Doubles Partnership's Questioned
Lower Ranked Players of TTT are Questioning the Partnerships of the TTT doubles. Many say that the high ranked players should play with the lower ranked players awell. Many have quoted TTT is getting boring because of it being too predicable, and TTT Doubles would be better for more lower ranked players to win tournaments to boost their confidence, to get them more intrested in the game, like they were in the beginning. Players who are in favour of these suggestions and are even calling for a rule to say high ranked players should play at least with an player ranked out of top 5, or even top 10. Two players who are very much so infavour of thses suggestions is Elektra and Paul who are sticking up for there beliefs firmly. Maybe this will be taken into consideration of the tournament directors of TTT (Anabel & Alx) Although Alx has already spoken about this i his interview. To view his interview click HERE.
TTT Reporter.