I. Enough said. The movie deserves more publicity than it has gotten. Not to mention that the official site still hasn't put up at least 4 new TV spots that materialized during the last week before opening day. Which reminds me, the site hasn't been updated in weeks! Not since a few days after FTF opened. What gives? My merchandise page is so much more complete than the official site's! It's not even funny. Well, enough ranting.



The second weekend for the movie brought in only $13.6 million. The first 10 days including the two weekends made a total of $55.2 million. The movie fell from first place in the first weekend to third place, behind Dr. Dolittle and Mulan. Predictions are that the movie will gross around $80-90 million, which isn't bad!


Tons of season 6 rumors can be found at GF2020's Consortium.


Chris Carter & Co. are already planning a sequel to The X-Files! Work may begin as early as next summer, and if all goes well, it may be released summer 2000!

For season 6 (which has not been written yet), Agent Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers) will return, as well as Agent Arthur Dales (Darren McGavin), the old guy from "Travelers." Dales will appear in a 4-story arc. Also, the truth about Samantha, which was cut from the movie because of non-Philes, will be revealed. And Scully will become a believer, or somewhat of a believer, because of what happened in the movie. The latest rumors are that season 6 will begin on Sunday, November 1 after the World Series. Sounds fun. A day before last year's season premiere.

Rob Bowman totally dissed the aliens in the movie. The reason we hardly see anything is that the alien looks like a guy in a rubber suit! The actor in the suit wore tennis shoes and the claws were soft.

The series is moving locations from Vancouver to Los Angeles. The last episode filmed in Vancouver was "The End." Season 6 starts a new phase for The X-Files.

The series will most likely go on until at least 2000, as Chris Carter is about to sign a new 2-year contract. The actors already seem to be on at least 2-year contracts.

And, The X-Files came out #1 in its first weekend, making $30.1 million. About 25% of the viewers were newcomers, and 60% were aged 25 or older. Friday the movie made $12.9 million, Saturday the revenue lowered 18% to $10.5 million, and Sunday grossed $6.7 million. The movie opened on 2,626 screens, averaging $11,805 per screen.

Sources: THE X-FILES: FIGHT THE FUTURE BLURBS on this site, the Global Episode Opinion Survey, The Wire: Chris Carter to stay with The X-Files on this site, and Yahoo! News.