Tenchi Muyo is an anime story about a highschool student by the name of "Tenchi Musaki". He lives with his grandfather in the Musaki Shrine. As the story goes on we learn of his alluring personality which is demonstrated by all of the lovely ladies he has following after him by the names of Ryoko, Washu, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, and kiyone. These are just the seven main characters in the Tenchi Muyo TV series (there are plenty more). All of the characters bond and become great friends as the plot generates (With exception of all the fighting that goes on between all of the girls about who gets poor Tenchi). Soon enough though, troubles await them from the dark side. . . If you want to learn more I highly suggest you watch the wonderful TV series which includes 3 seasons. Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi in Tokyo, and Tenchi Universe. These series are descripted in beautiful animation, have a great plot, and most of all are a blast to watch!

The story begins as Tenchi curiously finds the keys to a cave inside the Masaki Shrine in Kurashiki, Japan. According to legend, a demon is imprisoned in the cave. When Tenchi Masaki, deliberately disobeys his grandfather the shrine master,he takes the keys and accidentally breaks the shrine's seal. Of course he had thought it was a legend. It really didnt seem logical at the time that there could still be something in there after 700 years. But unfortunately he discovers that it is definetly not a legend! Inside the cave is the demon...awakened from a deep sleep. Ryoko was the demon's name. A frightening evil vicious demon... or wait. This wasnt just any demon. This demon was in the form of a beautiful young girl. Now, after realizing she had been imprisoned for over 700 years she decides to seek her revenge on whomever is in her way. Which means, our loveable Tenchi is about to have the day of his life. Ryoko pursues Tenchi an entire night by using her incredible powers, including flying through the air, soaring through walls, and jolting massive bolts of electrical power from her hands. This continues a whole terrifying midnight chase through his school.

That basically sums up the first episode of the Tenchi Muyo TV series. That is all the information I am going to give you because I would hate to spoil the rest of it. There is a plethera of great episodes such as this one. After he meets Ryoko, the rest of the dazzling girls begin to show up at his doorstep one by one. Again, I highly suggest you take the time to watch the series. If you watch it once, you wont want to miss any of the other episodes. I bid you farewell... and have a great time with Tenchi and his great journeys with his wonderful co-stars!

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