Randy Tells All!
TTT Reporter Steven caught up with Grandslam Champion and former world number 3, now ranked number 4, Randy Hoffman of the Canada to talk about his status and the gosip of TTT, heres what Randy had to say.
I am here with Randall Hoffman of Canada!
We have all heard that Randy is in semi-retirement! But Why and when will he officially retire? That will all be answered in my interview with him!

Hello Randy, I will just ask a few questions about your retirement ok?


Q 1: Who do you admire on the tour?

A:    Well, i think i admire a little somehting in every TTT Plyaer i know. It is hard to say one person in specific, but if i had to pick one it would be ALX! He is a great friend to me and a great comeptitior. When he plays TTT I feel like he cares to try and keep everyone happy, Which is very hard to do on the tour and he is also kind and commited!

Q 2: Do you like the idea the top ranked players SHOULD play with lower ranked players in doubles?

A:    No, I dont think a player should be forced to play with anyone! The point of TTT is to Play, to try and to win. If the Lower ranked player want to win, they will have to try and improve their skills and earn it! Rather than forcing high ranked player to pair with them!

Q 3: When did you start thinking about semi-retirement?

A:    I first started thinking about it at Eastbourne, Which was the event after i won roland garros i had been playing well.That event was a signal to me that i was not putting a sincere effort all the time like i felt i should!

Q 4: When will you officially retire?

A:    I Can't really say that i am 100% sure. I will evaluate things at the end of the season and decide where i want to go from there! It will be a long time from now, i can't say a specific date!

Q 5: Who is a threat in the tour at this time?

A:    I think there are many players NOW! I definently think that players have definently approved, and we are seeing alot of different results and not so much dominance perhaps we may have seen early on in the season! I think it is great going into the US Open!  Not only the top 5 or others are contenders, and even players that are ranked lower are definently capable of pulling of upsets and winning to!

Q 6:  What Tournaments will you play this year?

A:     I am not 100% positive at this point and time! It really depends on my personal sked!, but i am hoping to play the US Open and the Masters! I will also consider playing 2 other tournaments but i am not certain!

Thank you for spending some time with us Randy and GOOD LUCK this year!

There was Randy Hoffman of Canada one of the best players in the world and ranked #4 in singles! Thank you and goodbye!

TTT Reporter Steven
Learn More about World number 4 Randy Hoffan by Visiting his Stats and Profile!