Tennessee highway pics
Maxwell Loop Road starts off promisingly enough at AL Highway 69 just past the new Shelton State Community College. As it crosses the old highway (now a county road called Old Greensboro) and passes Englewood Elementary School, you get into an area of tremendous residential growth ovee the last eight years or so.

Just a couple of miles past the school and new subdivisions, however, the road falls into dramatic disrepair. The pavement ends as you reach the railroad tracks which parallel the highway route and a small stream passes OVER the roadbed and under the tracks. When I first toured the road, maybe around 1998, the county had closed it off with a gate just beyond the tracks. Now, in 2003, the gate is gone and a few areas of the route have been improved, with loads of chunky coal dropped into the larger potholes (small ponds, really) and lower areas more prone to flooding filled in.
Maxwell Loop Road
near Englewood Elementary off of
AL 69, south of Tuscaloosa
burned out car
I encountered a number of trees purposely felled onto the road in the '90s and those have been removed as well, allowing one to drive out to the old bridge and almost reach the banks of the Black Warrior River near the current terminus of the "loop" road. There the treeline and fencing around a cattle farm effectively end Maxwell Loop.
the tugboat Chippewa
centered: the wooden bridge crossing a creek near the end of safe car driving on Maxwell Loop Rd

left: burned-out remnants of a car off to the side of a more delapidated stretch of the road

RIGHT:  the tugboat Chippewa makes it way up the river
Psycho's Bridge